Justice dept appoints special prosecutor.

One of the caveats with a special prosecutor is funding. Will his investigation be funded by the GOP retards that control the Congress? Short on funds, it could be a short investigation.

I'm about convinced nothing will stop this "you're fired" steamroller until the entire nation is out of work.
It won't be long and a lot of trash will be tossed...

Yup. Soooooo much trash, and such a despised creature....impeachments can drag on for years, this one won't. Gonna add up/pop off much faster than normal. Sure, Nixon was loathed, but he was viewed as a teddy bear by comparison.

I'm hoping for a slow investigation that lasts through into the next congress.

I hope so, the anticipation of what's to come is intoxicating. I'd still be thrilled with my original prediction - June, assuming some deeply incriminating audio/video/statements come into play - but I'm also savoring the process; karmic comeuppance unfolding....

I'm hoping for a slow investigation that lasts through into the next congress.

Like it or not, impeachment is more of a political thing than a legal thing. The rules are different, the burden of proof is different and it always comes down to votes.
Yep, Bill Clinton was impeached and continued serving his elected term in pretty high poll #'s. Basically impeachment is a vote of "we think he did something bad/wrong" and that's it, not the end or real meat. Congress then has to ok a trial where the real shit happens. Good thing is that even being investigated will unhinge Trump further, impeachment might even send him over the edge as he craves being admired/respected. The manchild is far too immature to handle the pressure
Most of the people who I have come across that are willing to admit they voted for Trump say that they hope he will basically destroy America starting with the parts that actually keep it afloat and running.
I've had a similar experience.

Maybe they can be encouraged to change their minds about a lot of things as the Chumpster Fuhrer slowly sinks under the weight of his crimes.
Yep, Bill Clinton was impeached and continued serving his elected term in pretty high poll #'s. Basically impeachment is a vote of "we think he did something bad/wrong" and that's it, not the end or real meat. Congress then has to ok a trial where the real shit happens. Good thing is that even being investigated will unhinge Trump further, impeachment might even send him over the edge as he craves being admired/respected. The manchild is far too immature to handle the pressure
He was censured thanks to his impeachment. After that "bipartisan" became important and really an everyday political word. It was the only way the administration could get much done. In a lot of ways, it probably played into the way the legislative branch really did all they could to block Obama from getting anything done. The tactic of seeking bipartisanship wasn't new to them. That's one thing Hillary would have had going for her, she'd have been able to work with the GOP, hell she's not so different from them in many ways.