Justice dept appoints special prosecutor.

If he meant something else, he could have explained himself better. Remember when you defended a poster and regretted it later? I think it's you that are misunderstanding him. And fuck your fuck off of my fuck off.
That's just too many fucks to give a fuck about. Lol

You may be right about him, he will explain himself eventually.

Maybe I'm more willing to give a guy a break because I'm aware how limiting it is not to have a scholar's grasp of the language. This comes from spending time with people who were learning English as a second language in college. They were NOT stupid and it would be a mistake to assume such.

I'll continue giving benefit of the doubt until someone proves their shitheadedness. @LSD-25 would be a prime example.
Two people can be complete shit bags yet be totally different. No I'm not an anarchist either. If you are a supporter of big government then you are a shitbag also! But hey most liberal democrats wouldn't even be able to tie their shoes without the Feds stipulating on how to go about it. Before you chime in with calling me a right wing conservative republican or some other BS just know that I'm not one of those either. If I had to label my political views I'd say I'm a libertarian.
The trial- by fire- has been ongoing for most of my adult life.

It's time to see if the American People will stand for it, now that the scale of corruption and malfeasance is so obvious.
Kind of my thought process... the United States was basically founded by giving a big "fuck you" and standing our ground. So why not again give an even bigger "fuck you" to our current government and corporate agenda ran politics? Knock it down to its foundation and rebuild? Seems like something worthwhile yet most people are sheep! Either republicans or democrats worse than yankee and Boston sports fans.
Two people can be complete shit bags yet be totally different. No I'm not an anarchist either. If you are a supporter of big government then you are a shitbag also! But hey most liberal democrats wouldn't even be able to tie their shoes without the Feds stipulating on how to go about it. Before you chime in with calling me a right wing conservative republican or some other BS just know that I'm not one of those either. If I had to label my political views I'd say I'm a libertarian.

libertarians are mainly just racist white boys who are too embarrassed to admit they are republicans.
Kind of my thought process... the United States was basically founded by giving a big "fuck you" and standing our ground. So why not again give an even bigger "fuck you" to our current government and corporate agenda ran politics? Knock it down to its foundation and rebuild? Seems like something worthwhile yet most people are sheep! Either republicans or democrats worse than yankee and Boston sports fans.
democrips are wwwaaayyyy more corrupt than rebloodlicans man cumon..
Watergate took two years. I can wait. Mid term elections beginning next year will be right about when the investigations come to full boil. Gonna stew us up one fat red pig. Impeachment would be nice, but not necessary.
I don't think it will come to it: Trump will come unglued in this pressure cooker and the boy will take his ball and go home before articles are filed/voted on. Trump is completely out of his element here and doesn't have the personality to play in this league. He'll take the Nixon way out and we'll see President Ford, err Pence
I told you before "proud guy", homosexual is not a race of people. ok :smile:

"proud boys" are a far right wing group of trump supporters. i'm not one of them.

you voted for a guy who called for the execution of 5 innocent black men in october of 2016, years after DNA had exonerated and cleared them completely.

and you secretly want to suck dick.
I don't think it will come to it: Trump will come unglued in this pressure cooker and the boy will take his ball and go home before articles are filed/voted on. Trump is completely out of his element here and doesn't have the personality to play in this league. He'll take the Nixon way out and we'll see President Ford, err Pence
I hope it happens soon.
Kind of my thought process... the United States was basically founded by giving a big "fuck you" and standing our ground. So why not again give an even bigger "fuck you" to our current government and corporate agenda ran politics? Knock it down to its foundation and rebuild? Seems like something worthwhile yet most people are sheep! Either republicans or democrats worse than yankee and Boston sports fans.
Many if not most people here will expect you to take sides.

I took one and almost nobody likes my choice! I'm well to the left of the current position of the Democratic Party, because I think the way out of our economic trainwreck is to ensure a living wage for everyone and the end of special tax breaks and subsidies for major corporations and the rich.

I've been accused of bring a socialist. I say let's end socialism for the rich FIRST.
This could put on trial our country's soul
That, I think is still to come. Trump has about 35% approval and dropping. Clearly we will still be a divided nation after Trump gets whatever he earned from his actions. Until we solve the crisis brought on by the hollowing out and impoverishment of rural heartland
Many if not most people here will expect you to take sides.

I took one and almost nobody likes my choice! I'm well to the left of the current position of the Democratic Party, because I think the way out of our economic trainwreck is to ensure a living wage for everyone and the end of special tax breaks and subsidies for major corporations and the rich.

I've been accused of bring a socialist. I say let's end socialism for the rich FIRST.
dam socialist
The special prosecutor can't possibly be trusted.

The Justice Department said Mueller has resigned from his job at a private law firm, WilmerHale, to take the job. That firm is also home to Jamie Gorelick, who has represented Trump's daughter, Ivanka.

Another partner, Reginald Brown, is representing Paul Manafort. Manafort is Trump's former campaign chairman, and has been an important focus of the US investigation of Trump's associates and Russia.
Kind of my thought process... the United States was basically founded by giving a big "fuck you" and standing our ground. So why not again give an even bigger "fuck you" to our current government and corporate agenda ran politics? Knock it down to its foundation and rebuild? Seems like something worthwhile yet most people are sheep! Either republicans or democrats worse than yankee and Boston sports fans.
And yet elections do matter. The only people who could possibly say it doesn't matter, Hillary or Trump are people who aren't affected by Trump's actions. ahem, white men, clears throat.

And yet, I agree that the status quo in 2016 isn't acceptable. Clinton was most certainly status quo from that perspective. So, yeah corporate and religious control of legislation has to end.

Ending the Constitution is something you are suggesting too? re: "knock it down to foundation" Ending regulations and taxes too? State control of mostly everything? How far are you saying this should go?