Intro to: War on Christmas Tactics
Everyone should read the book "Latin For Lawyers" or just buy it. The back of the book contains like 1500 Legal Maxims.
If you want to read about what the Bill of Rights (1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, etc) does, and the Court Cases that back up what it says, read this.
Guerrilla Warfare/Theater/Art is a form of irregular Warfare/Theater/Art and refers to situations in which a small group of civilians use Tactics such as the Element of Surprise and extraordinary mobility to win small victories over a larger more traditional group. The Term means "Little War" in Spanish.
Guerrilla war is different than traditional war in that it is not about killing people, it is about chipping away at The "Political Animal" that Aristotle defined. The goal is to reveal things to the people you are fighting and the people they are oppressing, not to hurt people. In this case, the goal is to reveal that Christmas is a Holiday of Mushrooms and Psychoactive Plants. They already know this because they drink Coco and Coffee and go look at the Christmas lights, but this year we just have to show them that they are supposed to take MUSHROOMS when they look at the lights. And Santa hats represent this, the Santa hat is the Phrygian cap.
War Slogans:
Red, Green and White. They put our Colors in lights.
Smoke a J for Holi-day
When Christmas Booms, Eat Some Shrooms
(you can make more if you want)
If you see someone wearing a Santa hat this Christmas, ask them if they do Mushrooms or DMT. EVERY year, if you see someone you have never met wearing a Santa hat, ask them if they do Mushrooms. If you see someone with long hair or a beard smokers feel ok asking "Do you smoke?", so if someone is wearing a Santa hat, it is ok to ask them if they do Mushrooms. Once this has been happening for a few years, then eventually ONLY people that do mushrooms will put on Santa hats.
If a stranger gets mad at you for asking them if they do mushrooms, tell them that they don't understand the true meaning of Christmas. And ask them what they think presents growing under a pine tree is meant to represent besides mushrooms. Don't get angry with them, just open up the point, because they have probably never thought about it.
If someone tries to tell you Christmas is about Jesus, ask them what verse talks about Jesus carrying the Pine tree into his house, and in which verse a fat man comes down his chimney. Then explain that Christmas is a holiday that people celebrated before Christians conquered them, and the only reason it exists is because the Historical Empires have always decided that letting the Rural people celebrate this Mushroom holiday was the best way to keep people from rioting.
This is just to help you find other people who celebrate the real Mithras/Christmas, if you just want to get some Mushrooms and take them with people you know who already enjoy mushrooms and are willing to celebrate Mithras with you, then do that. I plan on making this bigger and bigger every year though until we can start getting statues built and stuff.
If you would like to be involved but are worried about doing any of this, get a Santa hat and throw it on top of a Flag Pole, or put it on a Fence Post or something. Then take pictures of Christmas lights in your area and add tags and descriptions about how people are putting up lights for Mushrooms season.
If setting up a public Demonstration to Broadcast to the city you live in that Christmas is not the only Holiday being celebrated, you will need a few Placard Carriers, which will allow the main members of the demonstration to communicate with each other and the crowd about what is happening and what is supposed to be happening, and Shouters of Slogans so that people can feel a part of it if they have done what is in the Slogan.
If anyone is worried about Mushrooms being illegal for recreational/medical use, American court cases protect your right to take religious sacraments. But if you are still worried, there are TONS of replacements described in this thread so far, so if you just go back and read you will find tons of other things you can do to celebrate this season right.
When using Guerrilla tactics it is much easier to engage in training, because you only need someone to read something or talk face to face, instead of having elaborate training and recruiting facilities where one or two people come in at a time per facility, Guerrilla tactics allow for entire autonomous regions to be "recruited" all at once, for the sake of their own freedom.
We are not "Grinching" Christmas, we are FIXING it.
If you have ever seen something weird like a stop sign that says "Stop War" or a pair of shoes hanging on a telephone wire, you know that these are things that become "Landmarks" in people's minds. So if people start seeing Santa hats on poles, and different usage of the "Christmas" symbols, these will become land marks not only in their minds, but in their tradition. I remember in my neighborhood there was a person that made the lights on their fence spell "Jesus". If people started putting their lights in the shape of Mushrooms and stuff like that, it would quickly become something people were talking about and remembering.
If you want to be part of the Holiday, but would rather have a political role than a religious role, you do not have to be part of the ministry to be part of the church.
Here is how to start a political organization, all you have to do is print out 2 pages, fill them out and send them in:
This year we will be starting a few different programs on Social Media, then this thread you are reading now will be released as a book around Easter.
Once we start the actual Temple/Church building, we will start more National programs that are not based on Social Media, but will have social media presence. This is just the beginning.
Year 1 Prerogatives:
Santa Hats should be put on top of poles. If possible, do things like duct tape rocks or something to the rim to keep it weighted so that snow or wind does not knock it down and so it will be easier to throw up in the first place. And get a Santa hat or a Fez that you can keep as a funny hat year round, but you can wear it when you go to vote and stuff. If you go to court wearing a Fez, the judge will automatically assume you are a member of a group that they have heard of.
Find a Stop sign and Some Car Window Paint. And write "War" on the bottom of the stop sign.
Take a picture of a Christmas tree, and post it online with the Caption "Merry Mithras".
Put the emblem of a Mushroom in your window or car, with paper and tape or washable paint or something permanent.
Tweet funny things @OreillyFactor
Do something Sacramental before looking at Christmas lights.
Join our Ministry by reading through the book/thread. Or start your own ministry. Or start a Political Organization.
Give someone a natural Psychoactive herb as a Christmas gift (there are ones for working out, depression, recreation, meditation, focus, and all kinds of stuff).