Kavanaugh’s frat had a rape basement

Believe it or not, I still think Kavanaugh will be confirmed. They have the votes and sadly that's all that matters.

Interesting that every woman that has come forward in some fashion has worked for in some regard with either, Hillary, Soros or the Democratic party............the left will go to no limits to stop the seating of the next justice, unless they get to pick it.
These are the people who shouldn't be leading our country.

you're right, the republicans shouldn't be leading the country..did anyone get why they pulled the prosecutor from Maricopa County?

it's not because they wanted t throw their own personal tantrums- which they did..it's because of the suspicious entry in Kavanaughs calendar..it was quick enough time to ask the question- 30 seconds? you might've missed it.

she hit upon a day during that summer that included 'gathering with mark judge, pj smith and others' during a time he testified he wasn't around.

she was pulled right after because he couldn't answer the question..gonna see if i can find that.
Jam it through??? There's been months of meetings and a whole nomination proceeding. Why wasn't any of this information brought up then, when it was appropriate?

anita hill's fbi investigation only took two days..they can't wait 48 hours for the facts from those other than kavanaugh? for a judge he's seems pretty stupid..'i'm ready for the hearing on day one'..yeah, but we want to talk to mark judge so he can raise his right hand in front of judiciary committee and have him tell the world he doesn't remember..leiland ingam keiser said 'no memory' she didn't say 'it didn't happen'..republicunts like to twist truth to fit their agenda.

i have an idea..let's turn the clock back and call it what it is..a fvcking lie.
after hearing tat he went to catholic school do you still 'think' he's priviledged... or did you bother to isten to his tstimony?

Seriously, dude: you need to shut the fuck up.

First off, Georgetown Preparatory school cost more per year (presently 61,000 dollars per year) than the average American household makes in a year.



The only problem, dumbass, is that she lied.

Kenn Star investigated the matter and had the FBI interview her. Her son, who was a lawyer and represented her, told her flat out that she could not lie to the FBI.

She then recanted her entire story and admitted it was all made up.

That is why you get the FBI to investigate things.

The information was brought up at the appropriate moment.
Not according to Ford. Funny how people, in their rush to attack Kavanaugh, just don't even care at all that a survivor of sexual assault was completely exploited to be used as a political weapon.

Let's go over some key facts from the testimony of Dr. Ford herself. I don't know about any of you, but I cared enough to actually watch the whole thing and I am outraged at how she has been treated.

1) She explicitly stated that she never authorized the release of that letter publicly. Twice. First was a kind of vague "I don't think anyone authorized for me" referring to her counsels might have, but the second time was an explicit no she did not give permission to release that letter publicly.... the letter where she literally pleaded for confidentiality.

2) Even after this blew up the Senate offered to do hearings in California and privately. Dr. Ford states she would have preferred this. Dr. Ford also states she was never advised this was an option. Why did her counsel not tell her of this option to their client who they claim was afraid of flying and whom we all know wanted and deserved privacy through this horrid affair?

3) Dr. Ford stated that her counsel was recommended by Senator Feinstein. The same counsel who did not advise her of options she would have preferred. The same Senator Fienstein who publicly broadcasted Dr. Ford's confidential letter without permission. Hmmm.

4) Dr. Ford never once mentioned she was ever consulted on the release of that letter or a time line for its release. Again, she specifically stated she did not authorize its public release. If fogdog maintains it was the appropriate time to release the letter, will he admit that it was appropriate for the objectives of the DNC Senator who did so and not for the sexual assault survivor whose wishes it went against?

5) Not part of Ford's testimony but in that days hearing it was asked of the Chairman if there was a process where people like Dr. Ford could come forward with her information in a confidential matter who her and and her families life's didn't get totally destroyed in the process. The answer was a clear yes, and it's likely a fairly common process for a body that regularly deals with confidential materials. But Ford was never afforded that opportunity by the Democratic senators she confided in even though it was what the sexual assault survivor wanted and even though it was what even a fool would know was best for her and her family. But it wouldn't have made national headlines that are great for the DNC right before the midterms and they felt it might not scuttle the nomination unless it was public. That made it worth destroying the life of a sexual assault victim and her family who literally are in hiding with security, and the people who made it public knew full well this would be the result. It's not right, but it was predictable as the sun rising in the morning and they did it anyways.

