K2 / Spice / Kratom / Salvia ( why ? )

These things will teach you lessons, not always good ones. If you are going to go down that road you better have a fucking map and read the travel guides first and learn to say "help me, I took some shit and I think I'm dying in the local language."

Well said!

I have a cabin too! - and a few other "marker" places come up now & then. :bigjoint:
First I had some initial panic and some questions & observations - "WTF, where am I? Is that me over there??? It IS! But it's cool, my body is laying across the room on the couch, right where I left it. But I'm not dead!"
Once that passed, I HAD to find a place to build something. I wandered for a long time till I found the spot, then built a small cabin. -- traveled nowhere in reality of course.

Oddly, I have little to no desire to repeat any of those experiences - My guess is that these experiences lodge themselves into our psyche and remain as LOUD, crisp memories - despite the haze of the actual event.

"Help me, I took some shit...."
Oh yeah - just in case all of the "do your due diligence, have a trip sitter for heavy stuff like this" advice here has been completely F-d off ---
--- ask for help.

BTW - to all considering trying these compounds, chemicals, etc. --- I am a complete stranger - I am NOT a Dr., Lawyer, or anyone you even know. WHY would you take MY advice???
Did mama teach you nothin??? :fire:
Carry on! :D
Figured i would throw that out there to see what stories or experiences you have had with any of this. I personally never did it , never wanted too .

Let’s open this can of worms …
Only an idiot would use something where you lose control of your body, especially salvia... YouTube has lots of videos on the effects... Dude falls out the window of his house while his girlfriend tries to hide under the recliner, looking like a mechanic!!!☹☹☹
I saw so many people in prison using k2(or whatever was being passed off as k2)that had to be taken to the infirmary, all people who were in the drug program, of all things!!! My cousin came home strung out on that shit!!! He was in the drug program too!!!
Only an idiot would use something where you lose control of your body, especially salvia... YouTube has lots of videos on the effects... Dude falls out the window of his house while his girlfriend tries to hide under the recliner, looking like a mechanic!!!☹☹☹

Ever have surgery? Dentistry? - you lose control there too. ;)

Compounds like this are too often mistaken for recreational....
Ever have surgery? Dentistry? - you lose control there too. ;)

Compounds like this are too often mistaken for recreational....
Those are done by medical experts who give you just what the doctor ordered... There's no comparison between us and them because we don't ever follow the instructions...
Those are done by medical experts who give you just what the doctor ordered... There's no comparison between us and them because we don't ever follow the instructions...

If you only ever rely on medical experts - how did you ever get weed?

edit - We lost my mother-in-law on the operating table in the care of a "medical expert".
They call it "practicing medicine" for a reason.
If you only ever rely on medical experts - how did you ever get weed?

edit - We lost my mother-in-law on the operating table in the care of a "medical expert".
They call it "practicing medicine" for a reason.
I lost my mother the same way, in a surgery she never came out of,but my point is that we as people tend to go over the recommended amount prescribed...
I lost my mother the same way, in a surgery she never came out of,but my point is that we as people tend to go over the recommended amount prescribed...

Very true - people tend to ignore recommendations - but not always.
We mostly* followed the rules and because of that, nobody got hurt.

Your use of the word "idiot" was misplaced and could easily be read as accusatory.
Unless of course you actually mean that you're an idiot to some degree - weed has physical / mental effects outside of your control as well, doesn't it...

By your logic - you should really stop taking EVERY medication / pill / supplement / trying new food until an "expert" tells you that it's ok.
By your logic - alcohol, weed, tobacco, and MANY other every day items - light switches should be operated only by journeyman electricians who understand electricity?

*we approached salvia as a recreant - which IMHO it most definitely is not.
However, we used the low side of the dosing recommendation and we took turns - one at a time - with FOUR (relatively) sober sitters. We followed "the rules" and had safe, if not fun, experiences.
Look up erowid and salvia - you'll end up at a site that contains a HUGE repository of info. REAL, chemical info as well as people's experiences.
I tried spice and it was fun at first. My friends and I knew not to take big hits off of it. I would to the smallest hit and it felt like I roasted a fat bowl of some crip weed. It was good until I took a big hit one day and almost called the ambulance on myself lol. I got so paranoid, life actually flashed before my eyes. I tried to calm myself down but in my mind this shit ain’t real weed so I panicked more. My heart was pounding hard in my chest. It traumatized me. Now days I can’t smoke too much weed because I’m scared I’ll get that paranoid again lol
Hmmm. I did salvia once and once was enough for me to see what it was about. Don’t need to go back to that world again.

it’s like being held under water and just as you’re about to lose consciousness you wake up. Or flying your car off a cliff into the ground it’s the moment whilst in the air. It has nothing to do with physical feelings. Or maybe even mental. You are just…..a thought. Maybe not even in your own brain.

salvia is whack man

Ha, completely agree..its is deeply weird lol

I bought some 5x extract online from a local ethnobotanical retailer back in the day before Australia was (who is surprised :roll:) the first country to ban it in 2001. I knew enough from research to know the massive gravity effects, but was still unprepared to feel like the tidal pull of the Pacific ocean was trying to drag me into it (lived about 10-12kms from the coast at the time). I also had a fleeting thought that my roommate would get home from shift work and wonder where I was lol

After that brief excursion, I loaded the pipe back up and took another hit - held in deep as possible - and saw furnture in the room grow plant-like tendril contours (which was cool af!), and the trees swaying sinuously and rhythmically outside in some kind of communicatory way...then I closed my eyes and was -

- SUDDENLY - lying on some kind of table in my parents' back garden, being operated on by aliens lols :shock: :shock: :shock:

Honestly don't remember being scared really (as you might be on acid/shrooms/some other conventional psychedelic). Just deeply, deeply bewildered to the core of my being :mrgreen:
Kratom is in the coffee family it's a leaf from a tree, basically harmless.
K2/spice are herbs sprayed with synthetic cannabinoids. Hella sketchy.
And salvia is in the mint family very intense hallucinations.
But I like to remind myself that everyone has a vice of choice. And no one likes a hypocrite.
Kratom is in the coffee family it's a leaf from a tree, basically harmless.
K2/spice are herbs sprayed with synthetic cannabinoids. Hella sketchy.
And salvia is in the mint family very intense hallucinations.
But I like to remind myself that everyone has a vice of choice. And no one likes a hypocrite.
kratom is not harmless it has its risks and needs to be used mindfully