Kavanaugh’s frat had a rape basement

When all of this first broke, especially the way it broke, there was (and I was on) the due process/innocent until proven guilty bandwagon.

But more and more people are coming forward, men and women both, with information that Kavanaugh is not anywhere near the man he claims to be.

The weight of evidence against him has passed the point of any doubt.

He should withdraw if he had any character at all, but he doesn't.

What's worse is that Trump not only stands behind him still, but is actively defending him in the most revolting way imaginable.

But what did we really expect from the grab them by the pussy president and his neanderthal followers?

Trump loves his fellow rapists, liars and also "the uneducated".
I suppose you could say that if your objective was to delay the nomination until after November. In that case, you're right, it was brought up at the appropriate time.
The whole process is politically motivated on both sides. I can see why you are angry that Democrats are using Kavanaugh's morally reprehensible behavior to stall his nomination.

Still, he sure does reveal a nasty side to his character when he lied by denying his sexual assault. Also by his silence about how Professor Ford is being threatened by right wing goons. On that basis alone he's unfit to sit on the SCOTUS.