Jorge Cervantes Grow Bible Download

Ok..I'm pissed now. My outdorrs babes came down with a case of fungus /mold/mildew of some sort. In the problems section of the book where it talks about what sprays to use for downy/powdery mildew and stuff, he says use seranade. Cool I thought, so I bought some and applied to my plants...well they were so much worse the next day I knew it hadn't worked. So I did some more reading in the book to make sure I read it right. It did say to use seranade...BUT there is another section in that part of the book that talks about what certain chems do. ie bleach, baking soda, safer soap etc. Well I found the section that talked about bascilus subtilus(active ingredient in seranade) In it Jorge said to use seranade as a soil drench to protect against fulsarium wilt and some other stuff......NOT for mildews. Now I know that the bottle of seranade says its for mildew and such....I'm just pissed that there was conflicting info on such an important issue in his book.

Cervantes could use a good editor. There's a shit load of repetition and contradictory info in the book. There's also a ton of useful info. I think you need to read each chapter through from start to finish several times to get the best out of it.

I bought the SeeMoreBuds book last week. There's some useful ideas and on the whole I think the book's good value, but once again the book would have been improved by a good editor. There are a couple of mis-attributed quotations and and there's a quote (from Harry Anslinger?) that appears in two different places. Some important details (particularly the lighting schedule) could have been clearer. I thought he was very lucky to get such a substantial yield from three plants under cfls in MG soil and no additional nutes. A bit more prominent a disclaimer along the lines of "individual results may vary" might have been nice for dissappointed customers who weren't able to reproduce his results.
Question, I already have Cervantes' bible. Are there any other good books that I should check out? I love reading about this shit. The SeeMoreBuds book looks cool, but I'm an HID/hydro guy. Does anyone have any suggestions for a little reading list? The thicker the better. I'd rather not pay $20 for 80 pages. Thanks for any help.
Cervantes could use a good editor. There's a shit load of repetition and contradictory info in the book. There's also a ton of useful info. I think you need to read each chapter through from start to finish several times to get the best out of it.

I bought the SeeMoreBuds book last week. There's some useful ideas and on the whole I think the book's good value, but once again the book would have been improved by a good editor. There are a couple of mis-attributed quotations and and there's a quote (from Harry Anslinger?) that appears in two different places. Some important details (particularly the lighting schedule) could have been clearer. I thought he was very lucky to get such a substantial yield from three plants under cfls in MG soil and no additional nutes. A bit more prominent a disclaimer along the lines of "individual results may vary" might have been nice for dissappointed customers who weren't able to reproduce his results.

thanks for the input. I will make these changes or at least submit them to the editor as the book goes into its 3rd printing :)

I am not sure how many of you know this... BUT i wrote the SeeMoreBuds book and produced the first 3 DVDs...

See More Buds - Grow Marijuana DVD

It was a lot of work and cost a few $$$ too... :)

It takes well over 1 year to break even on a DVD and the book never really pays for itself.... unless you make it over the 2-5 year hump...

There is nothing I can do.. nor nothing I would do if I found out some of you were passing the book /dvd copies around for free on the world wide web...

BUT for an independent producer like myself, the effects of PIRACY make it nearly impossible to keep producing materials...

It is always your choice.. and I don't hate anybody nor am I mad at anybody for copying my work and making it available for free on the web....

BUT you SHOULD know that I feel the effects and it makes things very difficult for me in regards to continuing to make more books and DVDS.


way to piss off the author, you lamers. Stick with if you're gonna go and advertise piracy of the author's work on his own site. Karma will come back to you, oh yes, give it time.
Dang . a lot of anger here. Well personally i think both those guys can grow better than most people. Thats probably the truth. But yet again the internet never fails to have people put up there hate opinions and thinking they know it all. Happy farming people.
FucK YeaH. TiTs BeeR N AsS On The Grow!!!!
meh,i have all his other editions im just not sure theres enough new content in the newest book to justify buying it,thats the book b4 this 1 waz "tottaly revised" and didnt end up having enough new content but i baught it anyway...
I have read Jorges 2006 Medical Marijuana Horticulture book from cover to cover many times. There is a lot of good starter information, but the more you read it, the more inconsistient youll see his instructions are. He says that growing in an outdoor enclosure (not inside your home) is the worst idea, but then has an entire chapter devoted to greenhouses and outdoor enclosures. His cloning section is full of double talk. Again, there is a lot of good starter information, but there is a bit of confusing misinformation as well, plus there are ads in the book, including and ad for the book itself.
Lol who gives a fuck about who you think is a fuckin cannabis god lol...they are both great fuckin and my friends got his grow bible and followed every step of it and had a bad ass harvest. You keep claiming that this guy makes mistakes LOL? As though you are some bad ass weed grower or some weed king and know everything about it...Truth is everyone has their own techniques and styles.
Sadly i know its ur opinion but I mean come there a cannabis king award? So who really cares.
As for bubble hash...thats pretty much all you need to know. You get bubble bags that are probably over priced. And you use Ice and you fuckin stir....not that hard
Lol who gives a fuck about who you think is a fuckin cannabis god lol...they are both great fuckin and my friends got his grow bible and followed every step of it and had a bad ass harvest. You keep claiming that this guy makes mistakes LOL? As though you are some bad ass weed grower or some weed king and know everything about it...Truth is everyone has their own techniques and styles.
Sadly i know its ur opinion but I mean come there a cannabis king award? So who really cares.

As for bubble hash...thats pretty much all you need to know. You get bubble bags that are probably over priced. And you use Ice and you fuckin stir....not that hard
i love all these people criticizing jorge when he has been growing weed longer than most of them have thought about it, and where are the perfectly edited books that you guys have written? Oh you dont have any?Shut the fuck up than, get over yourselves.