January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.


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59 percent say Trump misled public about election’s outcome before Jan. 6: poll
A majority of respondents in a new poll said that they believe former President Trump misled the public about the outcome of the 2020 presidential election in the lead-up to the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
Forty-five percent said Trump “definitely” misled the public about the election results ahead of the rioting while 14 percent say he “probably did,” according to the Politico/Morning Consult survey.

Fifteen percent of Republicans agreed that Trump misled the public about the 2020 election.
One-third of all respondents said Trump did not mislead the public about the results in the 2020 election, which he has still refused to concede to President Biden a year and a half later.

Almost six in 10 — 59 percent — also said that believe Trump was “very responsible” or “somewhat responsible” for the rioting at the Capitol.
The new polling comes after the House committee investigating the Capitol attack has held multiple public hearings.
The committee has presented witnesses and evidence regarding Trump’s actions leading up to the riot, such as not accepting the election results and calling on protesters to go to Washington, D.C. In a hearing on Tuesday, the panel is expected to focus on extremist groups such as the Proud Boys and their role in the attack.

Pollsters also found that 52 percent of respondents would cast their ballot for Trump if the 2024 Republican presidential primary was held today, with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) coming in second with 21 percent support.

Trump has teased running for president in 2024 multiple times but has not made an official announcement on the topic.
The poll surveyed 2,005 U.S. adults from July 8 to July 10. The margin of error is 2 percentage points.

That leave 40% idiots.
Yeah, but how many of the 59% who know the truth don't give a fuck? How many of the 59% will still vote for republicans? Lot's of these assholes know he's a liar and a criminal, they just don't care, because they knew he was crazy enough to do what they really wanted. Desantis is smarter and slicker than Trump, more dangerous too IMHO, he learned from Donald and Donald is his only threat to getting the nomination. Donald is in deep shit and nobody wants him gone more than republican politicians, they want him memory holed yesterday.

Try your best to win in 2022, no matter what you have to do to keep these assholes from power and hopefully protect the voting system and elections while solving America's many problems with popular legislation. Attack the right wing propaganda for profit system with new laws and regulations governing broadcast, cable and social media, YouTube can be considered broadcast media too as can other streaming video platforms. Get creative and stay within the bounds of the constitution, there are a million ideas for reigning these assholes in, including reassigning the AM broadcast band and taking rural hate radio off the air at a stroke. New highspeed rural internet initiatives will give those people the same information access as urban folks get with cable TV too.

Even FDR did shit with the post office to keep hate from spreading with Father Charles Coughlan by taking him off the air and fucking with his postage rates!


Well-Known Member
They are talking on MSNBC about Trump naming people in tweets and the violent domestic terrorists would target them. They mentioned our governor Whitmer as someone he did this to.

Reminded me of another example.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/09/10/reinoehl-portland-antifa-killing-police/Screen Shot 2022-07-12 at 12.53.00 PM.png
When police last week surrounded Michael Forest Reinoehl, a self-described anti-fascist suspected of fatally shooting a member of a far-right group in Portland, Ore., the wanted man wasn’t obviously armed, a witness to the scene said Wednesday.

In fact, according to Nate Dinguss, Reinoehl was clutching a cellphone and eating a gummy worm as he walked to his car outside an apartment complex in Lacey, Wash. That’s when officers opened fire without first announcing themselves or trying to arrest him, Dinguss, a 39-year-old who lives in the apartment complex, said in a statement shared with The Washington Post.
Dinguss’s account of the Sept. 3 fatal shooting, first reported by the Oregonian, contradicts details offered by federal authorities, who said Reinoehl, 48, pulled a gun as members of a fugitive task force tried to arrest him. Two other witnesses also told the Olympian they had seen Reinoehl fire a weapon at police.


Well-Known Member
Fucking cults.

