Jubilee and Assassin's Guilds Through History

I'll do that today then. I am going to post here about how Isaac Newton discovered gravity using Alchemy, not science. Then I will do a post in the War on Christmas thread about making Marijuana perfume, and I will turn that post in to a thread of its own.

I shall mark those words! I think youre complicating it. A simple turn buds into perfume thread would more than do the trick.
You did not give examples. You said "It is based on the Pyramids" and some other stuff, and told me to search Rome and the Silk Road.

And if you REALLY want a reply, then I would have to ask you how the Star and Moon is based on the Pyramid, when the symbol for the Tanit in Egyptian culture is the Ankh. Which predates the Pyramids, the Silk Road, etc.

I am sorry for assuming you were trying to compare me to conspiracy theories, it happens a lot though.
Its all good its not like I do not give you shit.....
Because its all based around Math not conspiracy theories ....Illuminati means"Enlightened" and was a group of extremely educated mean in a secret society that had to hide there knowledge or face death such as Galileo,leonardo da vinci, for example. Same with mason's and because the math sequence you see all the shape's prevalent in Washington DC that the "Conspiracy's" are drawn off of.
The Star 5 or 6,tanit,pyramid's are all ext of PI 3.1472 and the golden ratio 1.618 Geometrical shapes with perfect symmetry that can be drawn into a circle and enclosed a "Crescent moon" is a representation of a ratio of two point w/in that circle. When I began my research my teacher asked me a simple question and I will pass it onto you.

What is a centimeter?
Its all good its not like I do not give you shit.....
Because its all based around Math not conspiracy theories ....Illuminati means"Enlightened" and was a group of extremely educated mean in a secret society that had to hide there knowledge or face death such as Galileo,leonardo da vinci, for example. Same with mason's and because the math sequence you see all the shape's prevalent in Washington DC that the "Conspiracy's" are drawn off of.
The Star 5 or 6,tanit,pyramid's are all ext of PI 3.1472 and the golden ratio 1.618 Geometrical shapes with perfect symmetry that can be drawn into a circle and enclosed a "Crescent moon" is a representation of a ratio of two point w/in that circle. When I began my research my teacher asked me a simple question and I will pass it onto you.

What is a centimeter?
If you look closely at the Eye in my Avatar, it has the Fractional Mathematics of the Eye. I am not sure if you have used this phrase here yet, but I think you are talking about "Squaring the Circle".

And when you say "What is a centimeter" I think you are asking the same thing as "What is time?" or am I mistaken.Like basically "What is a concept of measurement except what we make of it".
If you look closely at the Eye in my Avatar, it has the Fractional Mathematics of the Eye. I am not sure if you have used this phrase here yet, but I think you are talking about "Squaring the Circle".

And when you say "What is a centimeter" I think you are asking the same thing as "What is time?" or am I mistaken.Like basically "What is a concept of measurement except what we make of it".
In some aspects you could view it as squaring a circle but that would not pay it due diligence and would probably be considered an over simplified response...I have seen your math in your eye even though I can't make it out on the second one and that is just two examples of many ......Time is way to simple of an answer as well even though you are correct in that it can be used as a measurement of time.
When I say "Isaac Newton Discovered Gravity" you probably automatically think of "That guy who had an apple fall on his head". When we were little, they told us that he discovered gravity when an apple fell on his head, and we all are like "That makes sense" because we are kids, then we get older and it is just how we think it happened. This is not actually how it happened. Gravity is not just simply the idea that "Things Fall" gravity is slightly more complex than that. Gravity explains how the moon controls the tides of the ocean, Gravity explains that 2 things fall at the same rate, Gravity explains that the planets are slightly attracted to each other, and massively attracted to the sun. And now we know that Gravity is different on the moon than it is on Earth.

And hearing all that, you probably think "That guy must have known some science", but actually, Isaac Newton is known for NOT being a scientist. Isaac Newton was one of the last Alchemists before the Age of Reason came forth, using ideas from him and others.

