Well well well, miss Kandy is thriving!

she is looking real nice, a small amount of curling on the leaves but my temps and humidity are a bit high so only to be expected really, not concerned at all.
When I came into the cab this morning she had drunk SO MUCH water the drip feed wasnt dripping, i cant believe it that was 8 litres in 1 day. fookin hell!

Checked nutes and they are fine sitting at around 1100ppm and thats fine by me!
she is some sort of crystal shitting machine man- no joke!

Shame I lent my trich viewer to my mate who i gave my critical + plant in soil to so he could have a look. he seems happy about the state of her. everyones a winner, apart from my mate what fell off a building who is a MASSIVE FAILBOT!
here we go then boys some sexy ganga porn for ye and some really thrilling pictures of my nutes and measuring equipment etc, the chart I took a photo of is the one I got with my nutes, I changed the programme for the last grow and actually haven't used it at all for this one! so don't go by what I wrote on it if you don't feel like it that was written when I was still a noob, I aint quite a leet yet but one day I'll get there! yes I AM a massive geek- what of it! :
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