Conflating legitimate criticism of Israel with antisemitism is dangerous

. It states that Jewish people should not be accused of being more loyal to Israel than other countries,
That's a fucking joke.
Of course the Jewish people are more loyal to Israel, it is their declared homeland, Jerusalem is their undisputed capital, at least too Trump, but to no one else really of significance (most countries dispute that)
Tell me that AIPAC has no influence on American doctrine towards Israel, and I'll call you a fool.
Yea, I know that I will probably be called an anti- Semite because I say that Israel is a fucked up nation, but I know there are Jews that feel the same way that I do, that the Palestinians have been fucked over since 1948, with no end in sight.
So, if I say that Israel sucks, does that make me anti-Semitic?
I hope not, because believe it or not, I have 2 friends that are Jews that feel the same way I do. (self hating?)
I have no problem with the Labor party in Israel, which I guess you could say is full of Jews (some Arabs), but Likud, that has publicly stated that there will never be a two state solution under Netanyahu, I have a big problem with.
Does that mean I hate all Jews?
Nope, only some of them, that happen too be Jewish.
That's a fucking joke.
Of course the Jewish people are more loyal to Israel, it is their declared homeland, Jerusalem is their undisputed capital, at least too Trump, but to no one else really of significance.
Tell me that AIPAC has no influence on American doctrine towards Israel, and I'll call you a fool.
Yea, I know that I will probably be called an anti- Semite because I say that Israel is a fucked up nation, but I know there are Jews that feel the same way that I do, that the Palestinians have been fucked over since 1948, with no end in sight.
So, if I say that Israel sucks, does that make me anti-Semitic?
I hope not, because believe it or not, I have 2 friends that are Jews that feel the same way I do. (self hating?)
I have no problem with the Labor party in Israel, which I guess you could say is full of Jews (some Arabs), but Likud, that has publicly stated that there will never be a two state solution under Netanyahu, I have a big problem with.
Does that mean I hate all Jews?
Nope, only some of them, that happen too be Jewish.
There is divided politics in Israel similar to every other country. It does not make you antisemetic to disagree with policy.
That's a fucking joke.
Of course the Jewish people are more loyal to Israel, it is their declared homeland, Jerusalem is their undisputed capital, at least too Trump, but to no one else really of significance (most countries dispute that)
Tell me that AIPAC has no influence on American doctrine towards Israel, and I'll call you a fool.
Yea, I know that I will probably be called an anti- Semite because I say that Israel is a fucked up nation, but I know there are Jews that feel the same way that I do, that the Palestinians have been fucked over since 1948, with no end in sight.
So, if I say that Israel sucks, does that make me anti-Semitic?
I hope not, because believe it or not, I have 2 friends that are Jews that feel the same way I do. (self hating?)
I have no problem with the Labor party in Israel, which I guess you could say is full of Jews (some Arabs), but Likud, that has publicly stated that there will never be a two state solution under Netanyahu, I have a big problem with.
Does that mean I hate all Jews?
Nope, only some of them, that happen too be Jewish.
There is divided politics in Israel similar to every other country. It does not make you antisemetic to disagree with policy.
That's why I posted the article.