Without going through and looking up credible videos of those, I would not be sure some were not doctored, there is too much of that going on.
But yes I totally agree, any adult touching kids is creepy. I can imagine the thousands? tens of thousands? of pictures Biden has taken with families would end up being a bunch of super creepy pictures. I would be a lot more creeped out though if I hadn't caught my grandma sniffing my head like that when I was a kid. I have always hated being hugged and have been super aware of it my entire life how some people are just touchy, not that I think they were trying anything, I just always felt like those kids wanting to get away. I can't imagine after sitting in a quiet dinner or whatever public event they had to sit through for hours to get to the point they were in those pictures.
It doesn't in any way make him a rapist pedophile however. Who knows, it is possible, I don't know the guy, but shit like that has been shown to not just get forgotten about. Look at all the stuff that has come out over the last couple decades, from priests, football coaches, gymnast doctor, Jim Jordan's ignoring his wrestlers being molested, it all is coming out.
Trump alone has what over 20 allegations of actual sexual assault/rape and they were sworn in under oath.
We know Biden has been under attack by Russian propaganda already in this election, and this is just more of the same. Just by posting in this thread their message is spreading, which is bogus. Until this lady goes under oath, this is just another attempt to try to steal another election for Trump by deflecting from Trump's very real (and recorded under oath) illegal acts.
And screw it, if he turns out to be a rapist, he can beat Trump, and either quit or be impeached and hand the Presidency over to his VP. Trump needs to go.
If I was Biden I would just say, you know what, do a impeachment investigation on me starting day 1. I won't interfere, go through everything, and if you find something I will step down. And move past it all, we need our government to get back to work after this 4 year vacation from hell Trump has caused. And the Democrats need to win a super majority in the Senate and win back the House at the same time, otherwise the Republicans will play the same game of obstructing all legislation they have been since at least 2010.