Justice Thomas CAUGHT in MILLION DOLLAR Criminal Fraud

Oh, I know that, but there are investigations by congress that can put everybody in the SCOTUS under oath in public hearings right down to the guy who scrubs the toilets in the place. This would be especially true for an impeachment investigation by the house and there is no statute of limitations on that. They might also recommend criminal charges for Thomas since he is also a government employee. The idea would be to put so much heat on him that he resigned, or more likely, retired. Have Jenny and the whole cast on the stand answering questions in public including their financial sugar daddies.
that would be damaging, but the only way to remove a judge that doesn't want to go is impeachment, and i doubt thomas will ever go any other way.
that would be damaging, but the only way to remove a judge that doesn't want to go is impeachment, and i doubt thomas will ever go any other way.
Then make him and the rest of them suffer mightily for it and one day someone appearing before the court will call him unfit to his face and he cannot sit in judgement on them, appealing to the other justices and public. I'm sure John Roberts and the other conservative justices would love to answer for Clarence under oath on TV, maybe liberal justices could be asked to opine from the stand on the matter?

Clarence will be a heavy cross to bear, and their anti-abortion cause is going down in flames around them while it happens. These "victories" by red states in the war on women is temporary and it will cost them dearly. Abortion is an issue that is well past its best before date, history and the public caught up and passed them and now it is a millstone around their necks. It is just another example of the corruption of democratic institutions by republicans, Trump never appointed Thomas, "respectable" republicans from the past did.

In response to our story last week, Thomas issued a statement acknowledging the “family trips,” which he said he was told that he didn’t need to report.

“Early in my tenure at the Court, I sought guidance from my colleagues and others in the judiciary, and was advised that this sort of personal hospitality from close personal friends, who did not have business before the Court, was not reportable,” Thomas wrote. “I have endeavored to follow that counsel throughout my tenure, and have always sought to comply with the disclosure guidelines.”

Who more than a supreme court judge should know that ignorance of the law is not a valid defense?
There is a warning printed directly below the signature spot on reporting forms about falsifying information...

In response to our story last week, Thomas issued a statement acknowledging the “family trips,” which he said he was told that he didn’t need to report.

“Early in my tenure at the Court, I sought guidance from my colleagues and others in the judiciary, and was advised that this sort of personal hospitality from close personal friends, who did not have business before the Court, was not reportable,” Thomas wrote. “I have endeavored to follow that counsel throughout my tenure, and have always sought to comply with the disclosure guidelines.”

Who more than a supreme court judge should know that ignorance of the law is not a valid defense?
There is a warning printed directly below the signature spot on reporting forms about falsifying information...
Well, congress needs to know exactly who gave him that advice, people are saying will not do! Congress will need names and will want to talk to them too about who's arse this was pulled from.

"In a statement, Crow said he purchased Thomas’ mother’s house, where Thomas spent part of his childhood, to preserve it for posterity. “My intention is to one day create a public museum at the Thomas home dedicated to telling the story of our nation’s second black Supreme Court Justice,” he said. “I approached the Thomas family about my desire to maintain this historic site so future generations could learn about the inspiring life of one of our greatest Americans.”
thomas is so deep in crow's pocket that he hands him his car keys when it's time to go home.
How the fuck did it take this long for people to discover this shit? What's waiting out there to be discovered about the rest of trump's scrotus? about the freedumb caucus? Is anyone looking? It doesn't seem like it...
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The case for impeaching Justice Clarence Thomas

176 views Apr 13, 2023 #SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #ClarenceThomas
There’s new scrutiny on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas after ProPublica revealed undisclosed luxury trips and property sale to a billionaire GOP mega-donor. It's just the latest in a long line of ethical and potentially legal controversies surrounding the Justice. With Thomas unlikely to step down, Mehdi looks at the case to be made for impeaching Justice Clarence Thomas.

