Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
Hi D, that white fires a pretty girl man, propa frosty!!, like the growth structure an that too, others look good to mate!
i hope my boy turns out to do anything that makes him happy for a job!, nothin worse than workin just for cash, but you hate it!


Well-Known Member
first thanks
that is not whtie fires true structur i found a pick of one runin wild an put it up a while back
if under big lights fed good left to fat they will be 5 to 7 feet tall
i gave bud blood and bush master- i hope you know their properties
i only have a couple inches over 4 feet to work wit -one day im gona take erryting down and redo

that wifi i can never catch her right to sho true frost deal
sum whole fan leves covered -how do you trim u
nfukn belevable all that got them should feel blessed
but gota do sumtin to tame her or into the lights
supposed to be sum monster dank stank we find out soon
im waitin on my fire bx order an i think i found my bubba

you know i hear whut you say but in the end if it comes to-you do whut you have to do
even if it means sumtin you dont like
at same time you cant go against your principals of right and wrong
but most else fair game
i can shovel shit if the pay is good clean up and feed my family

i was a superintendent in a 34 fam building befor i bought my first house
people looked down their nose at me-prolly still there im on house number 2-
i did washers unplug sinks garbage scrub- man you dont know
-while i worked every day cause i didnt want to go back home
an i was being ayoung jerk wit a job no body teaches you how to manage the money debt over paycheck
i did not like it - i did it cause i was aman not ababy i could have moved back home

i think we learn best in life from the lessons we pay for the credits


Well-Known Member
an it is nice to have ajob you like
soon those conviences wont be available like in the past
when this country was thriving
in the future people take whut they can get unemplyment will be up
an the doller will be down
we have a lot more down to go before things turn around
have not touched bottom yet

like diving from a high div board into deep water
cant turn to come up till you touch bottom push off


Well-Known Member

one of the tahoes got dumped as i had to add soil to the one that was growin - i start low in the cup and add soil as it grows - one was way up other still below soil removed a lttle soil to look at it did not completly expose just to show top of helmet - left for a few nutin -already added soil twice on the other -this one still not doin nutin -a split an quit=dump

in place of that quiter im soakin a biker kush an a ghost ryder og
to help me get over the pain of the loss

tryin a new germ innapkins inside a cd case
flat on heating pad today number one
day 3 im gona stand it up on its edg and let tap grow a little
oh i experimented a little wit da one dat died i let tap grow but started too circle an i put it into soil-as taps play i the background
this time im gona try standind it so gravity cn hel wit its direction - you feel me
dont you just luv experimenting


Well-Known Member
man i cant wait for the tsd to cure
an im not waitin either

da wife be in soon telin me about da hard day she had
whut she think its easy getin fuked up all day -whut about us

but i sacrifice through it cause she is a good wife
an i think im gona keep her

siting at the bar between two girls a pretty show stoper on the left and a libraian lookin scool teacher broken heart winer nut case on the right
after a few drinks you get enough nerve up to speak to the pretty girl - she snaps yo head of an starts to get uglyer by the minuet -you turn to your drink - tail beteen yo legs
after another drink an pickin yoself up by back of da coller you turn to the not so pretty almost ugly girl an speak to her - she is worm friendly open an gets more an more ok lookin in time

walk wit dis
the beautiful ones only gona break yo heart
the adv looker wit a good job and a sence of humor will take you along ways

in life we want to be happy we must stop chasin da one dat dont want us
an let the one chasin you catch you
cause we spend our time chasin da one dat is out of our reach -an dont want us
an out runin da one dat you think is not good enough for yo high standards -dat do want you
in a big circle we all go
but to be happy stop an let the one dats chacin you catch you - cause you never gona cath da one you chasin
dats above yo level of game

settle for - make yoself happy while makin sumbody else happy = all happy happy
dont worry - be h_ _ _y




Well-Known Member
Your a deserving man to have a good Boss!!! Sorry to hear about the loss, looking forward to the Biker and Ghost!


Well-Known Member

yeah you might see dem up closer den you tink
day gave me 12 whut da fuk do i need wit 12

i got hunerds of seeds
but they come in such large nubers and money aint shit it used to be a long time ago

it had vlue to it

im gona be movin on to da next life form soon
i dont think i will be needin nutin then
im thinkin eryting be erie for da brodah


Well-Known Member
lmfao, bill. that is one reason i agree'd wit m girl to shut down. her nephew who stays with us alot was at his G'moms house playing with all other kids how to plant "plants" and that they should only like girl plants. lol he always tells me when his mom gets a house he's taking my dogs,fish, and my plants. he's about to start school, i can't have that shit.


Well-Known Member
D those plants need to be tossed immediately, they have a real bad case of Frostyasfuckson! Vaccum seal the shit out of it and send my way to do research and testing! Dont want your health to be in jeopardy!!! LOL Damn bro those are some serious FIRE! Hence their name!!!!

Peace Bro