Isaac Newton didn't even mean to discover Gravity, he was doing research to try to discover when the world would end, using the Bible and concepts such as Algebra, which we still use, and other things that not many people use any more, like Isopephy, Gematria and Zairja. Which is like Algebra for words.

Due to Persecution from the Christian church on other Religions, Isaac Newton tried to keep most of his studies secret. Since alchemy has ties to planetary religions, it could have gotten him labeled a witch or sorcerer and killed. And we would have never heard of Gravity.

Gravity itself has remnants of Alchemy right in it. It is a concept that tie the Earth to other heavenly bodies, which was prevalent in Alchemy. And it is an invisible force, that Isaac Newton never actually saw. Kind of like Dark Matter for scientists now, they can see how it acts on other things, but they can't see it. The idea of proposing something like that is very Alchemical. And in case you didn't notice "Alchemy" and "Algebra" are both Arabic words.

If you study Newton, you will see that he has theories about Atlantis, as well as a date for the end of the world. People tend to ignore that stuff though and focus on the fact that he found Gravity.
You may be thinking "Well, that is in the past, and Gravity is THAT big of a deal". But even though Isaac Newton was one of the last Alchemists of his time, he was definitely not the last Alchemist.

You have probably heard of the weird studies that Benjamin Franklin was in to. He invented Bi-Focal glasses, so people could have so regular glasses and reading glasses in each lens. His most well known venture was probably studying electricity, the story is that he tied a metal key to a kite and had lightning strike it. I am pretty sure that this is a simplified exaggeration much like Isaac Newton's apple of the head story. But Benjamin Franklin was also an Alchemist.

If you look up "The Old Farmers Almanac", which was started by Benjamin Franklin and comes out every year with a new edition, you will find not only dates for planting crops, but you will find dates for Solar Eclipses and Ancient Farming techniques, like planting by the Planets instead of by the seasons. It also teaches people how to use things like Blood meal, Bone meal, Potash and other Alchemical things in order to fertilize their crops. The Old Farmer's Almanac is basically a simplified Alchemists guidebook for farmers.

The sky used to rule the Government and the society. When people used to say "As above, So below" they did not mean that Heaven reflects Earth, they were saying that Earth is a reflection of the sky.
You still might be thinking "Farming and Gravity, that's not really that important". But as I said before, the Sky used to rule the Government and Society, and we can still show this model in the current Government. The sky offers us a lot of things. The Sun seems to go up and down every day, but at the same time it moves across the horizon and you can measure this if you make a fake horizon wall, and mark the sun setting every day. It will move. The sky also offers us the moon, and the planets, which both offer calendars completely different than Sun calendars. And Calendars pretty much guide our lives. For example, did you know the reason July and August have 31 days and are right next to each other is because Augustus Cesar decided he wanted 31 days in his month, so he took one for February. Then February got leap year, and now "Leap Year" is a thing we all know about, the calendar has "Guided" that.

If you have ever been to a really old court house, you have probably seen a statue of a lady with a blind fold, holding a scale. Some people think that Court Rooms come from Boats, and Captains deciding things, but this is wrong. Court Rooms come from Ancient Egypt, and Ancient Greco-Rome. All Governmental bodies are based on Heavenly bodies. When we first had "Judges" they represented heavenly action on Earth, you can definitely see this in the Bible. The entire legal system is based on the sky. As above, so below. Abrahamic faith thinks this means there is a God somewhere in heaven, everyone else understands that this means the Solar system acts as one entity, even though each planet exists individually. The Police or the "Polis" is also based on the sky.

Also, modern Ambulances sometimes have a weird badge symbol on them, but when people think of Hospitals they still think of the Staff with Wings and the Snake. This is the Staff of Aesclapius and is DEEPLY tied to Hermeticism and the Planet Mercury. Medicine comes from Alchemy, Hippocrates made the Hippocratic oath and Doctors still say it today.
Someone asked how to make a Marijuana Perfume, so here it is.

First, you have to make some pure extract. In Perfuming there are 3 options. Enflourage, Concrete and Absolute.

