Just in case you thought Israel was a nice country, just misunderstood

1. We were not in South Korea for Korean "freedomz" either. So what is your point?

2. "If it quacks like a duck".You and ttys*ck both are legends in your own minds, obviously. Yeah, I have seen your nothingness around. No, you didn't leave an impression.

3. Sorry, I score higher in math, logic, and history.

4. Wow, I guess I win. I always can tell when Uncle Puke has lost it when he starts his Jr. High insults

5. Nice name. Female?
1.) I wasn't the one who brought up South Korea, you were...but, thanks for agreeing with me.

2.) If I didn't leave an impression, why do you remember seeing my nothingness around?

3.) Than a retard? I doubt it.

4.) I'm not Uncle Puke, dickheaddave.

5.) No, so stop fantasizing about my asshole.
1.) I wasn't the one who brought up South Korea, you were...but, thanks for agreeing with me.

2.) If I didn't leave an impression, why do you remember seeing my nothingness around?

3.) Than a retard? I doubt it.

4.) I'm not Uncle Puke, dickheaddave.

5.) No, so stop fantasizing about my asshole, asshole.

1. Mr. Spellcheck should meet Mr. Reading Comprehension. Never said we were fighting for Vietnamese freedom just that they would enjoy that of South Korea. You are really not as smart as you think you are.

2. Let us explore the concept of. "Mutually Exclusive", shall we? Duh!

3. Yes. I would score higher than you. Probably beat you in spelling too, for that matter.

4. Correct. Try to remember that and instead of bopping in and acting like an ass-wagon, come in with something substantial. One Puke is enough.

5. Are you mad, girly-man?
Apparently not tired enough, your still not posting facts, and carrying on like anyone other than Vostok Corso Or Limpdick even gives a flying fuck BAW HA HA HA HA !!!

Vietnam, holy Christ you people can you not see your lead around the garden path on this thread, getting all butt hurt. Funny as Fuck and also very Sad.
Actually, you are fucking sad. Been on this site for a fucking week, and seem to love starting shit already. What do you think you are a genius? All you show to me is fucking ignorance, and an apparent love of trolling. Just what this site needs, another asshole.
Because you love as many assholes as you can get yourself into LMAO!!!

Should change your handle to just the tip!!
My God, I have read some stupid shit, spewed by some feeble minded mother fuckers on this site, but you my friend, take the cake. Congratulations, on being a complete dick, but you seem to like it, and probably know it too, don't you? (got many friends? I fucking doubt it) Oh, enjoy this comment, because it's the last time I am going to bother replying to your bull shit, as I have better things to do, than reply to the ramblings of an idiot.
Congratulations, on being a complete dick

I will never contest your ability to know a Dick when you see one.

you my friend

Awe Muffin!!

(got many friends? I fucking doubt it)

I have one or too but still room for you if that was a request incognito.

Oh, enjoy this comment, because it's the last time I am going to bother replying to your bull shit, as I have better things to do, than reply to the ramblings of an idiot.

Lord almighty, and the skies have opened up and the glory of the lord shone upon @Jimdamick, his eyes have been opened and the veil of retardedness removed, he would be trolled no more. At last he see with mediocre discernment.
^^hey fuckitup, this here is a meltdown. Note difference. Loser.
What, because I talked mean to your butt buddy, you got offended and had to stand up for that twat? As they say, birds of a feather flock together, and you can always tell a man, by his friends (or lovers?) You know where that places you, right? Into the biggest asshole on RIU Club, and that is an achievement.
What, because I talked mean to your butt buddy, you got offended and had to stand up for that twat? As they say, birds of a feather flock together, and you can always tell a man, by his friends (or lovers?) You know where that places you, right? Into the biggest asshole on RIU Club, and that is an achievement.
Did you talk to me?
Take a Midol, little man. Your slip is showing.
I talked mean to your butt buddy

First reference to homosexual behaviour invoked by latent homosexual feelings.

birds of a feather flock together,

Second reference to homosexual behaviour invoked by latent homosexual feelings.

and you can always tell a man, by his friends (or lovers?)

Third First reference to homosexual behaviour invoked by latent homosexual feelings.

Into the biggest asshole on RIU Club

The fourth is a charm and the mother-load of all latent repressed sexual desire.

I know you said you wouldn't respond to my posts, but you know... we all know you think we don't know that your implicit responses are a desperate attempt to respond whn you know doing so will shatter your integrity.

Your a hoot

First reference to homosexual behaviour invoked by latent homosexual feelings.

Second reference to homosexual behaviour invoked by latent homosexual feelings.

Third First reference to homosexual behaviour invoked by latent homosexual feelings.

The fourth is a charm and the mother-load of all latent repressed sexual desire.

I know you said you wouldn't respond to my posts, but you know... we all know you think we don't know that your implicit responses are a desperate attempt to respond whn you know doing so will shatter your integrity.

Your a hoot
The Golden Girls here are notorious for ganging up and dishing it out. Yet, as is evident here, they just as notoriously cannot take it. They even have the advantage of admins coming in to try and bail them out and that just makes their coven pathetic.
Ya I can see them on the other threads doing the same thing, my guess is that they are just old guys with nothing better to do than to expose the fact that they are old, out of touch, not witty enough to respond to sarcasm, frustrate easy etc... etc... all the same lines from all the other self proclaimed internet lifers.
The Golden Girls here are notorious for ganging up and dishing it out. Yet, as is evident here, they just as notoriously cannot take it. They even have the advantage of admins coming in to try and bail them out and that just makes their coven pathetic.
You know I started this thread in the finest @Padawanbater2 tradition of drawing the bigots, racists and other assorted loons out from under their rocks, right?

Fuck that, all it makes me want to do is to have another Jameson, because I personally went to a pot site to hang out with some hippies, and not a bunch of red necked, racist, dumb as fuck, Trump supporters. I really have a hard time dealing with that. Oh well, I guess there are assholes everywhere, but why so many here in the Politics forum, on a head site? I'm confused.