JinxProof’s MadCap///QB&COB/// Stealth & Organic Grow

Which light should I buy for 16”x32”x60” Cabinet

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Hi DankTankerous.

I skimmed through and the 1st couple of pages.

My guess is you needed to take a knife to the roots when you transplanted in post #18

The roots in that picture have a great color.

When a plant is that rootbound and you put it in fresh soil the way it is the water can sometimes have an umbrella affect going around the root ball and the water may not penetrate into the root ball choosing the path of least resistance.

More info can be found doing a google search for "transplanting a rootbound plant".
Someone tried to call Hot Rod Harley over, to do that the @ symbol is needed. @hotrodharley
Break those impacted balls up. Gently shake them loose. Use your fingers. Let your butt pucker feeling roots tear some but do it. The roots respond by healing and forking like the tops do when pinched. Have your new medium damp but not wet. Transplant with Mykos in the hole or sprinkled on the roots. Leave it alone for a few days . If leaves droop ignore it. If the stems start to head to the ground also THEN water LIGHTLY.
Hey Folks,

After work the plant looked way better today, still a little droopy, but better. Throughout the watering I could see the branches move out and expand like it was shriveled up. Thinking about that breaks my heart, but at least she’s better. Now I gotta get the soil’s pH lower before she goes into flower. I bought some Kashi and Malted Barley from Build a Soil, which should help and bring the pH down. On a side note i’ll be looking into making LaB, which would help bring the pH down, but it wouldn’t be ready for at least another month. The Kashi and Malted Barley get here on Monday so I have hopefully the solution coming, regardless it’ll be great for the soil. Also, i’ll be harvesting my worm castings and top dressing with it while adding at least 10 worms. Things are definitely on the up now that I have the watering situation understood. My goal is to start flowering in 3-4 weeks, hopefully sooner, I just don’t know how long it’ll take to bring the pH down to a grow-able level.

Here are the before and after pictures


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Break those impacted balls up. Gently shake them loose. Use your fingers. Let your butt pucker feeling roots tear some but do it. The roots respond by healing and forking like the tops do when pinched. Have your new medium damp but not wet. Transplant with Mykos in the hole or sprinkled on the roots. Leave it alone for a few days . If leaves droop ignore it. If the stems start to head to the ground also THEN water LIGHTLY.

Got it! I’ll remember that next time, thank you for stopping by and helping!
Good luck. Also use a skewer or long screwdriver and drive it top to bottom throughthe medium occasionally to aerate the roots. And to aid in water reaching the bottom roots without saturating the medium unnecessarily .

Great idea! Honestly, I really need to chill out and take it easy. I get too perfectionistic and freak out over every little thing. Thanks again for your help.
Hi DankTankerous.

I skimmed through and the 1st couple of pages.

My guess is you needed to take a knife to the roots when you transplanted in post #18

The roots in that picture have a great color.

When a plant is that rootbound and you put it in fresh soil the way it is the water can sometimes have an umbrella affect going around the root ball and the water may not penetrate into the root ball choosing the path of least resistance.

More info can be found doing a google search for "transplanting a rootbound plant".
Someone tried to call Hot Rod Harley over, to do that the @ symbol is needed. @hotrodharley
That was me, I wasn’t sure if tagging him would be overstepping. I spaced it out on purpose:)
Hey Folks

So last night I took the plant and took off all the soil from the previous transplant. Really none of the roots expanded out, so I tried to get off the original soil with the top high pH out but Fuck the roots were so interconnected and dense. I took off at least a quarter of the rootball and transplanted it in unamended soil half Light Warrior half Black Gold Natural and Organic soil. Then I top dressed with Kashi and Malted Barley then watered. The advice I was given said to transplant into a larger container, so I did. My only hesitation is that the rootball was so small like the size of a gallon jug, and then I put in with 5 gallons of soil, I’m afraid the roots won’t go searching form water and nutrition. But I didn’t go with my opinion, because I have made some big mistakes and I wanted to follow someone’s instructions... I’m kinda wishing that I went with my gut.

Here in a few days i’ll be top dressing with Worm Castings and watering, then i’ll be watering with a Kashi tea. He said it should comeback in a week, I’m going to give it 2 weeks. Also next grow I’m going to have a plan. I hope it works, I really do, if not I’m popping three seeds. We’ll see folks.

This is what she looked like before I transplanted her. She is looking better, but I believe there is still a deficiency going on. The leaves are so small and before the pH and deficiency started the leaves were huge, as big as my hands.


