Jorge Cervantes Grow Bible Download

I did buy the book, but someone stole it from me. Does that make it ok with Jorge if i download it?

I wasn't talking about George, i was speaking more directly to the person who wanted SeeMoreBuds book. I don't know greorge nor have i ever talked with him, nor has he ever helped me personally. I was mostly offended when people tried to scam on GK's Book. Honestly do what ever you guys what to, one person telling you its wrong isn't going to change shit, I know that.... Just don't come on here and advertise it, support the people who help you....bottom line

:peace: Hope this enlightens some people......
I wasn't talking about George, i was speaking more directly to the person who wanted SeeMoreBuds book. I don't know greorge nor have i ever talked with him, nor has he ever helped me personally. I was mostly offended when people tried to scam on GK's Book. Honestly do what ever you guys what to, one person telling you its wrong isn't going to change shit, I know that.... Just don't come on here and advertise it, support the people who help you....bottom line

:peace: Hope this enlightens some people......

well now u see if it someone on here like GK then nah then that is fucked up to be doing that shit cuz man he comes here give us tip and advice and for us to do him dirty like that then nah i aint like that ..................:joint:
Its not free.
Did you steal your lights, nutes, and other supplies?

There is a price on the book, just like the lights, etc.

sure did the light,nute,soil,ect.............. j/k man

frankly i can give a flyin fuck but thats just me .....but i dont devote my life into searchin for something just to swindle my way by for a few bucks here and there........if i dont need then i dont need nothing too complex bout that...and if i so happen to come across a thread like this one for example then yea im going to check out wut the fuss is all about ........:joint:
Jorge Cervantes is aka George Van Patten. The books are similar because Gardening Indoors is the sanitized "U.S." version of the Grow Bible marketed for "mainstream" consumption (nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more).

ah thanks for the info......:blsmoke:
wow some one honestly gave me minus rep "I disagee with you 100% :finger::peace:" to who ever u are fuck u!!! u dont have to leave minus rep because u dont agree
Yeh I thought the Cervantes movie was a little simple, I mean I learned all that stuff just from reading for 3 years before even trying to grow, now that See More Buds guy he seems to know his shit, and goes alot more into detail.
and Edison was a should go study up on Nikola Tesla......:mrgreen:

Anytime you want to do battle of the Brains just bring it on. Think about it. If you knew so much about Tesla, you would know that he is the person that Edison hired, and then they battled on stage over the AC or DC debate while Edison Electricute animals on stage with AC. So you think you know more,, bring it on.. The glove just slapped your face.
lol yeh Tesla would of been alot cooler if he turned the coil into a handheld weapon. And wtf how'd we go from Cervantes and Arjan too Edison and Tesla? haha.

Anyone got any other 2 people we can discuss?
lets go with jesus and moses or why not hitler and stalon.... ill debate all bring it on... you people that love to argue on the net make me sick you prove nothing
OOO420, you are stupidier then I thought. You information is all tainted with BULLSHIT. Your mouth runnith over with BULLSHIT.

Kind of funny though, if Arjan has paid for over 35 awards. that would be impressive also. A lot of them came from your buddy at High Times.

You better stay away from sharp objects.
guys guys, I've never seen anything Cervantes has grown, but I can say Arjan likes to grow his own way, he thinks he knows how to grow his plants, he likes to grow them like 7 foot tall, lanky, with amazing buds. I don't see Arjan all over movies and books but I do see him traveling the world looking for strains, communicating with Africans to find amazing genetics, hes from Africa apparently.(could be wrong, thought i heard that though.) Hes got a passion for weed and business, he sells his seeds with alot of hype but hes spreading life, Cervantes is just spreading seeds of knowledge. Too compare the two is hard though. :joint:
skaterman explains it the best!! +rep for sure. They both are kings in our respected community no mater what you say. They both now how to grow the dank just each has his specialty... Jorge is a jornalist and arjan is a buisness man and a genetics guy. enough said
Anytime you want to do battle of the Brains just bring it on. Think about it. If you knew so much about Tesla, you would know that he is the person that Edison hired, and then they battled on stage over the AC or DC debate while Edison Electricute animals on stage with AC. So you think you know more,, bring it on.. The glove just slapped your face.

actually Tesla worked for Edison in his early years, and Edison cheated him...the A/C D/C wars was later while Tesla was working with Westing House.....

