I am almost positive that there are some people out there that read the last few posts and thought "This guy thinks God put Obama in office and Congress in Power, he thinks the Government is looking out for his best interests". And I assure you, you have no idea what you are talking about.
There are probably other people who are thinking "All you said was that Western Medicine represents the Planet Mercury on Earth, and that Judges represent heavenly bodies, etc" so I will go further in to this now.
I mentioned before that the "Holy Trinity" is a common theme throughout MOST religions. In Christianity it can be found in "God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost", and I also gave the example of the Native American, Jacowitz, who was part of a Holy Trinity as well as a Global flood myth. There are so many examples of Holy Trinities in both Religion and Nature.
In the Hindu Religion, the Holy Trinity is Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Just like in Christianity, they are all actually 1 God, but he takes 3 forms. His Singular form when he is all 3 is "Creation", but his 3 forms are: Creation, Destruction and Preservation. And destruction is not like Armies attacking people, Destruction is like a Revolution bringing a new Political system. Or a Seed breaking open and becoming a plant. These are examples of "Shiva" type destruction. This Trinity is known as the Trimurti.
In Ancient Greece there was a Holy Trinity: Zeus, Hades and Poseidon. Which is, Sky, Water and Underworld. Zeus also had a half human, half God son called Hercules.
This Holy Trinity was used as a balance of Government. The Temples of these Gods were considered extremely important, and before there were Government buildings, these operations happened inside the Temples. Ancient Greece had Congress, Judges and a Democratic leader. And the American Government system was not actually invented by the Founding Fathers, it was mostly taken from the nearby native American tribes. They had a system where they could cross borders for trading and stuff, but they retained borders for certain things. They used the Native American model (The Sioux Nation I think) and mixed it with the Athenian model. This is how we got the Government we have now.
If you look up "Legal Maxims" you will find what are basically Rules for court proceeding. These are not all new, some of them have been around since we were speaking Latin. Same goes for the Government, they may have written those documents in the late 1700s, but the actually thing itself comes from the sky and has been used for a LONG time.
Democracy is different from other systems because ANYONE can become part of the "Ruling Class", and we get to choose who is in the ruling class. But we mess it up by picking people that look like they belong there. Then we have to do like the sky does in Easter, which is Revolution. Taurus is covered for 3 days, then it comes back out to start everything over and start anew with Spring.
The Constellations in the sky that people said "That looks like a bull" and "That looks like a fish", these people did not just pick random stars to shape. Those stars are the stars that the sun Moves through, as we move around the sun. From our perspective here on Earth, the sun moves through different constellations. This is why in Astrology there is a constellation associated with your birthday.That just means that is where the sun was in association to the stars when you were born.
You may have also noticed that "Months" don't really go with a Sun calendar. Months are loosely based on the Moon Calendar. So about Once a month you get a Full moon and a New moon. That is why we have Months.