January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

Wrong thread again?

Over the first 100 days of the war Russia made $98 billion in petrochemical sales. They will rebuild after they demilitarize and denazify Ukraine.
Put the post in the right thread.

Russia will continue to make money from oil, but their main problem is they used oil money to buy everything from abroad and make little at home. The autarky of the old soviet union has been gone for 30 years and many production facilities were shut down. What is their production rate of shells and artillery tubes? How much shit do they have in storage? Weapons manufacture is like everything else these days, with a lot of parts coming from a lot of different places, the more advanced, the more diverse the suppliers tend to be.

They might have money, but China is the only place that will sell them stuff that isn't under license, or of a military nature. They might be able to help them keep their railroads alive with new Chinese locomotives or used ones, as they go electric, even something as mundane as wheel bearings for their rolling stock will become a major issue for them, maintenance in the industry is constant and these days much is imported, or was. The airline industry will bite the dust first, they are the most technologically intensive, all those leased western planes Vlad stole are junk by now without periodic inspection and maintenance cycles or spare parts.
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"What is their production rate of shells and artillery tubes?"

You don't know how much they have or if they still are making them. It is not rocket science to make the shells, pretty sure they could encourage their industry to produce them if there was a shortage. I can not find any information that they are running out of them.
I feel bad for this insurrectionist's kid. That really looks like the body posture of a kid who is deeply ashamed of what his dad is doing and does not want to be there. No matter how much the lying RINO Loudermilk says that they were there to show the kid trains.

Screen Shot 2022-06-16 at 9.29.52 AM.png

"What is their production rate of shells and artillery tubes?"

You don't know how much they have or if they still are making them. It is not rocket science to make the shells, pretty sure they could encourage their industry to produce them if there was a shortage. I can not find any information that they are running out of them.
Yep and Ukraine or Poland could make them, if they thought it was worth the while. There is a weakest link, be it shells, guns, gun barrels or propellant. Why the Ukrainians are not making them or have made arrangement to do so, might have something to do with transitioning to NATO arms, what 152 mm munitions they have left might be reserved for the Russian tanks they still use, their old Russian guns must be worn out by now anyway.
"What is their production rate of shells and artillery tubes?"

You don't know how much they have or if they still are making them. It is not rocket science to make the shells, pretty sure they could encourage their industry to produce them if there was a shortage. I can not find any information that they are running out of them.
i looked for about 3 hours one day, following link after link...i couldn't find one reliable estimate on how much artillery ammunition they had on hand or could produce on demand.
but i did find that they can't make anything but basic ballistic, non guided shells. the more advanced guided shells, and air burst munitions, require special fuses and components that the russians are incapable of making.
so we don't know how many they have, or how many they can make, but they can't make anything but the most basic of ammunition, which reduces their effectiveness and limits their options.
but...we should take this back to the war thread......
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Jan. 6 committee to ask for interview with Ginni Thomas
The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol is planning to ask for Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, to speak with the panel following news she communicated with one of the Trump campaign attorneys.

“We think it’s time that we would, at some point, invite her to come talk to the committee,” Chair Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) told Axios.

Thompson told reporters Thursday that the invite would go out “at some point” in the next few weeks.

The Washington Post reported Wednesday that Ginni Thomas exchanged emails with John Eastman, the crafter of two memos for the Trump campaign encouraging then-Vice President Mike Pence to buck his ceremonial duty to certify the 2020 election results.

The story does not detail the contents of their exchanges, but an aide for Vice Chair Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) said she is in agreement with Thompson that it’s time to extend an invitation for Thomas to speak with the committee.

That would be a departure from the committee’s earlier decision to abstain from attempting to speak with Thomas after news broke she also texted with Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows as well as Arizona lawmakers about efforts to keep former President Trump in office.

“Help This Great President stand firm, Mark!!!…You are the leader, with him, who is standing for America’s constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History,” Thomas texted to Meadows a week after the election.

Thomas’s activism has led to calls for Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from any cases with a nexus to Jan. 6.
Jan. 6 committee to ask for interview with Ginni Thomas
The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol is planning to ask for Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, to speak with the panel following news she communicated with one of the Trump campaign attorneys.

“We think it’s time that we would, at some point, invite her to come talk to the committee,” Chair Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) told Axios.

Thompson told reporters Thursday that the invite would go out “at some point” in the next few weeks.

The Washington Post reported Wednesday that Ginni Thomas exchanged emails with John Eastman, the crafter of two memos for the Trump campaign encouraging then-Vice President Mike Pence to buck his ceremonial duty to certify the 2020 election results.

The story does not detail the contents of their exchanges, but an aide for Vice Chair Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) said she is in agreement with Thompson that it’s time to extend an invitation for Thomas to speak with the committee.

That would be a departure from the committee’s earlier decision to abstain from attempting to speak with Thomas after news broke she also texted with Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows as well as Arizona lawmakers about efforts to keep former President Trump in office.

“Help This Great President stand firm, Mark!!!…You are the leader, with him, who is standing for America’s constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History,” Thomas texted to Meadows a week after the election.

