Just not growing


New Member
They were hatched about 20 days ago spent to long in there seeding trays and were placed in 39c heat for around 4 days with humidity of 12% very dry. I then transplanted them to 12 litre pots after being in the seeding pots for about a week. Pictures show what they look like now iv not temp down to 28c and humind to 40% average. Will this grow o.k do you think?




Those are tiny for 20 days old. Is it 20 days since they germed or 20 days since it sprouted? What kind of light are you using? What is your pH? What kind of soil?


Well-Known Member
not tested ph im using a 600w hps and using coco coir
Thats not gonna last long. Coco=hydro and a ph around 5.8-6.2. You will need nutes in coco as well, starting now. You can use tap water in soil but hydro will almost always need the PH lowered even after adding nutes