Jorge Cervantes Grow Bible Download

Easy there Jorges butt snifer!!! I still said I think HE is the shit...and that the book is great...I'll get back in a sec with a link and further explanation.

thank you kind sir.i would love to see the link......dude just so you know...Jorge's ass smells like Kush...LOL....seriously though i like like his books, always for Jorge himself, he has sold out with HT lately and can be a contradicting ass, in the articles he writes for lots of different mags..but I really think his books are some of the best....he could have left all the ads out of the most recent one though...the 1995 edition was the best..:peace:
Yes but MJ is not just any ordinary 'plant' now is it?.. come on.
If it is illegal to grow weed & also illegal to download copyrighted content then both are illegal - it's just your matter of opinion if you think it is ok to grow a 'plant' as you put it. Yeah sure if you are growing a damn Sunflower or something. Breakin' the law is breakin' the law.

So let me get this right... you would grow weed illegally, but never dare download a lousy e-book??.. Which of the two are you more likely to get prosecuted for? I don't know anyone that has been done for downloading anything. I know plenty of people that have done bird for growing.

Next time use both your brain-cells before making such a stupid response.

Dude, Floridagirl is a little too much to take alot of the time. Its like she trolls threads and post the most virtuous thing she can. Dont get me wrong, shes a smart grower and has alot of knowledge, but some of her post are just like WTF!
000420, dude, unless you personally know jorge cervantes, shut the fuck up. all your posts are sounding like your getting real defensive over somebody you probably don't know. I'm half-way through his book and it seems pretty good, but so far it's nothing special, just all the info you need in one place, I haven't learned anything from it, it's just helping to ingrain the knowlegde into my head
dude, that is such BS, you can't even tell us what book you are talking about, I'm pretty sure I know which one you are talking about though, it is made by the same publisher...van patten, i believe....but Jorge did not , copy the book and just stick marijuana in a few places....that's the stupidest thing I have ever heard, and you must not have read Jorge's book to think that, because it's not possible with all the marijuana specific info and history, breeding from chimera, hash making, was that all in the other book? what about the shit on medical marijuana, NO!...LOL...some of the shit on seeds and germination is probably similar, and certain other horticultural aspects,like taking cuttings but it would be the same in any other book on botany or horticulture, go look for should be reading books instead of skimming through them...:peace:
Here is the stupid book...I think it is the one you were thinking of. I have read the whole stupid bible...sorry I couldn't read the other book in its entirety while I was STANDING IN LINE waiting to pay! Here's the similarities I can recall(its been a while) Chapters on germn., cloning, pruning, air, water/nutes, and the biggest dissapointment...the plant and pest problem chap. Yeah its the same as any other hort book...thats the needs to be more specific for pot. And all he has on the plant probs are drawings of plants...WTF..why not real pictures. I still think its a grean fukn chill out bro, I'm with you.

Oh hell...I don't know why I'm going into this much detail...but you just blew everything out of proportion....and sorry....anyone that considers Jorges to be the ONE and ONLY expert is stupid....not that I think you are
LOL...I just said stupid way too many times in that post...oh wait theres another....hopefully you get the point
000420, dude, unless you personally know jorge cervantes, shut the fuck up. all your posts are sounding like your getting real defensive over somebody you probably don't know. I'm half-way through his book and it seems pretty good, but so far it's nothing special, just all the info you need in one place, I haven't learned anything from it, it's just helping to ingrain the knowlegde into my head

no need to tell any one to shut the fuck up was just a debate...

I haven't learned anything from it, it's just helping to ingrain the knowlegde into my head
...that does not make any sense....if it's helping you ingrain "knowledge"(here is the correct spelling for you)into your head than you are learning from if you say "no it was stuff i already learned but just could not remember" well then you never learned it....:blsmoke:but looks like Jorge has got you on the right track...and you are right though it is a beginners book, Jorge suggests further reading and even gives a good list of books for you to read in you want a more extensive knowledge of cannabis and plants in general....he just lays out the very basics in an easy to learn way for the layman..
Gardening Indoors - Worm's Way
Here is the stupid book...I think it is the one you were thinking of. I have read the whole stupid bible...sorry I couldn't read the other book in its entirety while I was STANDING IN LINE waiting to pay! Here's the similarities I can recall(its been a while) Chapters on germn., cloning, pruning, air, water/nutes, and the biggest dissapointment...the plant and pest problem chap. Yeah its the same as any other hort book...thats the needs to be more specific for pot. And all he has on the plant probs are drawings of plants...WTF..why not real pictures. I still think its a grean fukn chill out bro, I'm with you.

Oh hell...I don't know why I'm going into this much detail...but you just blew everything out of proportion....and sorry....anyone that considers Jorges to be the ONE and ONLY expert is stupid....not that I think you are

yep this is the book i thought you were talking about, it is similar..they have the same publisher..but they are totally different...the similarities are ones you are going to find in any horticulture can only explain the same thing that has been explained a thousand times in a thousand other books so many ways...i have lot's of horticulture books and botany books, and if you go into any one of them and read certain parts, like the germination section they all sound very similar, not one of them has some secret that the other one does not contain, they are the same worded differently......
I really wish someone would come out with a REAL ganja that is incredibly specific for pot. One that could be trully called the ultimate grow guide....ahh maybe one day.
Dude, Floridagirl is a little too much to take alot of the time. Its like she trolls threads and post the most virtuous thing she can. Dont get me wrong, shes a smart grower and has alot of knowledge, but some of her post are just like WTF!

Aint that the truth! (the virtuous bit) I don't care if she can grow weed well or not.. she got a axe to grind & I'm the grindstone dude!
Wow just go to amazon and buy the fucking book.... How would you like someone distributing copies of your work for free? And the people who are talking about SeeMoreBud's book are doubly stupid, do you not know the author is a member of this form? geez kids these days..... want want want, but cant pay the price....
Wow just go to amazon and buy the fucking book.... How would you like someone distributing copies of your work for free? And the people who are talking about SeeMoreBud's book are doubly stupid, do you not know the author is a member of this form? geez kids these days..... want want want, but cant pay the price....

LOL...hes probably reading and shaking his head right now!
Cause its free through an illegal action... Support the people who take the time to produce these books or guess what, they will stop making new one. Thus punishing the whole community cause you "broke" kids can't manage to save 20 bucks.... which is a load of crap cause i bet all these people who downloaded the books also go out and buy sacks.... This is the second thread like this i have seen, the first was closed by GK. You all need to man up, and if you tell me you can't save $20 I will slap you in the face.... o_O
I did buy the book, but someone stole it from me. Does that make it ok with Jorge if i download it?
yep this is the book i thought you were talking about, it is similar..they have the same publisher..but they are totally different...the similarities are ones you are going to find in any horticulture can only explain the same thing that has been explained a thousand times in a thousand other books so many ways...i have lot's of horticulture books and botany books, and if you go into any one of them and read certain parts, like the germination section they all sound very similar, not one of them has some secret that the other one does not contain, they are the same worded differently......

Jorge Cervantes is aka George Van Patten. The books are similar because Gardening Indoors is the sanitized "U.S." version of the Grow Bible marketed for "mainstream" consumption (nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more).