Justice Thomas CAUGHT in MILLION DOLLAR Criminal Fraud

Funny how the two are so close but so different.
I believe it is called a transactional relationship, like Trump has with everybody he deals with. When ya want to talk to yer buddy ya drive over and pay him a visit to shoot the breeze. When Clarence wants a vacation and to be treated like royalty for a while, he calls his friend and that's aside from all those other exclusive billionaire events and hideaways he goes to for free, why the man barely has to buy groceries!
Glenn is a former federal prosecutor and a law prof and he "prosecutes" them with his videos. He presents his video like he's taking to a jury, minus sworn testimony and hard evidence, which he does not have access to, but knows exists.

Justice Clarence Thomas's ethical lapses are likely also crimes. Time for an investigation.

8,602 views Apr 8, 2023 #TeamJustice
ProPublica outed Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas for taking millions of dollar in luxury trips and accommodations from a hard-right Republican billionaire and failing to report them, as required, on his public financial disclosure forms. As the headline in Salon plainly states:
"Clarence Thomas Broke the Law and It Isn't Even Close."

So now, it's time for an actual investigation of this Supreme Court Justice.
Because justice matters.
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he's the "real deal", as in like a real journalist and a person with real military experience
I couldn't find that link.
But another thing is he seems to be anti-government, just like the magats.
Which, yeah, the gov needs to be watched, criticized, etc., but this Reaganesque
("The only good government is no government at all." -- R Reagan) hatred of gov.
is just an excuse magats use for insurrection.
I couldn't find that link.
But another thing is he seems to be anti-government, just like the magats.
Which, yeah, the gov needs to be watched, criticized, etc., but this Reaganesque
("The only good government is no government at all." -- R Reagan) hatred of gov.
is just an excuse magats use for insurrection.
He is loyal to the constitution and rule of law and speaks of local community action by people who connect with each other, he speaks several languages and advocates peaceful change and inclusiveness, he is a classic liberal. Don't let appearances deceive you or the seeming political neutrality, he is on a mission to reach and convert the magats one heart and mind at a time and where he lives in Florida, he is surrounded by them. You can't do that if you alienate them and this is him, partly put on from his man cave, but the genuine article none the less. He offers intelligent commentary, opinion and insights to current issues of discussion and adds to the topic on the thread.
I couldn't find that link.
But another thing is he seems to be anti-government, just like the magats.
Which, yeah, the gov needs to be watched, criticized, etc., but this Reaganesque
("The only good government is no government at all." -- R Reagan) hatred of gov.
is just an excuse magats use for insurrection.
An example of Beau/Justin on this topic

Let's talk about reactions to the Justice Thomas news....
"AOC was specific (about holding justices to ethical standards), she wants him (Thomas) impeached". LOL
"That may be on the table". "We have no clue". "We will act, but what act means...". Justin says they're gonna
take their time about doing something about this. "That's pretty much it." "Highest court has lowest standards".
"Ya'll have a good day." :click: LOL

Yeah, i'd read on one of the sites about this Beau dude, that his appearance and record would attract magats,
teabaggers, wotev, to the correct viewpoint. I fit the demography of a teabagger/magat, but i've voted dem
my whole life. I'm a 1960's kid, i grew up in favor of anti war movement (then drafted to Vietnam), in favor of
Nixon's impeachment, infavor of LBJ's Civil Rights Act, in favor of MLK, Jr., RFK, etc. I thought our country was
great because of those social/racial corrections/criticisms. Then came the 1980s and all my peers swung over
to Reagan, trickle-down economics, the misunderstanding of the "Greed is good" paradigm which out of the
convenience of abandoning their own former ethical standards, then ruled my generation up until the present time.
Since the 1980s, i've been appalled at what our boomer generation has wrought on our formerly great country.
"AOC was specific (about holding justices to ethical standards), she wants him (Thomas) impeached". LOL
"That may be on the table". "We have no clue". "We will act, but what act means...". Justin says they're gonna
take their time about doing something about this. "That's pretty much it." "Highest court has lowest standards".
"Ya'll have a good day." :click: LOL

Yeah, i'd read on one of the sites about this Beau dude, that his appearance and record would attract magats,
teabaggers, wotev, to the correct viewpoint. I fit the demography of a teabagger/magat, but i've voted dem
my whole life. I'm a 1960's kid, i grew up in favor of anti war movement (then drafted to Vietnam), in favor of
Nixon's impeachment, infavor of LBJ's Civil Rights Act, in favor of MLK, Jr., RFK, etc. I thought our country was
great because of those social/racial corrections/criticisms. Then came the 1980s and all my peers swung over
to Reagan, trickle-down economics, the misunderstanding of the "Greed is good" paradigm which out of the
convenience of abandoning their own former ethical standards, then ruled my generation up until the present time.
Since the 1980s, i've been appalled at what our boomer generation has wrought on our formerly great country.
I suspect that “greed is good” was and remains a contortion to live with the fact that greed paid really well. In simplest terms,

Yep. It was a misinterpretation of what Stone meant when he scripted that phrase.
The greed-mongering bastards, hypocritically and conveniently adopted it as
their own philosophy of life. Just as they were entering their 3d decade of life
on this earth, commensurate with new financial power, and family, turned into
right wing conservatives, thus abandoning the standards with which they'd all grown
Yep. It was a misinterpretation of what Stone meant when he scripted that phrase.
The greed-mongering bastards, hypocritically and conveniently adopted it as
their own philosophy of life. Just as they were entering their 3d decade of life
on this earth, commensurate with new financial power, and family, turned into
right wing conservatives, thus abandoning the standards with which they'd all grown
Hell knoweth no fury like a hippie who made it.
I couldn't find that link.
But another thing is he seems to be anti-government, just like the magats.
Which, yeah, the gov needs to be watched, criticized, etc., but this Reaganesque
("The only good government is no government at all." -- R Reagan) hatred of gov.
is just an excuse magats use for insurrection.
i don't get that from Beau at all. I've heard him many times speak in defense of politicians...if they deserve defending, and i've also heard him defend government policies that actually make sense. What i don't hear him doing is putting up with the bullshit the government tries to get away with.