Just in case you thought Israel was a nice country, just misunderstood


Well-Known Member
I suggest rereading this thread from the original post.

I'VE been critical of Israeli atrocities while managing not to blame jewish people or their faith.

@UncleBuck has been supportive of the gist of the thread and my position.

If you can find a way to separate ultra nationalist attitudes and human rights violations from the religion the Israeli state hides behind every time it's confronted about them, then you'll have gained a more mature understanding of the situation there.
I have read all this thread . Uncle buck is very progressive in all his views except this one, just like Bill Maher

I don't blame all Jews for this situation but I do blame some (Sheldon Adelson for one) along with christian fundalmentalist someone voted and supports Likud who?

I'm not crazy for any of the so called religions but If I have ever said anything hurtful to jewish people on this board I apologize for it


Well-Known Member
I have Uncle Puke on ignore and you could follow me for over 2 years here and discover a couple things...that I grow beautiful plants and that I think Uncle Puke is a coddled cancer here. That said, show me a post where you have sided with Israel. If you cànnot, then re-read your post and ponder it...
I,m fundamentally against the original idea off giving the jewish people a home land in the middle east because you have to take land away from someone else.
I think I have stated that but since it is already done we have to make the best of it and try to make it fair to the Palestinian also they were forced of their land for this Jewish state

General Gearge C Marshall agree's with me I guess he was an antisemetic too


Well-Known Member

Take a minute and watch what Mike Malloy has to say to a caller defending Israel. If you want to know my view this is subject

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
I,m fundamentally against the original idea off giving the jewish people a home land in the middle east because you have to take land away from someone else.
I think I have stated that but since it is already done we have to make the best of it and try to make it fair to the Palestinian also they were forced of their land for this Jewish state

General Gearge C Marshall agree's with me I guess he was an antisemetic too
You realize that more Jews were expelled from Arab countries than Arabs were expelled from Israel right (not to mention that, in the case of the Arabs, it was more commonly voluntary than forced)? If we give Israeli land back to Palestinians, we should give the Jews back the land they lost in the other Arab countries, and make sure that their safety and rights are ensured, right? And it's not like our generals could EVER be antisemitic, Patton LOVED them Jews right???


Well-Known Member
You realize that more Jews were expelled from Arab countries than Arabs were expelled from Israel right (not to mention that, in the case of the Arabs, it was more commonly voluntary than forced)? If we give Israeli land back to Palestinians, we should give the Jews back the land they lost in the other Arab countries, and make sure that their safety and rights are ensured, right? And it's not like our generals could EVER be antisemitic, Patton LOVED them Jews right???
You don't have to leave. But we will start bulldozing your house in 3 minutes


Well-Known Member
You realize that more Jews were expelled from Arab countries than Arabs were expelled from Israel right (not to mention that, in the case of the Arabs, it was more commonly voluntary than forced)? If we give Israeli land back to Palestinians, we should give the Jews back the land they lost in the other Arab countries, and make sure that their safety and rights are ensured, right? And it's not like our generals could EVER be antisemitic, Patton LOVED them Jews right???
So your contention is that two wrongs make a right?

I'm not buying it.


Well-Known Member
You realize that more Jews were expelled from Arab countries than Arabs were expelled from Israel right (not to mention that, in the case of the Arabs, it was more commonly voluntary than forced)? If we give Israeli land back to Palestinians, we should give the Jews back the land they lost in the other Arab countries, and make sure that their safety and rights are ensured, right? And it's not like our generals could EVER be antisemitic, Patton LOVED them Jews right???
What started all this expelling or whatever you want to call it the Jews had lived among the arabs for centuries without problems then along come the Zionist Jews and the Nakba

General George C Marshall warned the President against reconignition of Israel and what it would do to the region also it would damage the US credibility in the world he was 100% correct. He was looking out for US interest putting US interest before Israel.


Well-Known Member
I have Uncle Puke on ignore and you could follow me for over 2 years here and discover a couple things...that I grow beautiful plants and that I think Uncle Puke is a coddled cancer here. That said, show me a post where you have sided with Israel. If you cànnot, then re-read your post and ponder it...
you grow shit plants.


Well-Known Member
Pat Buchanan said there are to many jews on supreme court not Mike Malloy he was calling him out
come on stop waisting my time


Well-Known Member
Palestinians will be happy with nothing less than the destruction of the state of Israel. That means the jews....

What if someone told you they didnt want to kill Americans they just wanted to destroy America. Would you see a difference and be ok with it?

Bullshit..you gotta stop listening to fox news and right wing propaganda.. That is just patently false.


Well-Known Member
I,m fundamentally against the original idea off giving the jewish people a home land in the middle east because you have to take land away from someone else.
I think I have stated that but since it is already done we have to make the best of it and try to make it fair to the Palestinian also they were forced of their land for this Jewish state

General Gearge C Marshall agree's with me I guess he was an antisemetic too
There were many Jews in the area and they had started to beautify it in the late 1800. They also had states in that area twice before in history. The now so-called Palestinians never did. There is far more facts and history that rationalize there existence there than not. You said you read this thread from the beginning. I have presented a bunch of videos that explain the reality. Watch them, be the first to joust with me on what they contain as opposed to the silly attacks born of ignorance that have transpired so far. Then I will watch your video...but not before.

Btw yes I did note that you deflected my challenge to something that wasn't implied. Where have you defended Israel? Not the Jews. Where have you pointed out Palestinian malfeasance?.


Well-Known Member
I'm not going into ancient history but 1800's that's has merrit. Yes Jews, Arabs and Christians lived peacefully in that land together moslty Arabs though, until what?

Zionism is the problem can't you see

Uncle Buck needs to do better research before posting that was stupid


Well-Known Member
I'm not going into ancient history but 1800's that's has merrit. Yes Jews, Arabs and Christians lived peacefully in that land together moslty Arabs though, until what?

Zionism is the problem can't you see

Uncle Buck needs to do better research before posting that was stupid
Why do different muslim sects kill each other over which one is right? I guess you get rid of Allah and you dont have problems with that either eh? So simple!!


Well-Known Member
I'm not going into ancient history but 1800's that's has merrit. Yes Jews, Arabs and Christians lived peacefully in that land together moslty Arabs though, until what?

Zionism is the problem can't you see

Uncle Buck needs to do better research before posting that was stupid
No, the problem is israel still wants to live in peace and ... Well...is it true what's in Iran's constitution?

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
What started all this expelling or whatever you want to call it the Jews had lived among the arabs for centuries without problems then along come the Zionist Jews and the Nakba
Totally without problems! Except for the 1033 Fez massacre, the 1517 Hebron and Safed attacks, 1838 Druze attack, the '34 Thrace Pogroms, The Balfour Day riots in '45, the '47 Aden riots, Grand Mufti al-Husseini allying with Hitler during WW2 recruiting Muslims to the Waffen SS, that kinda stuff. Things have, historically, been pretty awesome for the Jews in the middle east, clearly.


Well-Known Member
Totally without problems! Except for the 1033 Fez massacre, the 1517 Hebron and Safed attacks, 1838 Druze attack, the '34 Thrace Pogroms, The Balfour Day riots in '45, the '47 Aden riots, Grand Mufti al-Husseini allying with Hitler during WW2 recruiting Muslims to the Waffen SS, that kinda stuff. Things have, historically, been pretty awesome for the Jews in the middle east, clearly.