Thomas’s activism has led to calls for Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from any cases with a nexus to Jan. 6.
Clarence should retire, he's old and it wouldn't look good with the press trailing him, when he goes to visit his wife in prison, or the nuthouse. Besides, John Roberts doesn't want to testify at a house impeachment inquiry or judiciary committee hearing. She will be testifying before a grand jury one day and if she says crazy shit, they might lock her up!

Wasn't that HIS job, not hers??? Wasn't her job, that day, to oversee the certification of Biden?? What am I missing here????
1. It is the President's responsibility to activate the National Guard of the District of Columbia.

2. It is the VICE PRESIDENT'S job (as the President of the Senate) to preside over the certification of the votes with both the House and Senate assembled.
They should rename the J6 panel to, the Doing of Donald and his lackeys committee. They aren't that concerned with the actual attack on the Capitol, the DOJ is cleaning up the suckers and organizers on the ground. These folks are zeroing in on all the other plots and schemes of a much larger conspiracy that involved the Whitehouse, statehouses, the president and all his minions, republican congress people and senators.

They are presenting a professional prosecution according to the letter of the law, Garland loves it and couldn't keep the smile off his face, criminal referrals are not required, just the facts and they are being presented. These public hearings with their testimony and evidence takes all the public heat off the DOJ for going to town on the clowns. We have seen the case made publicly against them and the evidence presented by the J6 panel. Other information and indictments will flow from this to ensnare other republicans, those who squeal for a deal have to confess all their own crimes, but also any others they have knowledge of. If the DOJ went after them first, everything would be secret and only revealed in court Christ knows when. Meanwhile the DOJ would be under constant assault by the republicans and the rightwing media who would spin everything, now the facts come first publicly, spin it if you can. Spacing the hearings out is a good idea too, gives the media time to repeat them endlessly, experts to opine and the public time to digest it. Keeps the story alive longer with more drama so the public stays not just interested, but fascinated by a real crime story, lots of drama and big stakes.
DOJ: Jan. 6 committee’s refusal to share transcripts ‘complicates’ investigation
Justice Department officials this week renewed their demands for the House Jan. 6 committee’s interview transcripts, saying the panel’s refusal to share its work has hindered federal prosecutors’ own investigation into last year’s attack on the Capitol.

Department leaders sent a letter on Wednesday to Timothy Heaphy, the Jan. 6 select committee’s chief investigative counsel, expressing frustration over the panel’s refusal to grant access to its trove of witness interviews, according to documents filed in federal court Thursday.

“The Select Committee’s failure to grant the Department access to these transcripts complicates the Department’s ability to investigate and prosecute those who engaged in criminal conduct in relation to the January 6 attack on the Capitol,” the letter reads. “Accordingly, we renew our request that the Select Committee provide us with copies of the transcripts of all the interviews it has conducted to date.”

Ginni Thomas: I ‘can’t wait’ to talk to Jan. 6 committee, will ‘clear up misconceptions’
Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, told The Daily Caller on Thursday that she looked forward to speaking with the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.

The panel said earlier in the day it planned to seek her testimony, hours after media reports emerged indicating the committee had received emails between Thomas and a Trump campaign attorney.

“I can’t wait to clear up misconceptions,” Thomas told The Daily Caller. “I look forward to talking to them.”

Any guess if she will spew QAnon garbage?
A video of Trump watching these hearings would be priceless, I wonder if they are replacing TVs at Mar Logo as diet coke cans are pitched at them by an enraged Trump. Donald must be watching, he would be like a moth to a flame with this stuff. Garland and the prosecutors are watching too and they have not received transcripts from the committee yet.

Donald and anybody involved must be watching the hearings and many are probably freaking out, including Trump. Some folks will die in prison and the proud boy types could be headed for a supermax and the only exit there is by body bag. The prison sentences for this shit should shock many ,20 years would not be out of line for many of them, lawyering up alone will ruin most of them.

If it wasn't for the J6 capitol insurrection, most of these rocks would never have been rolled over and they would have gotten away with most of it. The J6 capitol attack was part of a much larger scheme however, with many plots and players. Donald screwed them all and will take many with him when he goes down, he lead them off a cliff and into the abyss, they will scream on fire all the way to the bottom.

Watch Rep. Liz Cheney’s opening statement at day 3 of the January 6 hearing
100,798 views Jun 16, 2022 Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) opened day 3 of the January 6 hearing with a video presentation that included clips from former Vice President Mike Pence, former Pence chief of staff Marc Short and former Pence counsel Greg Jacob.
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Ginni Thomas: I ‘can’t wait’ to talk to Jan. 6 committee, will ‘clear up misconceptions’
Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, told The Daily Caller on Thursday that she looked forward to speaking with the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.

The panel said earlier in the day it planned to seek her testimony, hours after media reports emerged indicating the committee had received emails between Thomas and a Trump campaign attorney.

“I can’t wait to clear up misconceptions,” Thomas told The Daily Caller. “I look forward to talking to them.”

The conservative news outlet said it pressed Thomas to detail those misconceptions but did not immediately receive a response.

Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), the chairman of the Jan. 6 panel, told reporters on Thursday that the committee would send an invite to Thomas “at some point” in the next few weeks.

Thompson’s statement came after The Washington Post reported on Wednesday evening that the committee received emails between Thomas and Trump campaign attorney John Eastman, who circulated a memo outlining a strategy for then-Vice President Mike Pence to overturn the 2020 election results.

The Post reported the emails’ existence while saying its sources declined to provide further details about the communications.

Thomas’s attempts to overturn the election results have drawn fierce criticism from Democrats. The Post reported on Friday that Thomas emailed 29 Arizona state lawmakers in an attempt to reverse President Biden’s win in the state.

Thomas’s involvement in the efforts has raised ethical questions over her husband’s role in deciding cases related to the election and Jan. 6. Justice Thomas has argued his decisions are entirely separate from his wife’s activism.

The New York Times reported late Wednesday evening that Eastman in a Dec. 24, 2020, email claimed to have insight into a “heated fight” among the Supreme Court justices about whether to take up a case related to then-President Trump’s efforts to overturn the election results.

Eastman became a major figure in the panel’s televised hearing on Thursday as the committee sought to detail Trump and his allies’ campaign to pressure Pence in the lead up to Jan. 6.

A formal federal judge who briefly served as an informal adviser to Pence testified at the hearing that Pence would have led an unconstitutional revolution by following the memo’s proposals.

Any guess if she will spew QAnon garbage?
i can just imagine clarence, trump, meadows, eastman and many others just cringing when they read her reply...there is no way she can sound like a sane person under oath...i have my doubts about her husbands sanity as well, you'd have to be crazy to think this would never cause issues
i can just imagine clarence, trump, meadows, eastman and many others just cringing when they read her reply...there is no way she can sound like a sane person under oath...i have my doubts about her husbands sanity as well, you'd have to be crazy to think this would never cause issues
She would be easy to provoke on the stand and ya could get her raving pretty quick! Her lawyer would be dancing on his desk as Clarence held his head in his hands. People dressed in white would be waiting outside the hearing with butterfly nets...
Because you know, innocent people do not plead the Fifth.

Eastman sought pardon after Jan. 6 attack
John Eastman, the lawyer advising former President Trump on a plan to overturn the 2020 election, sought a pardon in the days after last year’s attack on the Capitol, the House Jan. 6 committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, riot revealed on Thursday.

“I’ve decided I should be on the pardon list, if that is still in the works,” Eastman said in an email to Rudy Giuliani that was quoted during the select committee’s third public hearing on Thursday.

Trump’s legal adviser received much of the panel’s spotlight during the hearing, which included testimony from White House officials and aides to former Vice President Mike Pence.

Eastman sought to provide the legal justification for pressuring Pence into obstructing Congress’s certification of the 2020 presidential election results, despite privately acknowledging that such a plan would be rejected by the courts.

Eric Herschmann, a Trump White House lawyer, said in recorded testimony shown Thursday that Eastman called him the day after the Capitol attack to talk about some sort of legal issue related to an election challenge in Georgia.

Herschmann said he told Eastman, “I only want to hear two words coming out of your mouth from now on: orderly transition.”

“Now I’m going to give you the best free legal advice you’re ever getting in your life: Get a great f—ing criminal defense lawyer. You’re going to need it.”

According to the select committee, Eastman sent the pardon request to Giuliani just days later.

A lawyer representing Eastman did not immediately respond when asked for comment.

A federal judge has ordered Eastman to hand over troves of documents to the select committee after the lawyer sued to challenge a congressional subpoena.

The judge, David O. Carter, sided with the committee in March, ruling that Eastman and Trump likely engaged in a criminal effort to overturn the election — a finding that helped undermine the lawyer’s claim of attorney-client privilege.

“The illegality of the plan was obvious,” Carter wrote at the time. “Our nation was founded on the peaceful transition of power, epitomized by George Washington laying down his sword to make way for democratic elections. Ignoring this history, President Trump vigorously campaigned for the Vice President to single-handedly determine the results of the 2020
The rats will be running, squealing and dealing for their asses. There will be no room under the bus and get to the back of the line, to cut a deal with federal prosecutors. If there are secret pardons, we will know soon enough, it was an obvious question for the J6 investigators to ask some key people.

Might make a good country song for the Trumpers one day, just change the lyrics of, Oh the snakes crawl at night or so they sayaaa...

Oh the rats squeal at night, people are sayaaing..
When the sun goes down, the rats crawl around...

The rats will be running, squealing and dealing for their asses. There will be no room under the bus and get to the back of the line, to cut a deal with federal prosecutors. If there are secret pardons, we will know soon enough, it was an obvious question for the J6 investigators to ask some key people.

Might make a good country song for the Trumpers one day, just change the lyrics of, Oh the snakes crawl at night or so they sayaaa...

Oh the rats squeal at night, people are sayaaing..
When the sun goes down, the rats crawl around...

I hope that all of the traitors hang.........and I agree with a lot of what you say.
Trump and his followers are the biggest threat to our democracy.
I hope the worst for all of them but I doubt anything will happen to any of them........unfortunately.