Just 158 families contributed half of all funding in 2016 elections

Oh? Democratic Senator from Colorado Micheal Bennett voted with Republicans to water down Dodd-Frank. Not by coincidence, he's the recipient of more campaign funding than ANY OTHER SENATOR OR CONGRESSMAN IN WASHINGTON.

So no, I did not get that backwards.

Why do you think I'm no fan of establishment Democrats? Because I watch what they do.
The bank bailout was bush you idiot

We’ve been over this before but you just keep fucking lying
The bank bailout was bush you idiot

We’ve been over this before but you just keep fucking lying
Funny how Obama didn't change anything. He also presided over the banks foreclosing on millions of homeowners and let them get away with violating all the mitigation legislation out in place to stop it while letting homeowners get screwed.

It was the greatest upward redistribution of wealth in human history and somehow you never even address it.

The banksters never got indicted. The banks got away with financial murder. All on his watch.
Funny how Obama didn't change anything. He also presided over the banks foreclosing on millions of homeowners and let them get away with violating all the mitigation legislation out in place to stop it while letting homeowners get screwed.

It was the greatest upward redistribution of wealth in human history and somehow you never even address it.

The banksters never got indicted. The banks got away with financial murder. All on his watch.
Why to you defend the party that just repealed Dodd Frank?
Why do you want to replace Bennet with a Republican?
Bennett doesn't represent me. He represents the interests of big banks which are opposed to my well-being.

I have much faith in my fellow Colorado constituents that we'll be able to get the candidate we want.
Bennett doesn't represent me. He represents the interests of big banks which are opposed to my well-being.

I have much faith in my fellow Colorado constituents that we'll be able to get the candidate we want.
bennet will easily win his primary in 2022 and serve another 6 year term
It starts with things like your Civil Rights Act

So when one individual forces another individual into an unwanted interaction, you feel that is the recipe to protect rights ?

do you prefer your mother to be kicked out of any public establishment due to her being a female ? is that a better recipe to protect rights ?

Look, don't you think your mom using the men's urinals again was going a little too far ?

While you try really hard, it is unavoidable that your argument rests on being okay with forced human associations and forced service to another person. Which is why you should consider another way.
Look, don't you think your mom using the men's urinals again was going a little too far ?

While you try really hard, it is unavoidable that your argument rests on being okay with forced human associations and forced service to another person. Which is why you should consider another way.
I just want your mother to be able to purchase a pretty dress from a store without her Civil Rights being violated. She should be able to shop in public without the threat of being called a stupid old cunt and made to leave the store due only to being a female. I also would like the freedom to shop without the threat of being called a dumb ass n***** and forced to leave the store. See how this Civil Rights thing works ? Helps me and your beautiful mother
I just want your mother to be able to purchase a pretty dress from a store without her Civil Rights being violated. She should be able to shop in public without the threat of being called a stupid old cunt and made to leave the store due only to being a female. I also would like the freedom to shop without the threat of being called a dumb ass n***** and forced to leave the store. See how this Civil Rights thing works ? Helps me and your beautiful mother
Well said!
No, it’s your inability to find a better candidate to primary him with
Or perhaps the people of his district actually like the guy and he represents their interests. I don't know the guy. I don't know the district. So I really can't say.

One thing I do know is that literally nobody in the district gives a rat's duct-taped ass what some loser in Colorado who they have never heard of and can't even be bothered to vote thinks. I would bet the farm on that.
I just want your mother to be able to purchase a pretty dress from a store without her Civil Rights being violated. She should be able to shop in public without the threat of being called a stupid old cunt and made to leave the store due only to being a female. I also would like the freedom to shop without the threat of being called a dumb ass n***** and forced to leave the store. See how this Civil Rights thing works ? Helps me and your beautiful mother

There is nothing wrong with what you want. There is something wrong with forcing a person to serve you.