Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
thanks bk
its by og raskel
his white female and his fire male im waiting on his fir bx now

yeah im laceing wit luv rest is in the genetics not from me


Well-Known Member
yep yep a engeineering school graduate one of the best in this area
a very smart person

i wonder where it came from may be my wife hugh

time flyes by you will see i often find myself flippin through old pics of christmas two year old birthday party in disney world
i exposed him to everything have pics on top of world trade center thats not there anymore to musiems zoos plays concerts bums in street millionares all

their dreams are limited to there exposure an whut they have seen and learned

im sure you make agood father is avery importnat job
and i just started to grow when my son went to college - respect
prior all focused on him movies i saw where vacations spent but it pays off in finished product
most things in life cant be selfish father an husband is one


Well-Known Member
best of all to all is all i want
but not promised no matter whut
if you change then i change
an you can blame me like the rest

untill you change the best to you and anything i can do

stay true


Well-Known Member
i just had a bowl of tsd not cured yet gona kick big azz when cured

very strong but smooth
a fruity chem flavor
chest expanding has to escape


Well-Known Member
Its an amazing feeling being a Father, I am blessed with kids as you guys are! Glad to hear your son's success, tell him I say Thanks for serving our Country!!!!




Well-Known Member
maybe if you husslin brekin it down an clockin
can make big bucks rollin dem bones

but not for me- so i want to change my statment it can be yo whole life- if you go down like dat


Well-Known Member
walk wit dis

if gardening is yo whole life
an you dont make a living off it

then you need to get a life

im an old man retired
an you whut a young man living a retired life style
i dont understand - are you hustlin gods gift - you a hustler
maybe you a pimp you be pimpin dem gals in da basement hugh mon
in yo mind your abig man - its just an illusion


Well-Known Member
reality check

where you gona be in 10 years 20 years
are questions i had to ask myself
cause most of you still gona be here -doin whut -the same thing

im an old retired man -here doin nutin
life like building a brick wall one goes on top of the other
start your wall while your young
cant just live life like an old man- like me i lived my life
paid my dues -im all paid up

i know all know more then me

but life like a roll of toilet paper
starts out turnin slow
the closer you get to the end the faster it goes

once i tried to tell a friend he needs to grow cause he spends alot on smoke
after explaining the operation he said it takes to long to harvest
i said if you mix acake put it in the oven in 1 hour you got cake to eat
if you dont in 1hour you ant got ish

so -time gona go by weather you do good wit- or nutin wit it
its on you -whut you gona do -who you gona be when you are an old man like me

1 luv
live it true


Well-Known Member
you know
life is good
god is good
gardenin is good
herb is good
health is ok for my age
finance is fair for my age
basically allis good
and i wish good to all

better duck if you sendin out negative energy
cause its cumin back atchu

true is da way to stay
