LOL "mean if you are objective in the least i think you have to agree in hindsite this is true." Who is being subjective here? If one were being objective, one must admit that no crimes have been found in any of the many investigations Republicans mounted against the Clintons.
Trump's campaign conspired with Putin, that we can say for sure. You think Trump was not aware? A reasonable person would be skeptical of that. A reasonable person would wait for the conclusion of the Mueller investigation before concluding anything.
The shit you quoted were blatant false propaganda and lies about the Clintons. But you know what? Both are private citizens and what they do or say is a matter for law enforcement. You can't say they haven't been investigated. My god, how much money have Republicans wasted on Congressional investigations that never found any wrong doing by Hillary Clinton. Or Bill for that matter other than that stained blue dress and yes, he was impeached for actually lying to Congress about it. So, yeah he's guilty of cheating on his wife and he lied about it. I'll take that over treason but I'm not forgiving about Bill lying to the American people either.
But OK, I'll go with you on this. Using the same criteria you use to accuse the Clintons of being criminals. By that measure, Trump is a serial rapist, including raping children. Trump conspired with Russia to steal our election. Trump is guilty of menacing everybody and anybody who says anything bad about him, sending his goons to menace women in parking lots at health clubs for example. Trump is guilty of corruptly accepting money from foreign government. Trump is guilty of giving top secret information to Russia. Trump is guilty of conspiring to break campaign finance laws. The list goes on and on. I'm not saying all of this is proven and would pass muster in a court of law. I'm just saying that using your criteria for accusations, the crap you guys say about Clinton can be said about Trump many times over.
I'm waiting for the Mueller investigation to conclude before I'd go out on a limb like you do. Clinton has been investigated many times over, millions spent and hundreds of hours of Congressional committed time spent and in the end, nothing meaningful found. I don't think we will be able to say the same for Trump but I'll wait for the investigation to end. I'm not a breathy false conspiracy theorist like you are.
Would you at least try to spell and punctuate a little better. You sound like a Russian troll.