This part about the 'christian' women advertising (and getting permits) to get a mob of Karens to occupy the buildings that just happen to be the ones that the domestic terrorists manifesto called to be sacked, is really interesting when you combine it with the breaking news today that the insurrectionists had stockpiled a month of food.
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DOJ alerted after Trump called unseen Jan. 6 witness, says Cheney
Former President Trump tried to call a witness expected to appear at a future hearing for the House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) said Tuesday, raising further questions about potential witness tampering.

“After our last hearing, President Trump tried to call a witness in our investigation. A witness you have not yet seen in these hearings,” Cheney said at the conclusion of Tuesday’s hearing. “That person declined to answer or respond to President Trump’s call, and instead alerted their lawyer to the call. Their lawyer alerted us, and this committee has supplied that information to the Department of Justice.”

“We will take any effort to influence witness testimony very seriously,” Cheney added.

At a hearing late last month with former Trump White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson, Cheney displayed a text message sent to one undisclosed witness that read: “[A person] let me know you have your deposition tomorrow. He wants me to let you know that he’s thinking about you. He knows you’re loyal, and you’re going to do the right thing when you go in for your deposition.”

Cheney also showed a statement at the previous hearing from a witness in which the person recalled being told that as long as they remained loyal to Trump and his team, “I’ll continue to stay in good graces in Trump World. And they have reminded me a couple of times that Trump does read transcripts and just to keep that in mind as I proceeded through my depositions and interviews with the committee.”

One of the witnesses involved in the previous messages is reportedly Hutchinson.

But Cheney’s comments on Tuesday are the first public confirmation that Trump had personally reached out to those who are communicating with the committee.

The committee has kept the identity of witnesses at future hearings under wraps, partly due to increased security concerns.


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Bannon predicted ‘all hell is going to break loose tomorrow’ after Jan. 5 call with Trump
Former President Trump spoke on the phone with his former White House adviser and political strategist Stephen Bannon at least twice the day before the Capitol attack, the select committee revealed on Tuesday.

After the first call on the morning of Jan. 5, 2021, which lasted 11 minutes, according to White House call logs, Bannon went on a right-wing talk show and predicted the next day would be eventful.

“All hell is going to break loose tomorrow,” Bannon said in a clip of his appearance that was played during Tuesday’s hearing. “It’s all converging, and now we’re on, as they say, the point of attack.”

“I’ll tell you this: It’s not going to happen like you think it’s going to happen,” he added. “It’s going to be quite extraordinarily different, and all I can say is strap in.”

Bannon had refused to comply with a select committee subpoena for testimony and documents. He is slated to go to trial on Monday on two misdemeanor counts of criminal contempt of Congress over his defiance.


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Jan. 6 hearing details heated meeting on election challenges: ‘What they were proposing, I thought was nuts’
Former White House lawyers and Trump allies recalled a heated Dec. 18, 2020, meeting in which they fought over whether there was an avenue to proceed with election challenges.

In recorded testimony shown as part of a Tuesday hearing by the House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, former White House counsel Pat Cipollone recalled pressing Sidney Powell, Michael Flynn and Rudy Giuliani for evidence of their claims of election fraud but getting none in response.

Eric Herschmann, another former White House lawyer, told the committee, “What they were proposing, I thought was nuts.”

Herschmann expressed exasperation at Powell’s claim that dozens of lawsuits on behalf of Trump alleging fraud were dismissed because every single judge involved was “corrupt.”

Powell told the committee that she felt Trump should have fired Cipollone and Herschmann on the spot.

Giuliani, who was also advising Trump at the time, said he felt the White House lawyers were not fighting hard enough for the president.

“You guys are not tough enough,” Giuliani said of his message to the White House lawyers. “You’re a bunch of p——. Excuse the expression. But I’m almost certain that was the word that was used.”

Ultimately, no clear progress was made on next steps, according to those in attendance.

“We landed where we started the meeting. … Sidney Powell was fighting. Mike Flynn was fighting. They were looking for avenues that would result in President Trump remaining President Trump for a second term,” said Derek Lyons, the former White House staff secretary.