The case for impeaching Justice Clarence Thomas

176 views Apr 13, 2023 #SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #ClarenceThomas
There’s new scrutiny on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas after ProPublica revealed undisclosed luxury trips and property sale to a billionaire GOP mega-donor. It's just the latest in a long line of ethical and potentially legal controversies surrounding the Justice. With Thomas unlikely to step down, Mehdi looks at the case to be made for impeaching Justice Clarence Thomas.
The House needs only a simple majority to impeach a Supreme Court justice or any federal judge. To convict and then remove the justice or judge, the Senate requires a two-thirds majority.
So yeah...that ain't happening any time soon...we got neither one. I expect us to have the majority in both come 2024, but a 2/3rds majority in the senate? i don't see that happening yet, we'll be lucky to have an extra vote or two to cover if anyone gets sick during an important vote.
Of course, that could all change if most or all of the freedumb caucus gets indicted along with trump....
The House needs only a simple majority to impeach a Supreme Court justice or any federal judge. To convict and then remove the justice or judge, the Senate requires a two-thirds majority.
So yeah...that ain't happening any time soon...we got neither one. I expect us to have the majority in both come 2024, but a 2/3rds majority in the senate? i don't see that happening yet, we'll be lucky to have an extra vote or two to cover if anyone gets sick during an important vote.
Of course, that could all change if most or all of the freedumb caucus gets indicted along with trump....
I don’t know. A plainly bad justice might inspire some unusual bipartisan action. Voting to let the dirty bird* off is one thing that could hurt a GOP senator’s numbers at home.

*this could also mean Sedition Ginni
I don’t know. A plainly bad justice might inspire some unusual bipartisan action. Voting to let the dirty bird* off is one thing that could hurt a GOP senator’s numbers at home.

*this could also mean Sedition Ginni
that is a possibility...there seems to be bad blood between the mccarthy and mcconnell camps, and neither one of them would hesitate to stab the other in the back. I can see mcconnell pressuring enough house republicans to vote for the impeachment, if it would do significant damage to the mccarthy magats, and it would almost certainly do so. It would open both thomases to full investigation, which would tie ginni to the freedumb train by the neck, and drag clarence behind.
But would mcconnell be willing to give up that justice on the bench?...I think yes, if he thought he was going to be too controversial to be of any further use, AND he could damage his gop rivals at the same time.
And of course, you may have the few honorable republicans who would vote to impeach because it's so obviously the right thing to do...but i wouldn't count on nearly enough of them without some outside impetus..

The case for impeaching Justice Clarence Thomas

176 views Apr 13, 2023 #SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #ClarenceThomas
There’s new scrutiny on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas after ProPublica revealed undisclosed luxury trips and property sale to a billionaire GOP mega-donor. It's just the latest in a long line of ethical and potentially legal controversies surrounding the Justice. With Thomas unlikely to step down, Mehdi looks at the case to be made for impeaching Justice Clarence Thomas.

Lawrence: 'Clarence Thomas has absolutely violated federal law'

23,807 views Apr 14, 2023 #msnbc #clarencethomas #supremecourt
MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell reacts to new reporting from ProPublica revealing Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas failed to disclose a real estate deal with billionaire Republican mega donor Harlan Crow valued at $133,363, despite the 1978 Ethics in Government Act requiring him to.
So, what happens if Garland indicts Clarence? He goes to trial and is convicted of a criminal offense? Or several? It could mean prison time FFS! Will he hear his own appeal? I guess like George Santos he could just stay on the bench and hope for a republican win in 24 after he gets out of jail and walks back into the court a convicted felon... Nothing to see here, situation normal! Sheldon Whitehouse wants his ass and more than him, he has a list! Will Clarence be another victim of a leftwing witch hunt, and will Tucker be outraged at this injustice and attack by the deep state, stay tuned for the latest developments... Yeah, I can see it now, Kevin's house impeaching Thomas after he is convicted of a federal crime, now that will be something to see. :lol:
So, what happens if Garland indicts Clarence? He goes to trial and is convicted of a criminal offense? Or several? It could mean prison time FFS! Will he hear his own appeal? I guess like George Santos he could just stay on the bench and hope for a republican win in 24 after he gets out of jail and walks back into the court a convicted felon... Nothing to see here, situation normal! Sheldon Whitehouse wants his ass and more than him, he has a list! Will Clarence be another victim of a leftwing witch hunt, and will Tucker be outraged at this injustice and attack by the deep state, stay tuned for the latest developments... Yeah, I can see it now, Kevin's house impeaching Thomas after he is convicted of a federal crime, now that will be something to see. :lol:
I don’t think that is within Jack’s capacity.

