Justice dept appoints special prosecutor.

The special prosecutor can't possibly be trusted.

The Justice Department said Mueller has resigned from his job at a private law firm, WilmerHale, to take the job. That firm is also home to Jamie Gorelick, who has represented Trump's daughter, Ivanka.

Another partner, Reginald Brown, is representing Paul Manafort. Manafort is Trump's former campaign chairman, and has been an important focus of the US investigation of Trump's associates and Russia.
These guys are thick as thieves. It was a shrewd move by the Trump team to do this. Or maybe we will decide that today was the beginning of Trump's downfall.

Muellar has served as director of the FBI. He's a better choice than even the candidates that the president is reviewing to take that position. I get your point. I don't think I can easily trust anybody that team would pick.
Many if not most people here will expect you to take sides.

I took one and almost nobody likes my choice! I'm well to the left of the current position of the Democratic Party, because I think the way out of our economic trainwreck is to ensure a living wage for everyone and the end of special tax breaks and subsidies for major corporations and the rich.

I've been accused of bring a socialist. I say let's end socialism for the rich FIRST.
There's no point in me taking a side. it's like asking if I'd rather die by fire or drowning! Both would be horrible. Trump is a little crybaby punk idiot and Hillary is a crooked ass bitch too! Btw unclebuck don't you have other things to stroke besides a keyboard? Like your boyfriends dick!
And yet elections do matter. The only people who could possibly say it doesn't matter, Hillary or Trump are people who aren't affected by Trump's actions. ahem, white men, clears throat.

And yet, I agree that the status quo in 2016 isn't acceptable. Clinton was most certainly status quo from that perspective. So, yeah corporate and religious control of legislation has to end.

Ending the Constitution is something you are suggesting too? re: "knock it down to foundation" Ending regulations and taxes too? State control of mostly everything? How far are you saying this should go?
No. Knocking something down to the foundation doesn't mean destroying said foundation also. I suggest actually following what our constitution says. And yes I'm white so what? Don't play the fucking race cards dude. Jews have been persecuted for a lot longer than black people have. Not to say that what's been going on in society is right. Just don't go blaming all white ppl.
Many if not most people here will expect you to take sides.

I took one and almost nobody likes my choice! I'm well to the left of the current position of the Democratic Party, because I think the way out of our economic trainwreck is to ensure a living wage for everyone and the end of special tax breaks and subsidies for major corporations and the rich.

I've been accused of bring a socialist. I say let's end socialism for the rich FIRST.
why dont YOU run for president..
I think the way out of our economic trainwreck is to ensure a living wage for everyone and the end of special tax breaks and subsidies for major corporations and the rich.
yeah... and lets take away everyone's ambition to be better while
because he'd have to rape a whole bunch of people in order to earn the vote of closeted homosexuals like yourself.
wow... that was a mouthful... lol... rape? naw I didnt vote for Bill Clinton.I supported some of his policys tho.. and I DID at least recognize him as MY president.. ever tho I lost the election.. unlike some sore losers this time around.. geeeezz get over it already... your BITCH lost... oohh well..
There are s few of us who respect his opinion. So you are mistaken.
You'd be better off shutting the fuck up before your ignorance is splattered all over these pages.
Don't be too eager to become the latest piece of imbecile trash we need to take out.
lol..... your funny.. how are you going to "take me out"?? OMG i'm so scared... :finger:
Don't start lubing up your gaming chair rube.
I mean take you out like a piece of trash, familiar right?
oooohhhhh your so scary.... like the antifa dude I punked out at the park the other day.. lol that shit was really funny. I called him a chicken shit commie right to his face and he didnt do shit!!! I think he might have even pissed himself a lil.. it was fffuuunnnnyyyyyy... oh my.
oooohhhhh your so scary.... like the antifa dude I punked out at the park the other day.. lol that shit was really funny. I called him a chicken shit commie right to his face and he didnt do shit!!! I think he might have even pissed himself a lil.. it was fffuuunnnnyyyyyy... oh my.
Cringe. I don't GAF about your bitch fantasy stories. Share that shit with your therapist.
You two assholes are funny! Think it's time for unclebuck and heil tweetler to take a break from all the cum swapping though and catch a breath! Maybe write to dear old Hillary and see if she won't let you guys suck her dick too. Because this racist, white privileged, silver spoon fed, homophobic motherfuckers done here. :bigjoint:
Silver spoon fed? Jackass, you're a shit eating, vomit scented, struggleville junkie.