Jomal206 - First grow! Cross your fingers!!


Well-Known Member
thats some uglyness coming our ur pots!!! i hope ur using ferts for vegetables?!?!...and u should always water after a transplant...allow 10% drainage after each watering!!


Well-Known Member
Damn jomal, what the heck are you doing to your plants, why would you be adding blood meal at that age? don't feed them anything but water, I would for at least the first month, I actually fed mine water for two months .. the hole veg stage... I think they will be ok if you feed them nothing but water for at least two weeks.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Damn jomal, what the heck are you doing to your plants, why would you be adding blood meal at that age? don't feed them anything but water, I would for at least the first month, I actually fed mine water for two months .. the hole veg stage... I think they will be ok if you feed them nothing but water for at least two weeks.

Good luck!
^^^^ what he says......totally agree man!

I'm sure you're plants are gonna recover just fine now. Best of luck :joint:


Well-Known Member
Damn jomal, what the heck are you doing to your plants, why would you be adding blood meal at that age? don't feed them anything but water, I would for at least the first month, I actually fed mine water for two months .. the hole veg stage... I think they will be ok if you feed them nothing but water for at least two weeks.

Good luck!
I'm just doing what all the FAQ and stuff tells me to do here!!!!!

Nobody told me otherwise. I started my grow with Blood Meal and nobody stopped me, I didn't know any better

Hopefully things will be OK. I woke up this morning and they're STILL draining crap in their little saucers...I don't think I flushed them enough :(

Whatever, we'll seee


Well-Known Member
live and learn, your plants should still be ok. that was some nasty shit coming out of there. now your plants should be ready to take off.


Well-Known Member
Here's my newest pics at Day 25 today

Two of them are taking to the flush very well. The one plant that wasn't really affected is doing great. All leaves are nice and green, plant looks healthy and I couldn't ask for anything better IMO

One of the two damaged plants is looking pretty good too for the circumstances. His lower foliage is still pretty burnt, but new growth is coming in and I think it'll be OK. One of the damaged plants looks about done for :( Oh well

So hopefully my nice healthy mature plant is a female...cross your fingers!!

Here's new pics



Well-Known Member

I think next time I water (a few days still) I might overwater a little also just because I'm worried about the crap in those pots. I let them drain in the tub for about 10 minutes before I put them back under the lights. When I woke up there was more water (gross of course) sitting in the linings, so I think it could've used a little more flushing.

Especially since they handled it pretty good here...I might water a little extra next time just to make sure I don't go through this again....after all I'm trying to baby my one good plant!!!!

I sure hope it's a female because right now it's my only prosperous looking plant :*(


Active Member
did you say you were using soft white bulbs for flowering? if anything use the cfls instead they are better. soft white suck for flowering. but if its your ability try and get a 250 hps. youll love it once you use it cause its gonna increase your yield ALOT. and another thing, your lights seem a little far away fromt the plants... try to always keep them 1-2 inches away fromt he plants.


Well-Known Member
lamoj, they will be ok, they look very good actually considering, I b keeeepng my fingers crossed for ya on the females .. plural because that's what we want right?

cdbr, I beg the differ, I actually used soft white throughout veg and now flowering with them, as I'm a noob! and didn't know any better at the time but seems to be doing great, with the results I'm getting I'm afraid to change anything, maybe next round...

My fingers}x{are crossed!


Well-Known Member
Those leafs are fanning out quite nice....looking good, there about to hit a growth spirt, mine did at that age.....


Well-Known Member
Yes my healthy plant is really taking off it seems like since the flush....she liked it very much

I'll post new pics tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Day 29

My plant is still looking very healthy! Some places have a little yellow on the leaves, but I think it's the aftermath of all the Blood Meal issue and the flushing. No worries

The smell is really starting to come out now....I have to keep the door to the room shut overnight so I can sleep...when I open it of a morning I'm greeted by a wonderful smell!!

Crossing my fingers for a female....we'll see. There's plenty of preflowers and shoots coming off of the main stock...I'm thinking within a few weeks it should start showing sex

The pics you can see I've started LST, she's taking to it well



Well-Known Member
I know right!!!

Well from what I've heard...males start to show before females so I guess that's a good thing eh?

They should start showing anytime up until another 3 weeks or so right?

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
I think, and I'm no expert, that the females show up first, at least in my brief growing career. I think the females show first so they can be developed and ready when the males finally are ready to pollinate.

Anyway that has been the case with my plants.