January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Finally there are the lawsuits over J6 and they would clean out Elon Musk, much less Trump.
i think that even if trump somehow gets off on whatever the DOJ charges him with, he'll be left penniless over those civil suits. that's almost as good as putting him in a cell, no one takes him seriously now, except badly deluded stupid rednecks. when he's broke, no one will have the time of day for him, no news outlets will print one word he says, no one will read the tweets of a broke has been...and no one will send him any more campaign donations for him to steal.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Yeah and heaven will descend in a mighty fury with a roaring call from an archangel, also you'll get 77 virgins and Trump will suddenly grow horns and be cast down to hell.

Hey at least yer stepping outside yer bubble and perhaps doubt will creep in, stick around and I'll educate you, though I'm sure that was tried before.

Way down in Dixie treason is a tradition is some places, but that is changing too, as TV and the internet has more influence than parents and local culture. All those high tech companies moving from California to Texas for low taxes, will bring the same kind of California liberal people with them to Texas and that is already on the knife edge of political change. Georgia has two democratic senators and Herschel is clearly nuts, Trump's trial on TV there should be a real circus. Even the solid south is cracking under the strain of social change, all those black people and mixed race couples you see in the TV commercials are having the subtle effect of changing younger minds. In many places most of the BLM protesters were white and there were as many white people in the crowds as black people.

They are taking over and they will replace you as your "culture" goes into the dustbin of history, along with the confederate statues and the stars and bars.


Well-Known Member

How T**** Duped $250M From His Most Passionate Fans | Somebody's Going To Jail For This Right?
1,060,448 views Jun 15, 2022 The former president scammed $250 million dollars in low-dollar donations from his most passionate followers for his bogus Election Defense Fund, and only time will tell if the DOJ prosecutes anybody after the Jan. 6th Committee investigation concludes.


Well-Known Member

Follow the money: Avlon on how election lies lead to profits for Trump
8,057 views Jun 15, 2022 CNN's John Avlon reports on the stark contrast coming to light about what Trump's inner circle was saying publicly and privately days after the 2020 presidential election, and what the motivations were to mislead the public on election results.


Well-Known Member
The man ran his presidential administration like he ran the apprentice- pitting one fool against another for money and power. Autocrats overthrowing democracies in short order based on promoting insecurity and paranoia (conspiracy theories) occur frequently throughout written historys of nations.

Our democracy has always been susceptible and is in trouble now - in tough economic and pandemic times. Trump can smell blood. He feeds on it.

Our test is now- its not about who can kill who- its about changing times and changing attitudes and how we deal with it............. before it takes on a mind of its own and politicians take 2nd place to military generals ......... while nature takes its course as opposed to our own

and leaves us- Unforgiven



Well-Known Member
Jan. 6 panel releases Loudermilk tour footage
The House committee investigating the attack on Jan. 6, 2021, has released footage tied to a tour Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.) gave the day before, showing a man taking photos of hallways in the Capitol complex before ultimately attending the rally itself.

Loudermilk has acknowledged showing a small group of constituents around House office buildings the day before the attack, but claimed those participants “immediately turned back” once they saw the “chaos” developing at the rally.

But video shared by the committee claims one of the men was at the riot, showing clips of the unnamed man marching toward the Capitol the morning of Jan. 6

"It was a perfect call."


Well-Known Member
I've got zero respect for any of you parrots on here. Been lurking this forum for quite a while over the years, and watching your round the clock circle jerk each other.

It's quite fitting the forum admin is in on it frankly. You guys are unhinged nut jobs bent on blaming the other party for EVERYTHING to the point it's not even worth debating with you.

Trump in prison yet btw? Damn those Russian judges

An eight year old account suddenly starts a flurry of posts all taking the Trumpist line in the most facile way possible.

Yeah. Uh huh.

Welcome back, Lazarus.


Well-Known Member

Rep Barry Loudermilk:
MAY 12, 2021: “I didn’t give any tours”
MAY 19, 2022: “Okay I gave a tour to a family with young children”
MAY 20, 2022: “Okay I gave a tour to a family with young children and their guests”
JUNE 14, 2022: “Okay I gave a tour to 16 people”
lmao, now 'I don't know him, I never met him before'.

Also funny is 'nobody in that group showed that type of aggression'.

Cue the video of him saying he was going to drag Pelosi out by her hair.

lmao, it would be funny if these insurrectionist RINO's were not such a danger to our nation right now.


Well-Known Member

Proud Boys Document Shows Detailed Jan. 6 Plan To Occupy Government Buildings
2,088 views Jun 15, 2022 Chris Hayes: “We now have the blueprint for the violent insurrection from the far-right gang, the Proud Boys. And it uncannily matches up in specific detail with what actually transpired on January 6th.”


Well-Known Member

Proud Boys Document Shows Detailed Jan. 6 Plan To Occupy Government Buildings
2,088 views Jun 15, 2022 Chris Hayes: “We now have the blueprint for the violent insurrection from the far-right gang, the Proud Boys. And it uncannily matches up in specific detail with what actually transpired on January 6th.”
Roger Stone, friend of both groups?


Well-Known Member
Talk about dividing your forces! They appear to have learned nothing and attacking is chewing up troops, even when using artillery. The Russians must be burning out the tubes on their artillery at a terrific rate, I wonder how much of it they can refurbish? No supply of munitions is endless and using artillery to demolish a country and till it fields is expensive, when they are using 50K 152mm shells a day and if they keep it up they will fire a million and a half rounds in a month, most of it at real estate.

View attachment 5150036
Wrong thread again?

Over the first 100 days of the war Russia made $98 billion in petrochemical sales. They will rebuild after they demilitarize and denazify Ukraine.


Well-Known Member

Proud Boys Document Shows Detailed Jan. 6 Plan To Occupy Government Buildings
2,088 views Jun 15, 2022 Chris Hayes: “We now have the blueprint for the violent insurrection from the far-right gang, the Proud Boys. And it uncannily matches up in specific detail with what actually transpired on January 6th.”
Former associates: "He will commit this crime."
"I'm going to commit this crime".
"Stand back and stand by"
Commits multiple crimes.
"It wasn't a crime"
"You didn't see what you saw."
"Antifa/BLM/FBI did it."
"Witch hunt"
"Send me more money"
Physical, video, testimonial, digital evidence points to crime along timeline.
"Send me more money to fight the witch hunt"
Press - Does America care? Has America given up on democracy? Would it be right to indict a former president?


Well-Known Member
Roger Stone, friend of both groups?
Julian Assange is coming to America soon, Roger's main man for Russian hacked material and contact. He might not want to rot in prison and he's basically been in one for years now, if he rolls over on a big fish like Stone, he might just get a deal and a ticket back to Oz. Lucky Luke can greet him at the airport. The DOJ wants Roger's ass real bad for a number of things, including the coup attempt on J6. They had him once, but Trump pardoned him and he got away just before the cell door slammed behind his ass.