A justice isn’t indicted in the sense that applies to a former chief executive. He must be impeached, i. e. a majority of Representatives must refer him to the Senate, who can convict him with a 2/3 majority.

Since the impeachment is likelier than a conviction, the likelier path is that upon impeachment he resigns. Still not likely, since l’affaire Crow did not trigger his impropriety receptors. Anita Hill tried to warn us — this is a cold-forged bastard.

I’m up to watch the Falcon that got called off half a minute before t-zero due to wind. Shame; moonless and near cloudless. I get another crack tomorrow, including seeing the separated booster burn for launch site return.
As far as I'm concerned Thomas and his wife are just another eg. of the rights setting of standards that apply to everyone but themselves,hypocracy w/a capital H,so pompous and above it all posing,if your going to stake out these "high moral' postions on everyday struggling Americans you should damn well run a tight,squeeky clean ship. A member of the highest court,refusing to list real estate transactions while in the pocket of a billionaire w/a lard ass wife spewing all sorts of hard right venom sitting on the bench of the highest court in the land posing as a moral authority,15yr. term limits or 80 yo whichever comes first,I can't stomach seeing this guy in the court for 10 more yrs.
I don’t think that is within Jack’s capacity.

A justice isn’t indicted in the sense that applies to a former chief executive. He must be impeached, i. e. a majority of Representatives must refer him to the Senate, who can convict him with a 2/3 majority.

Since the impeachment is likelier than a conviction, the likelier path is that upon impeachment he resigns. Still not likely, since l’affaire Crow did not trigger his impropriety receptors. Anita Hill tried to warn us — this is a cold-forged bastard.

I’m up to watch the Falcon that got called off half a minute before t-zero due to wind. Shame; moonless and near cloudless. I get another crack tomorrow, including seeing the separated booster burn for launch site return.
Apparently, Garland could charge him, and an investigation is warranted and there is nothing in the law or constitution about it, it is "unprecedented" which means it just never happened, until now. He is like Trump, there is nothing between him and the law, if someone has the evidence and wants to push it. Before the FBI ask him any questions, they will need to do some homework, but the heat will be on to act and Garland could want his ass personally, he is a disgrace to the court and he's not alone.
How many votes would the democrats loose if Garland busted Thomas and sent him to prison? =0
How many votes would the democrats loose if Trump went to jail? =0
How many votes would the democrats lose after 24 if they fucked foxnews and took them off the air after hearings and new laws? =0

They might even gain a lot of votes if they made such moves, especially by killing foxnews, that would cripple the republicans by removing their illegal advantage and diminishing the culture wars. Republicans constantly promote the culture wars and without foxnews supporting them, they would just sound like lunatics to most people.

How long would Tucker be on the air in the 70's and 80's if he was spouting the USSR line and was their useful idiot and propagandist? While there was a war ongoing with allies fighting the Russians and them committing war crimes?
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Perhaps... Roberts will tell him to retire, or a majority of the justices will say publicly that he should be indicted and those who didn't, would look like shit. They could send a letter to congress and Garland if he dug his heels in. An extreme measure by the court to police itself for sure, but if push came to shove and he is already making them look like shit and a bunch of clowns in robes.

Impeaching him in Kevin's house would be interesting and something Trump and the magats would surely oppose, however Garland could tell them he is going to indict Thomas or more likely just do it and let the chips fall where they may about impeachment, which is a political matter, this is likely a criminal matter, he is a public employee and subject to the same law as everybody else. Kevin could find himself in one Helluva pickle with Thomas, if he is indicted and there is an impeachment trial or just a vote based on his indictment. He would likely be gone if it got to the senate, they probably won't go to party lines over this, even if it means losing a seat to Biden on the court. Thomas and Trump will be millstones around their necks come election season if they don't get rid of both of them. Jack and the courts will get rid of Trump for them, for the most part, but impeaching Thomas if won't retire will be their hot potato.