Enflourage is plant material extracted in to a fat or oil. Ex: Coconut Oil, Butter, Vegetable Oil, Olive Oil, etc.

Concrete is an extraction that is dried. Ex: You could make strong dark Tea with a plant, then evaporate the water by boiling it all away, and you would have concrete of that plant. You could also let a plant sit in Alcohol or another Solvent, then filter out the plant material. Then let the solvent evaporate. Then you have Concrete also. Dry sifting also makes a form of Concrete.

Concrete can be used as Incense.

Absolute is a more pure extract. To get absolute you can do a few different things. The most common is distillation. This is the same way people make Moonshine. You make a dark tea with the plant, then put it in a Still and evaporate it to the other side. Any steam extraction method with get you Absolute. The Chemistry way to make Absolute is to do an extraction in a non-Polar Solvent, then do a wash with a Polar solvent. Or Polarization, Winterization and Filtration.

This will create a produce Perfume grade stuff.

If you are going to make a Perfume, usually you would get something called "Perfumer's Alcohol" and you would mix your Absolute with that, and other things like Lemonene or whatever Terpene you want in there.

In the Perfume industry they use the Molecule "Caryophyllene" to make Marijuana perfumes. I am pretty sure you could make something that smelled like Marijuana if you make Absolute from Patchouli and Uziza.

If you make Marijuana Absolute, you can also do things like mix it with Calcium Hydroxide, or Acetic acid. This way you could form a Salt, instead of a sticky Material. You could also make Marijuana Esters, Peptides, etc.

If you are going to make Marijuana Perfume, I suggest having these things.

Ethanol/Pure Drinking Alcohol
Absorbic Acid/Vitamin C
Tartaric Acid
Malic Acid
Edible Lime/Calcium Hydroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
Potassium Hydroxide
Activated Charcoal
Isopropyl Alcohol
Benzoic Acid
Baking Soda
Socium Chloride/Table Sale
Sodium Benzoate
Mineral Oil
Citric Acid
Around 100,000 years ago, our Ancestors in Southern Africa started using Dream Herbs and doing Rituals in places like Python Cave, Pinnacle Point, Klaises River Cave and Blombos Cave. One herb they used for Dreaming is Imphepho, another is Silene Capensis.

Dreaming was the very beginning of Religion and Culture. Not only was Imphepho one of the first dream herbs, it was the first thing people ever used to make beds. Usually you would think of Hay as early bedding, but it has been discovered that Imphepho was in the first human beds and pillows.

Around 70,000 BC humans made their way out of Africa, across parts of Asia. Then they made it to Australia, the evidence of this is a skeleton known as "Mungo Man". the Aboriginals in Australia evolved right along side the rest of us, so they were not Isolated and in Papau New Guinea there are still people who have non-Homo Sapien DNA, they are Homo Sapein and Denisovan. So they have the DNA of an older species. They are also know for making boats. It is thought that boats were first made as canoes, but people have been discovering for the passed half century that more and more cultures that preserved prehistoric methods make raft like boats, or boats from Reeds. When the Australian Aborignals made it there 70,000 years ago, they started using Acacia and other plants for dreaming, and inventing, and exploring the spirit world. This time is known as "Dream Time" and there is a field of Archaeology known as "Dream Time Archaeology".

Eventually these people made their way back to Africa and the Egyptian "Tree of Life" is the Acacia, which is usually depicted as some form of living being with branches, giving someone a cup of liquid. So they made drinks from Acacia, and Acacia bark is known to contain DMT and 5-MeO-DMT.

Moses was raised by Pharaoh, and according to tradition, Moses wrote the Bible. Moses' mother sent him down the river, and the Egyptian princess found him in the Reeds and raised her as her own. Then he was raised in the Egyptian temples and schools.

If you look in the Bible, you will find the the Tabernacle is made of Acacia wood. You also find that the Ark of the Covenant and Moses' Altar were made of Acacia wood. Historians believe that Moses talked to God because of an Acacia tree that was vaporized near a heat vent, and they also believe that the crown that was put on Jesus was made of an Acacia branch. I am not saying that these people didn't exist, I am saying they were following a 70,000 year old tradition.