6) Dr. Ford testified she came forward to the media days after the unauthorized release of her letter because they were already stalking her. She stated she sent the letter in the first place because she didn't want to go the media route. Sorry Dr. Ford, in 2018 after the #MeToo movement, victims of sexual assault don't get to control their deeply emotional and traumatic stories when they can be used for political gain by the party who respects women and believes all survivors.

Brett Kavanaugh may very well have created a sexual assault victim 36 years ago but with no evidence and witnesses saying it didn't happen, we will truly never know beyond a reasonable doubt.

What we know beyond a reasonable doubt is that prominent members of the Senate of the Democratic Party ruthlessly and knowingly exploited a survivor of sexual assault against their explicit wishes the minute it became politically expedient to do so..... and then they have the audacity to talk about respecting women and survivors. It's sickening. Brett Kavanaugh might fail his job interview, but others in this process have shown they are not fit for their offices but American politics are so sick right now that they'll likely be applauded instead.

Here's the thing, this isn't an if or but situation. Nothing Kavanaugh did over 3 decades ago justifies the disgraceful way Dr. Ford has been exploited over the past few months. These are separate issues and if you find you can't condemn the exploitation of a sexual assault victim because it suited your politics, you need a long hard look in the mirror. You literally do not even get a millimetre of moral high ground to stand on anymore because you're wallowing in a cesspool of putrid false morality.

Almost all acts of evil in politics isn't people who think they are doing the right thing, or that their purpose is so morally just that they can justifiably engage in immoral/evil acts to bring it about.

I'd say exploiting victims of sexual assault for political gain falls into that category. I'm curious to see who will agree with me even though it suited their politics.
Not according to Ford. Funny how people, in their rush to attack Kavanaugh, just don't even care at all that a survivor of sexual assault was completely exploited to be used as a political weapon.

Let's go over some key facts from the testimony of Dr. Ford herself. I don't know about any of you, but I cared enough to actually watch the whole thing and I am outraged at how she has been treated.

1) She explicitly stated that she never authorized the release of that letter publicly. Twice. First was a kind of vague "I don't think anyone authorized for me" referring to her counsels might have, but the second time was an explicit no she did not give permission to release that letter publicly.... the letter where she literally pleaded for confidentiality.

2) Even after this blew up the Senate offered to do hearings in California and privately. Dr. Ford states she would have preferred this. Dr. Ford also states she was never advised this was an option. Why did her counsel not tell her of this option to their client who they claim was afraid of flying and whom we all know wanted and deserved privacy through this horrid affair?

3) Dr. Ford stated that her counsel was recommended by Senator Feinstein. The same counsel who did not advise her of options she would have preferred. The same Senator Fienstein who publicly broadcasted Dr. Ford's confidential letter without permission. Hmmm.

4) Dr. Ford never once mentioned she was ever consulted on the release of that letter or a time line for its release. Again, she specifically stated she did not authorize its public release. If fogdog maintains it was the appropriate time to release the letter, will he admit that it was appropriate for the objectives of the DNC Senator who did so and not for the sexual assault survivor whose wishes it went against?

5) Not part of Ford's testimony but in that days hearing it was asked of the Chairman if there was a process where people like Dr. Ford could come forward with her information in a confidential matter who her and and her families life's didn't get totally destroyed in the process. The answer was a clear yes, and it's likely a fairly common process for a body that regularly deals with confidential materials. But Ford was never afforded that opportunity by the Democratic senators she confided in even though it was what the sexual assault survivor wanted and even though it was what even a fool would know was best for her and her family. But it wouldn't have made national headlines that are great for the DNC right before the midterms and they felt it might not scuttle the nomination unless it was public. That made it worth destroying the life of a sexual assault victim and her family who literally are in hiding with security, and the people who made it public knew full well this would be the result. It's not right, but it was predictable as the sun rising in the morning and they did it anyways.