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Hey Folks

So last night I took the plant and took off all the soil from the previous transplant. Really none of the roots expanded out, so I tried to get off the original soil with the top high pH out but Fuck the roots were so interconnected and dense. I took off at least a quarter of the rootball and transplanted it in unamended soil half Light Warrior half Black Gold Natural and Organic soil. Then I top dressed with Kashi and Malted Barley then watered. The advice I was given said to transplant into a larger container, so I did. My only hesitation is that the rootball was so small like the size of a gallon jug, and then I put in with 5 gallons of soil, I’m afraid the roots won’t go searching form water and nutrition. But I didn’t go with my opinion, because I have made some big mistakes and I wanted to follow someone’s instructions... I’m kinda wishing that I went with my gut.

Here in a few days i’ll be top dressing with Worm Castings and watering, then i’ll be watering with a Kashi tea. He said it should comeback in a week, I’m going to give it 2 weeks. Also next grow I’m going to have a plan. I hope it works, I really do, if not I’m popping three seeds. We’ll see folks.

This is what she looked like before I transplanted her. She is looking better, but I believe there is still a deficiency going on. The leaves are so small and before the pH and deficiency started the leaves were huge, as big as my hands.
Time and patience bro it’ll comeback plants are super resilient sounds like your on the right track man!
Time and patience bro it’ll comeback plants are super resilient sounds like your on the right track man!

Thank you brother I appreciate that. I’m feeling more hopeful about it, but I do have to remind myself that at least I tried and that it’s an experiment. That’s how you get better. I have learned quite a bit that you can only learn in doing and not reading and I have read so much but it’s nothing compared to growing it. All in all I feel better because now I’m a little bit wiser and closer to achieving my goal.

Tomorrow i’ll be harvesting my first batch of Worm Castings and storing it, any suggestions on storage? I’ll also be buying some local supercharged compost (also to replace what I’m taking away in the worm bin) and local Worm Castings from the place I bought my Worm Bin from. (They’re an awesome local business that teaches Organic Soil Web, How to have Worm Bins and Black Soldier Fly bins, amongst others. I live in a Organic No-Till Gardening Vacuum, so I’m really thankful for them) I read to top dress with three different locations of compost/vermicompost for bio and fungi diversity, makes since to me.

The next 14 days should be interesting. None of the cuttings have rooted, so hopefully the plant bounces back. Although it doesn’t look healthy, it’s still growing, I need to flip soon because I’m running out of room. My cabinet is 5 feet tall and I meant to flip it like a month or two ago but I have been having these soil issues. Let’s hope they clear up.
Thank you brother I appreciate that. I’m feeling more hopeful about it, but I do have to remind myself that at least I tried and that it’s an experiment. That’s how you get better. I have learned quite a bit that you can only learn in doing and not reading and I have read so much but it’s nothing compared to growing it. All in all I feel better because now I’m a little bit wiser and closer to achieving my goal.

Tomorrow i’ll be harvesting my first batch of Worm Castings and storing it, any suggestions on storage? I’ll also be buying some local supercharged compost (also to replace what I’m taking away in the worm bin) and local Worm Castings from the place I bought my Worm Bin from. (They’re an awesome local business that teaches Organic Soil Web, How to have Worm Bins and Black Soldier Fly bins, amongst others. I live in a Organic No-Till Gardening Vacuum, so I’m really thankful for them) I read to top dress with three different locations of compost/vermicompost for bio and fungi diversity, makes since to me.

The next 14 days should be interesting. None of the cuttings have rooted, so hopefully the plant bounces back. Although it doesn’t look healthy, it’s still growing, I need to flip soon because I’m running out of room. My cabinet is 5 feet tall and I meant to flip it like a month or two ago but I have been having these soil issues. Let’s hope they clear up.
Cool dark place you want them to stay a little moist or the bugs die.
Mycelium is settling in nicely, so I decided to throw a table spoon of it into my worm Bin just to aid and add more biodiversity. From what I have read it doesn’t seem that it would harm the herd or microbes, but add microbes to it and increase fungi.

Now that I think about i’ll need to hit up the Nature Reserve and see if I can find some leaf mold. It’s been really rainy here too.

Today I added a heaping tablespoon of Kashi to a gallon of RO water and will let it sit for two days, then i’ll foiliar feed and soil drench in two days before the lights come on.
No science to this comment, admittedly pretty far gone, but it seems like you are doing a lot, all the time. Find peace with your grow and relax. Be patient, allow things to happen. Accept gradual change.
This is good shit. Did I actually spell everything tight? Fuckin A.
No science to this comment, admittedly pretty far gone, but it seems like you are doing a lot, all the time. Find peace with your grow and relax. Be patient, allow things to happen. Accept gradual change.
This is good shit. Did I actually spell everything tight? Fuckin A.

