Roxy must have eaten something in the yard the day before yesterday that made her sick. She was vomiting and foaming at the mouth. She is really sensitive and when she was hurried out of the house to keep her from puking in it she thought she was in trouble for something. She will go and hide now if someone raises their voice, this started about a year ago. She didn't want her breakfast bone yesterday morning and had to be cajoled into getting off her bed in my sons room. She went into the computer room and stayed in one spot most of the day. Last evening my son went out to water the garden and she popped right up and wanted to go out. He sets the oven timer for when the water needs changed and when it went off she got right up again to go help him in the yard. She scarfed some of her food last night after begging for some of our dinner. She is usually not allowed to beg but I was just happy she was hungry. First thing this morning when I woke up she was sitting in front of me wanting her breakfast bone then wanted out for a few. I was worried she wasn't going to make it for awhile there...