January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

theres no mess at the border and youre free to go to afghanistan and fight for whichever side you choose to.

No mess at the border? Have you looked at illegal crossings? We are being invaded and having a larger portion of the third world coming to our country. We have no idea who these people are but democrats just want to school their kids and take care of the whole damn family
Nonsense. Look what Biden just brought home, something that man couldn’t, and wouldn’t even if he could. He was too busy with corporate welfare and plans to strip- mine Social Security. That’s almost three trillion dollars for him to start another steal.

What did he bring home? Debt? A deal which will include nonsense like green measures and moving entire freeways because poor people think it’s racist to have nice houses on one side and shitty houses on the other. Trump could never get anything done because the idiots on the left attacked every move he made. He could of cured cancer and they would of been screaming “ Racism” or some liberal talking point shit
My God they act like they burned the place down. So dramatic and for what? It’s just so blown out of proportion. Sure arrest people for trespassing or whatever they did wrong but STFU about it already. It’s like they are obsessed about one fucking day. There were how many riots last year but this one day is the only one they talk about. They act like a bunch of clowns taking over a building for a few hours is somehow going to change the course of things. It’s like Covid and Trump the fucking media can’t stop talking about it.

You know how when other people downplay the rioting, it's because they're a sympathizer to the cause? Well, this post right here is sympathizing domestic terrorism.
What did he bring home? Debt? A deal which will include nonsense like green measures and moving entire freeways because poor people think it’s racist to have nice houses on one side and shitty houses on the other. Trump could never get anything done because the idiots on the left attacked every move he made. He could of cured cancer and they would of been screaming “ Racism” or some liberal talking point shit
Here is a Christmas idea for you to get from your family.
Screen Shot 2021-11-09 at 10.59.56 AM.png

Your lack of anything close to a reasoned information based talking point is boring btw. It is just random noise that some crank that is indistinguishable form a propaganda spam troll on Stormfront would be putting out.
You know how when other people downplay the rioting, it's because they're a sympathizer to the cause? Well, this post right here is sympathizing domestic terrorism.

What cause was that?I don’t agree with what happened that day but I know not everybody was attacking police. It’s annoying when the same people that coddled one group of rioters for an entire year and turned their back on police all of a sudden are so concerned with law enforcements safety and people trespassing and vandalism.
I don’t know if there was cheating because not enough states use voter ID. I say the same for recent Republican wins. Until we get rid of mail in votes and demand voter ID we leave out elections open to fraud. But you can’t call one group terrorists unless you call the other group doing the exact same thing terrorists. What’s worse is the people rioting and looting last year weren’t just destroying gov property but citizens businesses and private property.
You’re guy said he accomplished more in his first term than any other president in history.

Politicians say a lot. That’s the problem you think because I supported some of his ideas and liked him better than Biden and that pos Obama ( who created this whole mess) that I agree with everything. I actually look at things as an individual rationally and unlike the Left don’t blindly agree on topics out of white guilt or weak little “Feelings”
Politicians say a lot. That’s the problem you think because I supported some of his ideas and liked him better than Biden and that pos Obama ( who created this whole mess) that I agree with everything. I actually look at things as an individual rationally and unlike the Left don’t blindly agree on topics out of white guilt or weak little “Feelings”
I’m not saying you’re a racist piece of shit, but you do sound like one.
What cause was that?I don’t agree with what happened that day but I know not everybody was attacking police. It’s annoying when the same people that coddled one group of rioters for an entire year and turned their back on police all of a sudden are so concerned with law enforcements safety and people trespassing and vandalism.
I don’t know if there was cheating because not enough states use voter ID. I say the same for recent Republican wins. Until we get rid of mail in votes and demand voter ID we leave out elections open to fraud. But you can’t call one group terrorists unless you call the other group doing the exact same thing terrorists. What’s worse is the people rioting and looting last year weren’t just destroying gov property but citizens businesses and private property.

