Just Cats

Thinking back on it were any of us happy with our perms??
Peaches made the arduous trek to my Tao shack , just to visit a while and have a small bowl of whole milk . I guess the long narrow wooden bridge that spans the gorge and the hike through the dark woods really gave her a rush !

OOPS , it's a dog . Head up my ass as usual
My old pal , " Grubenhaur " , finally came downstairs to see me ! He and Ferguson roll with Peaches ( 6mo Florida , 6mo , here at the Finger Lakes).
His color is Turtle Shell ( huge f'ing black father and a red head for a mother ) . He's a Russian Forest cat ( real oily hair , top coat [ to shed water ] ,
then thick , wooly undercoat ( best of survivors in extreme cold ) . During a bad winter storm , my daughter opened the back door which faces the road,
and he jumped right into her arms ( some a- hole dropped him off at a farm just above us.


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My old pal , " Grubenhaur " , finally came downstairs to see me ! He and Ferguson roll with Peaches ( 6mo Florida , 6mo , here at the Finger Lakes).
His color is Turtle Shell ( huge f'ing black father and a red head for a mother ) . He's a Russian Forest cat ( real oily hair , top coat [ to shed water ] ,
then thick , wooly undercoat ( best of survivors in extreme cold ) . During a bad winter storm , my daughter opened the back door which faces the road,
and he jumped right into her arms ( some a- hole dropped him off at a farm just above us.
I love his choice in claw polish! Buffed and clear coated claws are a hit around here.
My old pal , " Grubenhaur " , finally came downstairs to see me ! He and Ferguson roll with Peaches ( 6mo Florida , 6mo , here at the Finger Lakes).
His color is Turtle Shell ( huge f'ing black father and a red head for a mother ) . He's a Russian Forest cat ( real oily hair , top coat [ to shed water ] ,
then thick , wooly undercoat ( best of survivors in extreme cold ) . During a bad winter storm , my daughter opened the back door which faces the road,
and he jumped right into her arms ( some a- hole dropped him off at a farm just above us.

I messed up my reply about " Grubenhauer " . I messed up talking about " parents " . The huge black cat and the red cat were responsible for my son's cat " Mabel " , also a Turtle Shell colored coat. I certainly wouldn't know who spawned the " drop
off , Grubenhauer. A couple of pics of Mabel and her partner " Hitchens" ( named after Christopher Hitchens ( one huge f'ing cat !) . Mabel and Hitch were a couple of our ferals that my wife " domesticated " and brought indoors , getting them
ready for my son.


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My old pal , " Grubenhaur " , finally came downstairs to see me ! He and Ferguson roll with Peaches ( 6mo Florida , 6mo , here at the Finger Lakes).
His color is Turtle Shell ( huge f'ing black father and a red head for a mother ) . He's a Russian Forest cat ( real oily hair , top coat [ to shed water ] ,
then thick , wooly undercoat ( best of survivors in extreme cold ) . During a bad winter storm , my daughter opened the back door which faces the road,
and he jumped right into her arms ( some a- hole dropped him off at a farm just above us.

I messed this story up...see my reply. We have two Turtle Shells in our tribre . I wouldn't know the drop off' parents .
Makes you wonder how he stays so clean!!
Lots of fur licking...
Having him about 8 years. Collected him on the street, where he was blocking traffic already. He jumped in my car immediately, so I kept him. His fur was full of insects and so were his ears. Belly full of worms and some crap in his eyes. Tail cut in half... Vet told me he would be dead in few days. Now he is a jewel of my garden and house. He is strange, different behaviour from my other two "regular" cats.
He is deaf, I allmost killed him when tractor mowing and the cat was sleeping in the grass. So i bouhgt a scythe and problem solved...

edit: pardon my grammar, im writing like a child, english is not my mother language....