I know plenty about Tesla and Edison, I am a CET, electronics tech and I own a TV and electronics repair I love having electrical or electronic debates, I'm a sparky electricity is my favorite topic.....:mrgreen:
skaterman explains it the best!! +rep for sure. They both are kings in our respected community no mater what you say. They both now how to grow the dank just each has his specialty... Jorge is a jornalist and arjan is a buisness man and a genetics guy. enough said

Thank You, they are on whole different levels. :blsmoke:

lol Notice my Cervantes Signature Pic, even though i'm slightly lean towards Arjan as he is into genetics, which is what it's all about.
I am not sure how many of you know this... BUT i wrote the SeeMoreBuds book and produced the first 3 DVDs...

See More Buds - Grow Marijuana DVD

It was a lot of work and cost a few $$$ too... :)

It takes well over 1 year to break even on a DVD and the book never really pays for itself.... unless you make it over the 2-5 year hump...

There is nothing I can do.. nor nothing I would do if I found out some of you were passing the book /dvd copies around for free on the world wide web...

BUT for an independent producer like myself, the effects of PIRACY make it nearly impossible to keep producing materials...

It is always your choice.. and I don't hate anybody nor am I mad at anybody for copying my work and making it available for free on the web....

BUT you SHOULD know that I feel the effects and it makes things very difficult for me in regards to continuing to make more books and DVDS.

wow.... that's awesome. Where was that first DVD filmed. If you can't say that, then I just want to know why it was ok to run that many lights.
Yes it is. Growing a plant and STEALING someones work are two very different things.

Personally I do NOT walk into a store and steal.... and I don't go on my computer and steal either. I don't download movies, music or books unless the owner has given it out.

Stealing a book on-line is no different then walking into a bookstore and stealing a book off the shelf.

I'm surprised you would post such a stupid statement insinuating that stealing is equal to growing a plant.... no wait.. I take that back... I'm not surprised at all :roll:

+repped for this sista
I am not sure how many of you know this... BUT i wrote the SeeMoreBuds book and produced the first 3 DVDs...

See More Buds - Grow Marijuana DVD

It was a lot of work and cost a few $$$ too... :)

It takes well over 1 year to break even on a DVD and the book never really pays for itself.... unless you make it over the 2-5 year hump...

There is nothing I can do.. nor nothing I would do if I found out some of you were passing the book /dvd copies around for free on the world wide web...

BUT for an independent producer like myself, the effects of PIRACY make it nearly impossible to keep producing materials...

It is always your choice.. and I don't hate anybody nor am I mad at anybody for copying my work and making it available for free on the web....

BUT you SHOULD know that I feel the effects and it makes things very difficult for me in regards to continuing to make more books and DVDS.

+ rep dude!!

These 2 really should end this debate....

who ever compared stealing/shop lifting to growing weed is a total fuck wit!!
if u took your TV to 000420's "electrical repair" shop and took your repaired TV straight out the door without paying saying "fuck u maaan", i'm sure he'd beat your ass for it! cos you've taken his work and you're not paying him for it!! there's the comparison.
theft the same as growing??? get a fucking dick dude!!!!!
Hmmmm I remember someone back on like page 6 telling all you about this.... hmmm i wonder who that was... hmmm I just cant put my finger on it....

OH YEA, thats right, it happened to be me!

Really though, what does all this come down to... a select group of people who don't care... thats it.... You cannot change them only educate them, which is what GK did.
"BUT you SHOULD know that I feel the effects and it makes things very difficult for me in regards to continuing to make more books and DVDS."