6) Dr. Ford testified she came forward to the media days after the unauthorized release of her letter because they were already stalking her. She stated she sent the letter in the first place because she didn't want to go the media route. Sorry Dr. Ford, in 2018 after the #MeToo movement, victims of sexual assault don't get to control their deeply emotional and traumatic stories when they can be used for political gain by the party who respects women and believes all survivors.

Brett Kavanaugh may very well have created a sexual assault victim 36 years ago but with no evidence and witnesses saying it didn't happen, we will truly never know beyond a reasonable doubt.

What we know beyond a reasonable doubt is that prominent members of the Senate of the Democratic Party ruthlessly and knowingly exploited a survivor of sexual assault against their explicit wishes the minute it became politically expedient to do so..... and then they have the audacity to talk about respecting women and survivors. It's sickening. Brett Kavanaugh might fail his job interview, but others in this process have shown they are not fit for their offices but American politics are so sick right now that they'll likely be applauded instead.

Here's the thing, this isn't an if or but situation. Nothing Kavanaugh did over 3 decades ago justifies the disgraceful way Dr. Ford has been exploited over the past few months. These are separate issues and if you find you can't condemn the exploitation of a sexual assault victim because it suited your politics, you need a long hard look in the mirror. You literally do not even get a millimetre of moral high ground to stand on anymore because you're wallowing in a cesspool of putrid false morality.

Almost all acts of evil in politics isn't people who think they are doing the right thing, or that their purpose is so morally just that they can justifiably engage in immoral/evil acts to bring it about.

I'd say exploiting victims of sexual assault for political gain falls into that category. I'm curious to see who will agree with me even though it suited their politics.
Politically, it was brought up at the appropriate moment.

I don't disagree that Ford has every right to be upset about somebody leaking the letter when she said she didn't want it released.

Point number 3 is irrelevant. Her counsel did a bad job for her somehow? What specifically are you referring to?
Point number 4 is just a repeat of point number 1. The letter should not have been leaked. Agree on Ford's part.
Point 5 is not a point at all but a plea to pity for Ford.
Point 6 is just a repeat of point number 1

You are seem concerned for Ford and her shabby treatment by Democrats. As if the bad folks are Democrats. You haven't mentioned one thing about the horrendous treatment of Ford by Trump and Republicans, not to mention the right wing goons who threaten her and her family.

What's your point anyway? That Democrats are not fighting fairly? That Democrats don't value women? Holy crap, the reason Ford was afraid of going public was because she feared Republican backlash against her that most certainly did occur. Don't you find the behavior of Republicans -- to create fear and suppress honest grievances -- obnoxious if not dangerous to our democracy? Are you on the side of the party or the country?

Turning to Kavanaugh. Kavanugh did attempt to rape young Ms Ford and Kavanaugh lied when he said he did not. Given that this happened so long ago, there is room for forgiveness. That Kavanaugh did not admit to this crime, did not apologize and did not call off the goons who are threatening the life of Ms Ford and her family makes him completely unfit for this lifetime appointment.
The woman prosecutor who questioned Ford yesterday said, in a late night meeting with 51 senators last night, that as a seasoned "sex-crime" prosecutor, she believed there would not be enough evidence to ever bring a case as it's a he said, she said case from 35 years ago. She has no corroborating evidence other than comments she made to her husband in 2002 and other comments to friends in 2010-2016. It's also been brought to light that Ford has a history of mental illness and also had numerous work issues in various teaching positions. Add in she worked for the HILLARY campaign and has been a life long Democrat, she's loony, unstable and her version of the facts are not to be believed.
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The woman prosecutor who questioned Ford yesterday said, in a meeting late night meeting with 51 senators last night, that as a seasoned "sex-crime" prosecutor, she believed there would not be enough evidence to ever bring a case as it's a he said, she said case from 35 years ago. She has no corroborating evidence other than comments she made to her husband in 2002 and other comments to friends in 2010-2016. It's also been brought to light that Ford has a history of mental illness and also had numerous work issues in various teaching positions. Add in she worked for the HILLARY campaign and has been a life long Democrat, she's loony, unstable and her version of the facts are not to be believed.
You just described the majority of American women LOL