You don't know if there was cheating? Simple question here; how grand would the scale of cheating need to be and how many people would need to be involved in the scam? Because, the larger the conspiracy and more the more far fetched and unrealistic the conspiracy becomes, the more it becomes a "...because that's exactly what I would do..." projection of morals, or lack thereof.

I agree the rioting and looting was shit, but I'm not sure you know what terrorism is. Please google the definition. Violently breaking into the nation's capitol to disrupt an election process is domestic terrorism by definition. Rioting in the street because you think the police are too quick to kill people, is not, but I'm saying that as a means of excusing it, just putting it in its proper place. They are very literally not "the exact same". Killing a random guy on the street and killing the president are not the same thing. One of those actions is terrorism and will throw the nation into turmoil. You already know this and the fact that you consciously or subconsciously attempt to create an equivalent is being a sympathizer to your favorite brand of domestic terrorism.

And the people rioting didn't get mowed down for the same reason that the domestic terrorists on January 6th didn't get mowed down, because someone out there still-knows-their-fucking-history. When you smash a hundred people in the street, or in the capitol, you're dealing with a thousand tomorrow. At that point, it's just stuff, and it's better to lose that stuff than manufacture an event that stains our history. We've all heard of Tiananmen Square, and left or right doesn't matter, we don't' want to have one of our own.
I’m not saying you’re a racist piece of shit, but you do sound like one.

Lmao I was waiting for that reply and those “ Weak little feelings” to pop up again. There is nothing racist about looking at things in a rational sense. I’m actually less racist than white liberals because I don’t hate white people. I don’t hate anybody simply for being a particular race but I also won’t just side with others because I was told I should hate my own race either.
What cause was that?I don’t agree with what happened that day but I know not everybody was attacking police. It’s annoying when the same people that coddled one group of rioters for an entire year and turned their back on police all of a sudden are so concerned with law enforcements safety and people trespassing and vandalism.
I don’t know if there was cheating because not enough states use voter ID. I say the same for recent Republican wins. Until we get rid of mail in votes and demand voter ID we leave out elections open to fraud. But you can’t call one group terrorists unless you call the other group doing the exact same thing terrorists. What’s worse is the people rioting and looting last year weren’t just destroying gov property but citizens businesses and private property.
No Democrat in office was coddling rioters. Which makes you a liar.

People attacking our nation's capital to overturn an election to install their Dear Leader is a terrorist event. And the Republicans paying trolls to try to pretend like it was all hugs and kisses is bullshit.
No Democrat in office was coddling rioters. Which makes you a liar.

People attacking our nation's capital to overturn an election to install their Dear Leader is a terrorist event. And the Republicans paying trolls to try to pretend like it was all hugs and kisses is bullshit.

I can name one that is the worst case example. Maxine Waters
Lmao I was waiting for that reply and those “ Weak little feelings” to pop up again. There is nothing racist about looking at things in a rational sense. I’m actually less racist than white liberals because I don’t hate white people. I don’t hate anybody simply for being a particular race but I also won’t just side with others because I was told I should hate my own race either.
Yeah, you sound like very fine people.
No Democrat in office was coddling rioters. Which makes you a liar.

People attacking our nation's capital to overturn an election to install their Dear Leader is a terrorist event. And the Republicans paying trolls to try to pretend like it was all hugs and kisses is bullshit.

How the fuck would that overturn the election??? Does anyone ever ask themselves that? Give me a break. They disrupted the confirmation of it which if done by the left would be considered “ Social disobedience.” Do you actually think holding space for whatever time they were there really was going to stop Biden from coming in? Give me a break. Both sides were stupid on this. I mean these guys were dressed like they were going to a football game not “ Taking over a country.” It’s silly
yet you took time out your busy day to post that. lmao. you aren't very good at this, are you?

What Afghans? If they helped us and we promised to protect them fine. They are not the ones I take issues with. I don’t like the ones that pushed their way in and snuck on our planes. The ones we have no connnection to