Jomal206 - First grow! Cross your fingers!!


Well-Known Member
Day 37

I'm going to water them heavily tomorrow before I leave for Christmas....I'll also start introducing nutes at A SMALL LEVEL

I'm happy with the progress


Well-Known Member
Merry Christmas everyone!

Sorry I haven't been posting a lot I've been busy with the holidays

Well, I've been making good progress. My confirmed female is doing great; and my 'healthy' plant is still trying to figure out what it's going to be :) Originally I though it was female as well, but I was jumping the gun a little bit.

I'm getting another mount and Y bracket for 2 more lights, I'll use them on the outside of my plants to grow the sides a little bit. I think I'll probably use some of my veg bulbs to save me the money of getting more 'red' spectrums

This is day 42, they spent their first night in darkness last night to start their flower process :)



Well-Known Member
Looking good jomal, so how was your xmas, was it the best yet? Keep up the great work and have a ROCKIN new year....

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
hey jomal, you might want to re-think the watering plan. I've been talking to YGF pretty extensively about watering and I think he makes some great points.

Hit me up if interested and I will give you what he gave me.

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
I don't think it's anything you are doing 'wrong' necessarily as I've read the exact same watering guidelines you are and I was using.

Rather than running water off, which in my autopsies revealed the roots concentrated at the bottom of the pot utilizing very little soil, water a little bit each day and make the roots look and find the water, thus using the soil better. It makes sense to me. He says he never has any run off and uses the good old turkey baster to lightly sprinkle the water on lightly. I assume to similate a light rain each day rather than flood, then desert, flood-desert.

Makes sense and I like it. Like we were talking about earlier in your thread, you feel like you are neglecting the plants, watering everyday will cure that! Also I find that since I use fox farm and some of the nutes are 'every other watering' I am able to feel good about getting them what I think they need. My big girls in the 2gallon pots were getting 6 cups about every 5-6 days, which made it hard to alternate watered nutes.

Anyway, I'm turkey bastin my babies now and I think it's going great so far.

I know it goes against a lot of what I've read but it makes more sense to me. I hated thinking 10% of my nutes and such were going out on the floor. Makes watering more difficult but easier on the cleanup.

Take care

Farm Hard


Well-Known Member
that watering deal def. makes sence..ima try that!..i give my plants 200 ml every other day...and i pretty much get 10%drainage every watering...i use fox farm too..u think i could just give them 100ml everyday?!?

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
I figured that I was giving my big plants about 7 cups per week on average, which is 56 ounces. I am now giving them about 8 ounces/1 cup per day so right now I'm getting an extra cup per week in them, I'm sure I could give more but I'm trying to 'draw' the roots up from the bottom. The extra benefit for me is I get 7 waterings which means 3-4 'feedings' of nutes per week as opposed to one every other week!

I just started doing it this past week, but I'm liking it so far, can't see much with the plants quite yet but it's logical enough.

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
I was also getting the feeling that I was burning the hell outta them, I would feed 6 cups every 5-6 days, then an feeding without nutes and just when they looked to recover, I hit them with the flood, of water and nutes, again and they burned again.

I think this is much safer and just better in general.


Well-Known Member
yah man for sure! gunna start watering everyday with 100ml..instead of 200ml every other day! i'll let u know how it works!..