K2 / Spice / Kratom / Salvia ( why ? )

I have never done any synthetics at least that I knew about. I've heard stories of people selling weed mixed with k2 or the same shit k2 is sprayed with, a couple of them even being admitted to a hospital because they would flip the fuck out. From all the psychedelic experiences I've had from shrooms to ayahuasca, I've had amazing and terrible experiences. I will never go back to pills though I dealt with heavy addiction when I was younger, I was on multiple ssri's mood stabilizers and stimulants just to end up overdosing from what was prescribed to me and losing a lot of emotions in the long run still don't know what's wrong with me I just don't have emotions anymore.
One of my more pronounced and life-changing experiences was with DMT or NNDMT whatever you like to call it, I still won't lick the toad DMT is strong enough. I did a hero dose of 65 mg the beginning felt like being flushed down into a huge vortex almost explains how it felt for visuals for the first few seconds, after the first little bumps in the climb up, everything was being stretched out infinitely to the point I was almost into a full out of body experience then came the shapes that were physically impossible, imagine an atom inside an atom but in 3d and going on infinitely at this point I lost all sense of reality I felt like I was flying thru the universe, then I came to the most beautiful colors being weaved into something otherworldly I still don't know what it was to this day closest thing that I can say is that it was a bird that I talked to and was sent to take me somewhere new. after that, I was in a waiting room just sitting in there almost like a room for self-reflection? After that, I was bombarded by heat maps of colors for what felt like hours while I was thinking about how my life was going, from those heatmaps of colors I felt like I was being sent a message that I couldn't understand but could feel the emotions and messages that were being sent? everything past that is a blur. I just felt like I needed to clean up my act after the whole trip and be happier and not sad all the time. It could have been a DMT elve that took me to the room. I just don't know what everything meant, in the end, it was just a bunch of bits and pieces
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I've tried some form of spice/k2 three times now. The only thing it ruined for me is spice/k2. Shit made me super hot and sick, and paranoid as fuck. Like somebody was literally going to bust through the door at me. Fuck spice/k2. I'm also tired of the chemicals used to make them being called synthetic cannabinoids, regardless if that's what they were supposed to be. To me their chemicals structures look nothing alike and they don't deserve to even be in the same class as cannabinoids(synthetic or otherwise).
All of those synth alternatives remind me of those days when you see “ huffers / dusters “ ( spray can ) or those “ glue sniffers “ from back in the day.

Zombie gazes - lightpole karate kicks and chops -

Ahh good times
im also experimenting with phenibut, its a pre workout drug with speed like propaties which also helps with my adhd and gives you a realy good work production
The big plus of synthetic cannabinoids is that they are quite cheap. Probably for $ 50 if you're not addicted, you can spend a whole month. While with marijuana we all know that this is impossible for regular users. However, synthetics are dangerous as usual and you have to be careful and read enough.

I don't care how cheap they are(and I'm not even close to being financially rich). Paying less money for something that is likely harmful is hardly a plus at all. I'll take my chances and produce, or buy if I have to, my own buds. Synthetics are for motor oil, not my body. No amount of reading or low cost is going to make me feel better about synthetic drugs of any kind.
Did salvia in college, never worked for me like it did for other people. I just got hot as fuck and needed to cool off. Shit had me sweating bullets. My friends tripped face on it though.
I've tried some form of spice/k2 three times now. The only thing it ruined for me is spice/k2. Shit made me super hot and sick, and paranoid as fuck. Like somebody was literally going to bust through the door at me. Fuck spice/k2. I'm also tired of the chemicals used to make them being called synthetic cannabinoids, regardless if that's what they were supposed to be. To me their chemicals structures look nothing alike and they don't deserve to even be in the same class as cannabinoids(synthetic or otherwise).

Lucky you, people arent coming back from that K2 shit...That stuff will fry your brain
My best friend made his peace with God and had his wife drive him to the hospital, said he knew he was dying :lol: I tried the shit a couple times, it was dryyy around here, and thought it would be a similar buzz. Not even close, buzz was very trippy and anxiety inducing. This was probably 15-20 years ago. If the same scenario arose, I'd just go without a buzz. I doubt it's safe in any way.
Anyone got some “ trip memories “ … wild shit. no homo ….lol.
Old thread, I know. But, I got a bunch of trip reports from over the years, and I didn't see any others telling one of their "trip memories". Like many of us, I first used LSD & shrooms as a teen. Stopped because marriage & kids. Then my bro turned me on to Salvia when it was still legal. The cartoon gnomes in that other realm can be real assholes.

Experienced my first Ayahuasca journey a couple years ago, lead by a female shaman from Peru. Holy fuck, that's some life changing shit right there. Purging isn't fun, but the journey is for healing - not for pleasure.

The most bizarre & scary was smoking DMT while on 3 hits of acid. The secrets of the universe are yours for the taking, if only you could remember them when you come back. Don't recommend it at all. After regaining a body and a matching ego, the Mazeltec/Incan/Mayan entities warned me that I was not welcome in their realm as they popped in & out of the multi-dimensional fractals. Took their advice and have not returned there.

Still love an occasional date with Ms. Shroom, Lucy, & The Spirit Molecule - just not together.
Anyone still on this thread? Got some synthetic questions
Looking into an older chem called napthylmethylindole trying to find out if it's still viable
well its your funeral, whats the name they sell it under? jwh175 per chance, its a synthetic canabinoid, JWH-175 is closely related to the widely used cannabinoid designer drug JWH-018, but with the ketone bridge replaced by a simpler methylene bridge. It is several times weaker than JWH-018, having a binding affinity at the CB1 receptor of 22 nM, though some derivatives substituted at the 4-position of the naphthyl ring have potency more closely approaching that of the equivalent naphthoylindoles.[1] This makes JWH-175 considerably less potent than most synthetic cannabinoid drugs used in synthetic cannabis blends, and it is unclear if JWH-175 has ever been used for this purpose. However it has still been explicitly banned in several jurisdictions including Russia and some Australian states, in order to stop its potential use as an ingredient in such products. In the United States, all CB1 receptor agonists of the 3-(1-naphthylmethane)indole class such as JWH-175 are Schedule I Controlled
so its a weaker one of the jwh series but should still be ok.
long term use will fuck your seratonin if i remember correctly, long term users walk around like zombies these days