Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
i agree she has been having a tough go at it wit the drugs

the thing is i knew of the fam and all are out there father died of aids was a lawyer for town of newark

mother sissy we went to look at a house before my second buy
and it turned out to be sissy (the mother) would not open the door-wait a minuet just aminuet for about 10 minuets
said she was putting the dog away -there was no dog no dog bowl or dog house -no signs of a dog -as we toured the house
go figure

whitney had a dike friend back in the clivedavis days before bobby

after bobby everyone wanted to blame her problems on bobby

but miss whitney had her own problems that had nutin to do wit bobby


Well-Known Member
got a reg tent made by hydrohut 40 x 40 x78

yeah that whitney the poor child was pretty messed up
for sum the money turns into there worst enemy


Well-Known Member
just give alisten to the voice our creator gifted to her

the child could sang

to bad she had so many demons

as well

rip ma


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
cool vid dweezie, i would love to try one of those magnetic canteloupes and some of the magnetic strawberries. Fascinating technology. I never heard of that before. :leaf:
YOu went into Whitney Houstons Mother SISSy's house to buy it!wow, im glad that didnt happen cuz the demons might have lived there and gotton to you too. i believe in houses having spirits live in them. I have been a victim and play toy to many trapped spirits. They like to get me while i sleep. SOme are very kind and beautiful and others are evil and wicked. What do yo u think sissy was really up to for 10 minutes...? there must have been some clues.. maybe a little white powder by her nose, or a fresh needle poke on her arm..?? havested purp wreck tonite and will throw up some budpron later on. take it easy buddy.:-P