According to Christian/Jewish tradition, Moses wrote the Bible. The "10 Commandments" were actually a lot longer than we think of them. It was a book of law. In the Bible it speaks of a "Tree of Life" and a "Tree of Knowledge", according to Christianity, humans ate from the Tree of Knowledge. In Ancient Egypt, they were drinking from the tree of life.
If you have been Christian, or are Christian, or talk to a Christian, then you know that there is supposed to be a difference between the "Old Testament God" and the "New Testament God".There is a reason, for this. Moses took some things from the Egyptian tradition, but not any of the Good stuff. The Tree of Life became hidden, and the Acacia became used as an altar instead of a drink.

But the idea of the "Vengeful God" and the "Jealous God" comes from Mountain and Lightning Worship. Christianity and Judaism started of as Mountain and Lightning Worship. Moses went up to Mount Sianai, where he found a "Fire God" who spoke to him. Then God burned the top of the mountain, some Christians claim to know where this mountain is, and there is a mountain in the Middle East with a Burn on top, and they say that God sat there.

If you look up Jacowitz, you will find a Native American Mountain God. One who accepts Sacrifice, just like the Abrahamic God. The God of Abraham said "The wages of Sin is death" so if you sin, Christians say you are supposed to die. But Jesus died for you. This is Mountain God mentality.

Jacowits is part of a "Holy Trinity" of Gods, also known as a "Triad". Similar to Christianity, ex: Jesus, God and the Holy Ghost. The Native Americans in North America also had a version of this mountain God, they called them "Thunder Birds" and they claimed that they lived on Mountains. A specific example of this is Pamola.

The Mountain Gods and the Lightning/Thunder Gods were very Similar. And you can imagine that when there were no walls, and no electricity, lightning must have seemed a lot more like "The Voice of God".

Hurricanes are named after the South American God Huracan. He is known for taking part in Creation, and the "Global Flood" in Native American myth. Supposedly he created Giants and they displeased him, so he made a flood, then created man. He is represented as a Serpent, or a 1 legged man, because he is the God of Lightning.

The Aztecs had a similar Lightning God named Tlaloc. He was seen as the giver of life, and was feared for his ability to send storms and hail. This was the main religion in Mexico before the Christians came, and most of the Christian worshiping places are actually places that the people used to worship Tlaloc (Mountains, etc). So the Natives basically just had to change the name name of God, then still be scared he might send a storm and stuff. It was really no different except the Christians were telling everyone not to let women on top in bed. Which is a really weird thing to make everyone do.

Chaac was the Mayan Lightning and Storm God. He is an example of an American culture who used the Axe along with the Worship of a Thunder God. You have heard of this before in Europe as "Thor". There are a lot of religions around the world that say Lightning is actually a God who goes up to the sky to strike the clouds and bring rain. Usually lightning is also associated with snakes.

I am not saying that Christianity was a copy of something else, I am saying that a lot of Culture thought that Lightning was the Voice of God. Or that God lived on Mountains.
I am almost positive that there are some people out there that read the last few posts and thought "This guy thinks God put Obama in office and Congress in Power, he thinks the Government is looking out for his best interests". And I assure you, you have no idea what you are talking about.

There are probably other people who are thinking "All you said was that Western Medicine represents the Planet Mercury on Earth, and that Judges represent heavenly bodies, etc" so I will go further in to this now.

I mentioned before that the "Holy Trinity" is a common theme throughout MOST religions. In Christianity it can be found in "God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost", and I also gave the example of the Native American, Jacowitz, who was part of a Holy Trinity as well as a Global flood myth. There are so many examples of Holy Trinities in both Religion and Nature.

In the Hindu Religion, the Holy Trinity is Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Just like in Christianity, they are all actually 1 God, but he takes 3 forms. His Singular form when he is all 3 is "Creation", but his 3 forms are: Creation, Destruction and Preservation. And destruction is not like Armies attacking people, Destruction is like a Revolution bringing a new Political system. Or a Seed breaking open and becoming a plant. These are examples of "Shiva" type destruction. This Trinity is known as the Trimurti.