Well-Known Member
i don't know about that incident, one witness says he was unarmed, two others say he was not only armed, but that he drew on the cops first...i'm not calling it one way or the other until i see more info
I would look more into the lead up to it and go from there. But keeping in mind that this is around the time that Trump was sending federal goons to Portland to attack the protesters, and later it is shown how close the cops there were working with the Proud Boys and other shown domestic terrorists and how radicalized that they were (like the one that quit and died from Covid later on), etc.

It happened during one of those domestic terrorist starter kit truck gangs rioting through Portland.

Then it got propagandized that this guy was innocently walking down the street picking flowers when 'ANTIFA' jumped him and murdered him.

Then trolls show up spreading lies about the events that led up to the shooting in order to make it about somehow victimizing Trump supporters.

Here is a little more on the guy that he killed.

Then hours after Trump demands justice by tweet, the guy gets shot up for over a minute.

There was a good video breakdown of it that the Washington post made.

Found another too that shows the guy that died lunging at him and spraying bear spray. I know it is no clear plastic bag or anything, but still.

We will never know what really happened when the cops decided to shoot him up 90 times (give or take a few clips) because unless something has changed, their car and body cams were off and it is pretty much case closed as far as I know.


Well-Known Member
Why the DOJ delay? Simple, once authorized, they can't interfere with the investigation and it will take the prosecutors just weeks to come down with an indictment and shortly there after, there will be a court date for a plea. Once the ball starts rolling, it is hard to stop and they want to control the timing for political reasons. They want at least for the J6 panel interim report issued and the public hearings finished. Garland would like to wait for Georgia to indict him, but the heat is getting too high and it will be impossible to ignore when the J6 report is issued. Garland is keeping a tight hand on several leashes inside the DOJ and many are eager to do Donald, nobody is leaking or resigning yet, and they will, publicly, if nothing is done about Trump and his minions.


Well-Known Member
I watch the J6th Committee today and the bestest part was when Mrs Murphy named the Congress Critters that sucked Trumps dick.;):cool:
The Committee will have to use a thousand single spaced pages of Referrals to the DOJ to list all the cocksuckers who Gutless Garland should indite. Maybe this willl move GG to get off his ass and have a Grand Jury in DC to indite the cocksuckers and The Orange Dickhead himself?

But I'm not holding my breath 'til he does.


Well-Known Member
I watch the J6th Committee today and the bestest part was when Mrs Murphy named the Congress Critters that sucked Trumps dick.;):cool:
The Committee will have to use a thousand single spaced pages of Referrals to the DOJ to list all the cocksuckers who Gutless Garland should indite. Maybe this willl move GG to get off his ass and have a Grand Jury in DC to indite the cocksuckers and The Orange Dickhead himself?

But I'm not holding my breath 'til he does.
That was a great moment.


Well-Known Member
i think there are more than a lot of repubs that would love to see trump in prison too, not just dems.

i still think there is a huge connection w/ trump and putin though. money laundering for them for sure. but that alfa bank connection to the trump server has never been fully explained either
Julian is coming to America and he could get a deal for Stone's ass, this would give the DOJ leverage over Roger to squeal for a deal. He was the connection between Assange and Trump and one of the connections from Trump to the Proud boys and Oath Keepers, who probably are ratting him out for any deal they can get.

Nail the fucker for witness tampering and it will put him away until he croaks. How much we learn about Russia and everything else Trump will depend on the election and criminal trials, if the democrats lose in November, it will be killed. That's another reason Donald is running around lose, he is helping the democrats in November. If he is indicted he will try to call his mob to the courthouse steps after he is indicted, then the judge will jail him until trial. If he is not indicted, he will continue his 2022 revenge tour inside the GOP and force them to carry the big lie on their backs into the election. Once Garland let's the prosecutors loose, they will immediately find evidence of crimes and could very shortly proceed to indictment unless he intervened (why would he?). Donald is not running for election in November, so those DOJ restrictions don't apply to him and most others.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I would look more into the lead up to it and go from there. But keeping in mind that this is around the time that Trump was sending federal goons to Portland to attack the protesters, and later it is shown how close the cops there were working with the Proud Boys and other shown domestic terrorists and how radicalized that they were (like the one that quit and died from Covid later on), etc.

