Jomal206 - First grow! Cross your fingers!!

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
That I'm not sure about but from what I've read I would say, yeah? One looks squat with wide short leaves, indica, and the other has long narrow leaves, sativa?

Like I said no expert, but that's my $.02.


Well-Known Member
yea but iv had plants change mid grow before and look sativa when they started out looking indica. A range of variables can determine how the plant looks.
They do look good though i want to train a few down like this and see how it goes, ill be excited to see how it goes!


Well-Known Member
Well I woke up this morning and checked my plants

My damaged plant is officially female!!!! I tried to get a pic, but had no luck. Hopefully my healthy one will show by the end of the day!!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone!

Yes I'm totally glad I didn't throw it out

The healthy plant has the same 'shoots' on it like the female....does that mean it's a female too? Do males grow the same sort of shoots that females do?


Well-Known Member
to me they look alot alike at that age, til the hairs start to grow.
but when the balls appear they are pretty obvious, they kind of look like seeds.

im no expert, though, i almost tossed a perfectly good female for not seeing hairs right away


Well-Known Member
LOL yes the first I'm 100% positive on I just had questions as to the initial way it grows; if males grew differently than females other than the sex parts

In another day or so I should know; the preflowers on the healthy plant are getting nice and big I think it's just an overall bigger plant so the preflowers still need a little time to grow?

Hopefully the large size I'm seeing doesn't indicate it's going to start growing pollen sacs ....:(


Well-Known Member
Yes I'm 100% familiar with the final result that I should look for it's the preflower thing that has me guessing

I just need to leave it along for a few days and come back when I can be 100% sure LOL


Well-Known Member
Day 34

Well ladies and gents, I just checked back on my healthy plant and she's a female too!!! So I'm 2 for 2!!! I can't believe both ladies showed their parts on the same day even though one was terribly hurt by my nute problem earlier in the grow!

I have to leave for 2 days, so I'm raising the light a little and leaving on a good note! I expect big growth in the next few days when I get back!!

Thanks for all the support everyone. As soon as I get back I'm switching to flower!!! I'm really excited, this has gone a lot faster than I thought it would.


Well-Known Member
Congrats on the two girls, you have made a complete circle with them plants, very good job saving them, they are looking fantastic, keep it up..


Well-Known Member
Thanks Hum!!!

Lots of love went into those ladies.....and patience. I'll post new pics when I go home tomorrow