K2 / Spice / Kratom / Salvia ( why ? )

Heard withdrawals can happen quick and are pretty terrible with that stuff. Be careful man
didnt have any bad comedowns per sa, but did have chronic sleep problems, don't do it any more, im staying with my dayly dose of kratom, works well although you can build a tollerance to it pretty fast. im on 40 or 50 capsules a time once a day
didnt have any bad comedowns per sa, but did have chronic sleep problems, don't do it any more, im staying with my dayly dose of kratom, works well although you can build a tollerance to it pretty fast. im on 40 or 50 capsules a time once a day
Do you have kratom flavored burps all day? I did when I was taking it daily. Couldn't escape it
yeah lol,, suffering from them ight as we type
trying some green malay as ive run out of my white mountain,
Tolerance is a motherfucker with kratom. Man, it's all coming back to me now haha. You ever grow any poppies? Idk if you're taking kratom for addiction, if so then forget I asked lol
LOL!.. oh!, fuck me!.. i read through this thread and laughed my ass off. I have too much anxiety to try anything beyond Cannabis. ... anymore. I've done some stupid shit in my life, don't get me wrong, but I can't trip balls like that. I used to like to huff CO2 (like for soda machines).. it was a 45 second ride.. Worked at Dairy Queen when I was a teen. I'd go in the freezer and huff the nitrous out of the whipped cream cans and listen to the lights for about 45 seconds. In high school at Science class, I huffed the butane till I passed out... I saw a big PacMan trying to eat a Grandfather clock... gave me the biggest headache. But otherwise, acid once (small dose), but K2 has sent a few of my friends to the ER in seizures. .. that's some bad shit.
I had a friend maybe 8, 9 years ago. She went with some new age guru to central America or some shit. She took ayahuasca with him, she may have gone more than once. She was one spacy girl, I'll say that. Some people in our circles said it was from the ayahuasca. She was also a big drunk, so who knows. The guru ripped lots of people off and had all sorts of custody battles with his ex wife who moved to Australia.. for a such a spritual guy he wa a great capitalist.

An ex girlfriend of mine did the same thing, in Mexico. She's pretty normal but I know other people who've done these drugs and aren't. There's a young dude in Woodstock, NY who patrols the streets and throws a leery eye at commuters. They call him 'Bath Salts' for a reason.