It happened during one of those domestic terrorist starter kit truck gangs rioting through Portland.

Then it got propagandized that this guy was innocently walking down the street picking flowers when 'ANTIFA' jumped him and murdered him.

Then trolls show up spreading lies about the events that led up to the shooting in order to make it about somehow victimizing Trump supporters.

Here is a little more on the guy that he killed.

Then hours after Trump demands justice by tweet, the guy gets shot up for over a minute.

There was a good video breakdown of it that the Washington post made.

Found another too that shows the guy that died lunging at him and spraying bear spray. I know it is no clear plastic bag or anything, but still.

We will never know what really happened when the cops decided to shoot him up 90 times (give or take a few clips) because unless something has changed, their car and body cams were off and it is pretty much case closed as far as I know.
what i would actually like to know is how reputable any of the witnesses are, because one says he fired first, and the other one says he didn't...they didn't actually have to kill him, they were in body armor apparently, and should have been able to at least attempt to wound him...but if he fired at armed cops with rifles and body armor, it's hard to support him.
neither one of them should have been armed at the protest, and it seems both of them weren't shying away from a confrontation. i find it hard to support either one with the available information, even though i try to give anyone opposing white supremacists the benefit of the doubt.


Well-Known Member
i think there are more than a lot of repubs that would love to see trump in prison too, not just dems.

i still think there is a huge connection w/ trump and putin though. money laundering for them for sure. but that alfa bank connection to the trump server has never been fully explained either
Moscow Mitch must be about ready to blow Garland to get him to indict Trump yesterday! This shit and the lunatics in the state parties pushing crazy abortion laws and his appointments to the bench fucked him in their zeal to overturn Roe vs wade. The timing is very bad and adding up to a perfect storm for Mitch and the GOP, how they even have a chance in the midterms, much less might take the house is horrifying and revealing at the same time.

The republican party has a political wing that concerns itself with reducing and limiting people's basic human rights and their constitutional rights to free and fair elections, while their domestic terrorist wing tries to overthrow the government and threaten local officials into resigning so they can replace them. Then there is the propaganda for profit wing that they need to keep it all alive and to grow social division. Without foxnews bullshit and hate radio constantly stoking it, most of this shit would fade away on it's own. They spend billions a year to keep it and the culture wars alive, it's come down to turning rural people against urban people FFS. They create and exploit social division for power and profit, but it costs lives, as we have seen with covid and is politically dangerous, as we have seen with J6.
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Well-Known Member
i'd be worried about being Epsteined if i was him. and then i think he's wanted in sweden still for a rape charge? (not sure though)
Charges dropped, it was a CIA honeypot operation, once in the UK he was in an allied nation and espionage is covered by treaty. I figure he will squeal for a deal, he's been doing time for years, even at the embassy, when they dragged him out he looked a mess. A bit of time and a plane ticket back to Oz, if he squeals, he has sympathizers in the new left wing government in Oz.


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John Bolton says he’s been involved in planning coups: ‘It takes a lot of work’
Former Trump national security adviser John Bolton said during an appearance on CNN that he has helped plan coups in other countries, while arguing that former President Trump’s actions leading up to the Jan. 6 Capitol attack did not amount to a coup attempt.

Bolton told CNN’s Jake Tapper on Tuesday that Trump’s actions to overturn the election results were indefensible, but added he was a “disturbance in the force” rather than a leader of an “attack on our democracy.”

Bolton said he disagrees with the premise that Trump attempted a coup, which he said requires cunning and elaborate planning.