In Ancient Greece there was a Holy Trinity: Zeus, Hades and Poseidon. Which is, Sky, Water and Underworld. Zeus also had a half human, half God son called Hercules.

This Holy Trinity was used as a balance of Government. The Temples of these Gods were considered extremely important, and before there were Government buildings, these operations happened inside the Temples. Ancient Greece had Congress, Judges and a Democratic leader. And the American Government system was not actually invented by the Founding Fathers, it was mostly taken from the nearby native American tribes. They had a system where they could cross borders for trading and stuff, but they retained borders for certain things. They used the Native American model (The Sioux Nation I think) and mixed it with the Athenian model. This is how we got the Government we have now.

If you look up "Legal Maxims" you will find what are basically Rules for court proceeding. These are not all new, some of them have been around since we were speaking Latin. Same goes for the Government, they may have written those documents in the late 1700s, but the actually thing itself comes from the sky and has been used for a LONG time.

Democracy is different from other systems because ANYONE can become part of the "Ruling Class", and we get to choose who is in the ruling class. But we mess it up by picking people that look like they belong there. Then we have to do like the sky does in Easter, which is Revolution. Taurus is covered for 3 days, then it comes back out to start everything over and start anew with Spring.

The Constellations in the sky that people said "That looks like a bull" and "That looks like a fish", these people did not just pick random stars to shape. Those stars are the stars that the sun Moves through, as we move around the sun. From our perspective here on Earth, the sun moves through different constellations. This is why in Astrology there is a constellation associated with your birthday.That just means that is where the sun was in association to the stars when you were born.

You may have also noticed that "Months" don't really go with a Sun calendar. Months are loosely based on the Moon Calendar. So about Once a month you get a Full moon and a New moon. That is why we have Months.
You may be thinking "If the Tree of Life comes from Egypt, did the Serpent also show up in Egyptian Myth" the answer is yes, and not only did the Serpent appear in Egyptian mythology, but it was a storm God. He is meant to represent Darkness and Chaos, he was also depicted as a Dragon.

Apep was the direct opponent of Ma'at, who is the Goddess of Light, Truth, Balance and Justice. She is represented by the Scale (for weighing). Ma'at can be found today in the word "Math" and the = sign is pretty much her reincarnation in our culture. Both sides of the equation must be balanced. The direct enemy of the God of Light and Balance is the Lightning/Storm/Mountain God. He asks for death by sin, while Ma'at simply asks for moral repayment for evil deeds.

Apep was always depicted as some kind of Serpent, either a Dragon or Snake or some other scaled creature.

Since Ra was the Sun, in the sky, he was also closely associated with light, but Ra is the force behind the light he is not the light itself. So in modern terms, Ra is something like "Atomic Energy" or even "Kinetic Energy". Apep was also an Enemy of Ra, and the Ancient Egyptian said that every day when the Sun (Ra) when down for the night, he was actually going in to the underworld and doing battle with Apep. So every morning when the Sun came up, the Egyptians greeted it as if it had won a battle to get there.

Early on in the Mythology (Egypt was around for about 10,000 years, so things changed sometimes) Ra and Set were on the same team, so the Storm God and the Sun God were actually together fighting the Chaos and the Darkness, but later Set became intertwined with Apep in the story, and the Storm God became equivalent to the Chaos and Darkness.

Then according to the Bible, Moses went on top of a Mountain and started talking to this Storm God.
I only mentioned the Egyptian perspective on this. So here is the ancient Jewish tradition.

The Ancient Jewish people had multiple Gods, not just one God. And their Storm God was known as Hadad.

Christians claim that the word Ba'al in the Bible is a reference to the Devil, but Ba'al was the ancient Semitic word for "Lord". They did not say Lord, they said Ba'al. But when another tribe says it, the people in the Bible claim that their Lord is Satan. And Satan is not Lucifer, Satan is just Hebrew word for Adversary. So Ba'al is God when you are Christian and he is Satan if you are a Christians enemy, according to the Bible.

