January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

I'm pretty sure the secretary of defense Lloyd Austin is going through the services like shit through a goose and ending careers. Civics training would be a good idea for the military and should be taught in school, the theory too.
It's January 2nd folks, they are hitting the ground running in 2022.
Cheney reveals what Trump was doing during January 6 insurrection

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), the vice chair of the House select committee investigating the January 6 insurrection, said in an interview with CBS that the committee has "firsthand testimony" that former President Donald Trump was watching the attack on the Capitol from the White House.
It seems much of the delay in response was not to provoke Trump into declaring the insurrection act. Much of the tiptoeing around appears to be the civil service trying to keep Trump from doing this. Perhaps they figured it wouldn't be as bad as it was and that those entering the building had no plan and no path to win.

I'm glad it turned out like it did though and they were not mowed down on the capitol steps, nothin could discredit Trump, the republicans and his supporters more than the attack on the capitol, at least among patriotic Americas. It was a singular event that cost the republicans the support of millions and tens of thousands left the party over it, distilling the lunatics down even further. The democrats are about to present a replay with lot's of drama that is sure to attract a lot of winter TV viewers home because of covid, primetime. Next it will be replayed when the underlings making deals and insurrectionists will be on trial this summer and fall, right up to election day. They all have to wear the Qanon shaman's horned fur hat now, the lunatic was the public image of them and the event.

Whether it makes a difference in November remains to be seen, the democrats need all the help they can get.
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