Yeah you’re right. Honestly these grows kind of take it out of me. I get really intense and feel this pull to perfection. Like the idea of perfection and the feeling I get from it is greater than the act of growing. This happens a lot of times with me in other areas in my life as well. It’s just hard for me to relax and see my plant in a sorry state, but this anxiety has also lead me to make quick rash decisions that effected me negatively. Idk maybe I put too much stock in these grows. I’m not selling it, there is only personal value on it. I’m going to try and chill, but damn these perfectionist tendencies kill me.
Hey folks,

Yesterday I top dressed it with my Worm Castings and Compost and gave it a watering with the Kashi Tea. Checked on it this morning and it didn’t look too well. The tops looked like they’re bleaching or something. Idk. I raised up the lights, but I’m loosing headroom. The plant is still growing even though it looks really poor. It’s coming down to crunch time because of the space and the money have spent on it. I do know that it’s getting to tall and I found some metal fencing that’s like 2”x4” perfect for a scrog net. I was thinking about laying it over the branches I bet it would fill up as well. Or should I just cut the tops off? What would happen if I do that?

This Tuesday will be one week since transplant, and I’m going to give it another week and then we’ll see. I’m at work right so I hope it looks better when I get home. It’s odd though, a lot times, the plant looks the best in the afternoon, can anyone explain that? I’ll post up some pics later
So when I got home I checked on the plant and in some ways she looked better and in other ways she looked worst. The tops are really starting to lighten in color almost looking yellow. However the bottom leaves look spread out and not so curled in. They look relaxed but not praying either.

Also I’m loosing too much headroom so I have her a chop. Went a little crazy with it, but now the light is 18 inches away from the tops. I think it’s a good idea to put the light further up, it’s gone through enough stress. On Friday I’m going to giver more Malted Barley and Kashi. I gave her 2 tablespoons because it said 1/3 of a cup to 15 gallons although it seemed small I decided to err on the side of caution and not over do it.

Oh and a few more pictures of my new kitty


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So when I got home I checked on the plant and in some ways she looked better and in other ways she looked worst. The tops are really starting to lighten in color almost looking yellow. However the bottom leaves look spread out and not so curled in. They look relaxed but not praying either.

Also I’m loosing too much headroom so I have her a chop. Went a little crazy with it, but now the light is 18 inches away from the tops. I think it’s a good idea to put the light further up, it’s gone through enough stress. On Friday I’m going to giver more Malted Barley and Kashi. I gave her 2 tablespoons because it said 1/3 of a cup to 15 gallons although it seemed small I decided to err on the side of caution and not over do it.

Oh and a few more pictures of my new kitty
The yellowing is the beginning of a iron deficiency, if it’s the bottom it’s nitrogen. Kitty is absolutely adorable.
Good luck
The yellowing is the beginning of a iron deficiency, if it’s the bottom it’s nitrogen. Kitty is absolutely adorable.
Good luck

You are absolutely right, but I attribute that to the High pH, which doesn’t allow the plant to take up nutrients like Zinc, Manganese, Iron, and I think Magnesium.

I top dressed it with the Kashi blend and Malted Barley Powder to bring the pH down from the alkaline state it’s in. Im giving it until next Tuesday to get back. There seems to be multiple problems that are going on though.

I backed off the lights to 18inches above canopy and next time I water I’m going to poke holes in the soil to make sure my rootball gets the water and the microbes and fungi from the worm castings and Kashi.
Hey Folks,

Things seem to be turning around now; upon opening the doors I got a refreshed newer fragrance of the cannabis. Also when I look through the foliage the leaves are green and spread out. The stems are also no longer purple, they’re back to green. She’s drinking more water everyday and she looks like her color is coming back. So I guess I’ll extend the time.:bigjoint: This Friday she’ll be getting some Worm Castings and maybe Alfalfa Meal. Alfalfa speads up composting and provides new different microbes as well as Nitrogen, problem is the rootball is that over amended soil. I think I should wait on it until it’s fully recovered. Then again, the plant did not wince or flinch at the massive topping I did. What do y’all think? The rest of the soil is non-amended Light Warrior, so it will need macronutrients at some time. Next watering will be with Kashi Tea, they say to add Molasses too.

I also started three seedlings, the rest of the MadCap and they sprouted 3 days ago. No joke though, they had a tap root coming out of the peat pellet before the cotyledons had opened. Like it broke ground, the next day an inch long tap root is protruding out of the peat pellet. One of the seedlings top section of the tap root was out of the topside of the pellet pushing the stem and leaves out, so I immediately transplanted And put the soil up further to the green part of the stem to cover the top section of the root. They were transplanting into Fox Farms Light Warrior and top dressed with my Worm Castings. I have some mushrooms fruiting right now in another room, so once the original plant is ready to fruit *crosses fingers* I’ll move the seedlings in the closet where the shrooms were at.

Advice is always welcome

Apologies for the poor lighting


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