But, if you look in to the Culture that came before Jesus, you will see the storm God Hadad and earlier Adad. He was called Ba'al only when people wanted to call him Lord, because that was the word for Lord. Hadad is even called "The Lord of Heaven".

I did not mention the Aztec and Mayan Gods for no reason, Tlaloc and the other Gods are the same as Hadad and Adad. Also similar to Zeus and Thor. Usually they are part of the Holy Trinity, no matter what region of the world it is.

Also as mentioned before Native Americans related their Lightning with the Axe, and the Norse related their Lightning with the Axe. This symbolism is known as the Labrys. It is also the tool that Zeus/Jupiter used to call on lightning. When Christianity spread it was very easy for them to make everyone stop worshiping axes and give them crosses. At least easier than telling them to get a whole new Faith. So when people "Wield a Cross" and claim it Holds power, this comes from the Labrys. Yes it is a symbol of Jesus death, but when someone claims it has the power of the sky God, this is a Labrys. No different than if someone were to say Thor was helping them swing their axe.

The word "Symbol" is related to the word "Symmetry". Symmetry means something is the same on both sides, like a Cross or a Butterfly. Symbol means that they are different, but they mean the same on the inside. For example, Christians claimed the symbol of the Lion and the Lambs, but they are all Humans.

The number 3 shows up again and again in Religions. The Trinity is a very popular concept, and throughout history people have used the "Trefoil" to show the trinity, you can even find the symbol on Churches today. It is a symbol that represents the Holy Trinity. The Triquetra can also be found throughout most religions, and shows the same trinity.
People are already putting Christmas Lights up, so I am going to give everyone some examples of what different symbols they can use.

The "Liberty Pole" that shows you are a freed Slave is a Phrygian/Santa Cap on top of a Pole. This symbol can be found in the American Army Seal and the US Senate seal, so the Government Recognizes it, it is also on the Haitian flag since they are a nation of Freed slaves.

You can replicate this Symbol by putting a Santa Hat on top of a Tree, or a Light Post, or a Stop Sign, or a Flag Pole.

Santa Hats are not the only version. You can actually find "Phrygian Caps" some places. Then there are Red Berets, which the Army still wears some places. Another modern version is the "Fez". There are groups that wear Fezs in America still, like the Shriners, so if you put it on a Pole people would definitely recognize it.

The hat itself was just worn by a certain country first, then eventually they became known as "Slave hats", and eventually a symbol of Freedom and Liberty.
Do you believe that Hercules is the one who separated Europe from Africa at the Straight of Gibraltar? Do you believe there was a man with a Bull head who ate virgins? Do you believe that Prometheus brought us fire from the Gods?

If you do not believe these stories are true, and think they are Myths that contain Philosophy, then you should not believe that Jewish people were ever slaves in Egypt. Christians demonize the Egyptian religion and Culture by labeling "Pharaoh" as a slave driver, and pretending as if the people in Egypt thought they were "better than God".

There is no evidence of Slavery in Egypt, or Moses. Moses is not even an Egyptian word, but the Bible claims he was found as a baby and raised by Pharaoh's daughter.

I am not saying the Holocaust didn't happen, or that Rome didn't push the Jewish people all over the world. I am just saying that there is not a single bit of evidence that the Egyptians enslaved Jewish people. And I don't even mean this towards Jewish people, this is for Christians mainly. I apologize if your heritage is attached to the fairy-tale of slavery in Egypt, but it is a fairy-tale.

If you think there is evidence of Jewish slavery in Egypt, or Moses existing. Then you also believe we have evidence for the existence of things like the "Set Animal" or the Griffin. The Griffin is a mythical beast that is not only found in one culture, but in MANY cultures. But we know Griffins and Set Animals aren't real. On the other hand, 1 Culture tells us that their culture was slaves, but the people who are claimed to have been the slave drivers don't seem to have any blood on their hands.

There is some History in the Bible, there is some History in Egypt, there is some history in Greece. But if you want to find out what is Myth and what is true, you have to compare them all and subtract the difference.