January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

Oh no its gonna happen I love watching you guys squirm thinking of him getting reelected

but what about a month or two ago when you know who and JFK and/or JFK jr were going to be his VP..people waited for days with those stupid red t-shirt emboldened with their latest conspiracy theory.

what about Mike Lindells Magic Pillow Emporium who's going to give you the evidence *really (this time).
Trump's Attempt to Enlist Assistance of Supreme Court to Hide Evidence from House Select Committee

Donald Trump is famous/infamous for using the courts for his own nefarious purposes - bringing baseless lawsuits to weaponize the delay in the court system and run out the clock. After losing in both the trial and appellate courts, Trump is now seeking to enlist the Supreme Court in his attempt to hide from the House select committee information in the possession of the National Archives regarding his conduct in connection with the January 6 attack on the US Capitol.

Given that Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor recently used the work "stench" to describe the politicization of the Supreme Court, we now await word on whether the Supreme Court will accept review of Trump's latest appeal, thereby giving Trump the delay he seeks and adding to the court's political "stench," or reject Trump's appeal and allow Congress to fully investigate the attack on American democracy so it can put legislative fixes in place to prevent the next attack from succeeding.
Wasn’t it Moscow Mitch who said the congress should seek legal retribution?
Fortunately the retribution will fall on the heads of his political enemies in the GOP and dispose of them while leaving Mitch with clean hands. I'm pretty sure Cheney will protect his senators from the worst of it, he knows the house will be controlled by fucking lunatics if the GOP wins and they would be more trouble for him than the democrats. There appear to be about a half dozen congress people involved in the insurrection and they are all his enemies in the GOP. Mitch would like to control who the next republican nominee is for POTUS, but the lunatic base will have something to say about that and Trump could run from his NY prison cell, but he might also have federal insurrection charges by then too and that might make it impossible to run since it can disqualify him from office with simple majorities in the house and senate. Besides NY won't let Trump out of a maximum security prison even if he won the presidency! I wonder how that would work, administration from the big house, instead of the WH. The oval office reduced to a cell that the secret service agent shoves grub and papers through, his staff could use other cells for offices. Security should be good there though, after they clean out a wing of Sing sing of the regular denizens! :lol:
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If Donald went to Sing sing NY ( a very real possibility), he would still have his secret service detail. He would have to be in a private cell (solitary confinement) and have at least a couple of SS agents with him when he went for his daily exercise in the court yard. He would most likely have a SS agent stationed outside his cell who would shove his meals through the grub hole. I have no doubt he will be in maximum security since he has a large armed terrorist following and the judge and jury will get hundreds of death threats during the trial and while awaiting sentencing.

It will be interesting to see how this turns out, at the rate they are going in NY he should be indicted by spring at the latest and on trial in the summer of 2022. Maybe they will sentence him to a long stretch just before the election and he will go nuts, so will his base! 2022 promises to be a year of reckoning for some of these clowns, Trump among them, others will take until 2023 or 2024 to go down. If the democrats win the house and a few more in the senate, they will exterminate the republicans with new laws, regulations and an anti terrorist watch list to take care of the violent wing. If the win big enough they will regulate foxnews into a box, or destroy them for their criminal pandemic coverage and misinformation. Social media and cable TV will be regulated and if they were wise, the would reassign the AM broadcast band to digital, eliminating hate radio at a stroke.
2021: The Year of Donald Trump's Big Lie. 2022 Will be the Year of The Big Truth.

2021 started with Donald Trump, on January 6, directing his supporters to go to the US Capitol and "stop" the certification of the election's results. Of course, he told them to stop the "steal", which provides definitive proof that Trump was lying to inspire and incite the attack, as his own administration officials and agencies said the election was not stolen.

But if 2021 was the year of The Big Lie, 2022 will prove to be the year of The Big Truth. The House select committee investigating the Capitol attack has promised public hearings in early 2022. Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson has also indicated that the committee is considering criminal referrals for Trump and company. Moreover, the Department of Justice continues to investigate, indict and prosecute the foot soldiers of the insurrection, in what should be viewed as phase one of the Capitol attack investigation. Indeed, DOJ is following the standard prosecutorial blueprint in large-scale gang or RICO investigations: start at the bottom and work your way up the criminal ladder.

Here's why these two things - the House select committee's investigation and criminal referrals, and the DOJ's criminal investigation of the insurrection - will converge to make 2022 the year of accountability. Because justice matters.
what about Mike Lindells Magic Pillow Emporium who's going to give you the evidence *really (this time).

I am going to laugh for the entire rest of the year that the inlaws stiffed us on Mypillows to own the libs. It's just so weird and stupid, grandma is hooked on facebook, what can you do. Probably doesn't like that our 9 year old yells science at them. Luckily my commie side of the family buys computers, video games, toys and books instead of pillows, since we aren't trying to be dicks in our gift giving, so not missing out.

i've been saying get rid of the fucking electoral college for years... there are no substantial penalties for electors not voting the way the people of their district vote...an elector can vote for any candidate they want, and face nothing worse than a thousand dollar fine for betraying the voters they're supposed to be representing. let's go with a strict popular vote, and screw those that cry about not having as many voters as more populous states...maybe there's a reason you have less voters...

i've been saying get rid of the fucking electoral college for years... there are no substantial penalties for electors not voting the way the people of their district vote...an elector can vote for any candidate they want, and face nothing worse than a thousand dollar fine for betraying the voters they're supposed to be representing. let's go with a strict popular vote, and screw those that cry about not having as many voters as more populous states...maybe there's a reason you have less voters...
The US is not very far away from making that a reality.

Key Trump adviser Bernard Kerik hands Jan. 6 panel trove of documents
A letter from Kerik's attorney dated Friday indicates that Kerik wants to cooperate with the committee "and any investigators who are truly willing to move ahead swiftly and get to the truth."

"Mr. Kerik is a strong believer in our constitutional system of government and would have never participated in any effort to knowingly promote false claims," Timothy Parlatore, Kerik’s attorney, wrote to the committee's chairman, Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), in a letter shared by Kerik and reported on by Politico.

"He believed then, as he does now, that there were significant election improprieties and inconsistencies as well as evidence of possible fraud in the election that must be properly investigated," Parlatore continued. "It is for this reason, that Mr. Kerik very much wants to cooperate with your committee and any investigators who are truly willing to move ahead swiftly and get to the truth."

Among the documents released via the letter is a "strategic communications plan" meant to pressure Republican members of Congress, including swing-state senators, to vote against certifying the 2020 election results. It included issues to highlight such as "Dead people voted," "Underage people voted" and "Fraudulent Ballots."

The cooperation of Kerik, who was hired to investigate election fraud claims by Trump's legal team, is sought by the Jan. 6 select committee because of his involvement in getting space at the Willard Hotel for the Trump team’s “war room” prior to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

Kerik also made remarks to The Washington Post regarding his firm charging $10,000 in travel expenses to the Trump campaign in addition to more than $55,000 for rooms for legal personnel.

Kerik, who was subpoenaed by the committee in November, signaled last month that he intended to cooperate with the committee’s investigation, but he demanded an apology from lawmakers over an assertion that he had been involved in the Jan. 5 meeting at the Willard.
DOJ Press Release Promises to Hold Accountable All Those "Responsible" for Capitol Attack

The Department of Justice just issued a press release about the status of the investigation and prosecution of those who attacked the US Capitol on January 6. Although DOJ rules prohibited disclosure of who might next be charged, the press release seems to leave some bread crumbs about the sweep and scope of the insurrection investigation.