Just in case you thought Israel was a nice country, just misunderstood

I'm the one who is uninformed? It was you who said that we won the Vietnam War, which is wrong.

You replied that the Paris Peace Accord was somehow relevant, which it is not. You said that Vietnam participated in that because we were winning. Wrong again.

That was signed in 1973, and the war continued for the rest of that year, and 1974, and right up until April 1975 when the NVA took control of Saigon.

Then we retreated. If you call that winning, you're very wrong.

From what I've seen from you, you're completely wrong on most everything. That's why I don't have the time to correct all of your delusional ideas.

Winning? Just a roof top victory celebration.

what did we win in iraq other than paying china back $4 trillion with interest? makes fucking sense to impose democracy on a people who believe democracy is blasphemous

That's not why we did it. It was a war by, for and about arms sales on behalf of our Military Industrial Complex. Let no one tell you different.
A foolish war that 'blew it' for the usa and allies

up till then the usa was riding the wave high ..on defeating the euro fascists

Wrong time, wrong strats, wrong soldiers wrong mindset

if that weren't enough then the massacres started

that alone pushed the will of the peeps to the north
Back in the day ..'we' pulled this war apart inch by inch

never has a war been so pin pricked ...lol

I arrived in 1977..never out of the state this my first time I was astounded by the shit left behind

the peeps didn't like us either, we made the best of it, nice climate

then one day I noticed my buddies acting strange smoking this cigars

and the vodka cases un-open ..I looked closer ....?????? (lol)
I just want to point out a very important fact first before I point out a few more, you did not present any facts, you merely typed some information into your computer and it appeared on a weed site. I can see you have no experience with real facts because you don't site any other literature. You get frustrated when people don't take your information serious. So try not to take it so personally and frustrate yourself, unless your intention is to make me smile which you have, kind of like watching a fat kid struggle to tie his shoes.

Soo... If the US blackmailed all the other countries with a carrot and the other countries wanted the carrot so they sided with the United states, wouldn't that also mean that all those other UN countries chose the AID over what was the right choice to begin with. So concluding that the countries wanted the AID more than the right thing wouldn't that make them all just as bad as the US? also these other countries are part of the UN, so anyway you slice it it is and was a collective UN decision no matter what anyone thinks. Is it right? nope... does it mean your wrong? maybe, in the end all that is needed is the UN approval and that's what happened, you can spin it anyway you want but those countries who changed there tune based on the US with holding aid are just as bad if not worse.
Gotcha nube. Did I rattle your bones? What, are you Jewish, as you seem very defensive about Israel. Anyway, you want facts? How about Israel and the UN? OK, let's start with the UN resolutions presented to the Security Council critical of Israeli actions since 1948, although none were passed due to a US veto.
Anyway, Israel hasn't listened to anything the UN had to say since that bunch of assholes created it. So, here's a list of Resolutions condemning Israeli actions, have fun reading them all, because there are 226 of them.
Ah shit, there so many, the page couldn't accept all of them
You look them the fuck up, I'm too tired to do all that work,plus my plants need watering, and the list is too fucking long.
Because we are allies with Israel??? Because we would be obligated to get involved if it boiled over and other countries got involved???
Yep. That's definitely why it's our business...

So Israel is too big to fail?

America sends them money so we can control them just like dozens of other countries around the world. That means we can also keep them from nuking their neighbors.

I think we should cut the money off and let them nuke each other if that is what is going to happen.
So Israel is too big to fail?

America sends them money so we can control them just like dozens of other countries around the world. That means we can also keep them from nuking their neighbors.

I think we should cut the money off and let them nuke each other if that is what is going to happen.
Obviously you didn't think that through...
Nuclear weapons are like a genie in a bottle. The devices we actually used on other humans back in 1945 were party poppers compared to modern weapons.
You can't hide from the side effects of modern thermonuclear warfare. If the big boys get involved, life as we know it is over. No sun, no crops, no order, no hope.
Don't go there.
Obviously you didn't think that through...
Nuclear weapons are like a genie in a bottle. The devices we actually used on other humans back in 1945 were party poppers compared to modern weapons.
You can't hide from the side effects of modern thermonuclear warfare. If the big boys get involved, life as we know it is over. No sun, no crops, no order, no hope.
Don't go there.

So it is our job to control the countries that have them?

You just did a 180 on policy didnt you? If you didnt you are 180 degrees from what most people are chanting around here.

They dont realize that no money means no influence. I am happy to go down that path but others are the ones not thinking it through.
So it is our job to control the countries that have them?

You just did a 180 on policy didnt you? If you didnt you are 180 degrees from what most people are chanting around here.

They dont realize that no money means no influence. I am happy to go down that path but others are the ones not thinking it through.
You just lost me.
Maybe I'm too stoned.
Or not stoned enough...
Obviously you didn't think that through...
Nuclear weapons are like a genie in a bottle. The devices we actually used on other humans back in 1945 were party poppers compared to modern weapons.
You can't hide from the side effects of modern thermonuclear warfare. If the big boys get involved, life as we know it is over. No sun, no crops, no order, no hope.
Don't go there.

Thank you. I try to explain the utter nonsurvivability of any kind of serious nuclear exchange to people and they always say something starting with 'but...'

But nothing. We'll have ceded the world to the cockroaches. Period.
Suck a dick @Bud Assasin , what does it matter if it is a horticultural website or political website?

We got our ass beat in Vietnam, it was dumb and unnecessary.

There is that we shit again what do you mean we, America was owned by Charlie, and as far as sucking dicks go you know the drill you want to see another man suck a dick your gonna have to do a bit more than tell him to do it you have to pony up some cash if you want that show, just cause it is a internet forum doesn't mean you can just demand sexual favours from other men like there free or something.
Gotcha nube. Did I rattle your bones? What, are you Jewish, as you seem very defensive about Israel. Anyway, you want facts? How about Israel and the UN? OK, let's start with the UN resolutions presented to the Security Council critical of Israeli actions since 1948, although none were passed due to a US veto.
Anyway, Israel hasn't listened to anything the UN had to say since that bunch of assholes created it. So, here's a list of Resolutions condemning Israeli actions, have fun reading them all, because there are 226 of them.
Ah shit, there so many, the page couldn't accept all of them
You look them the fuck up, I'm too tired to do all that work,plus my plants need watering, and the list is too fucking long.

Apparently not tired enough, your still not posting facts, and carrying on like anyone other than Vostok Corso Or Limpdick even gives a flying fuck BAW HA HA HA HA !!!

Vietnam, holy Christ you people can you not see your lead around the garden path on this thread, getting all butt hurt. Funny as Fuck and also very Sad.
Apparently not tired enough, your still not posting facts, and carrying on like anyone other than Vostok Corso Or Limpdick even gives a flying fuck BAW HA HA HA HA !!!

Vietnam, holy Christ you people can you not see your lead around the garden path on this thread, getting all butt hurt. Funny as Fuck and also very Sad.
I'm thinkin' the phrase "butt hurt" says a lot...