January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

I'm negan

Active Member
And this is how we know the “libertarian” bit is moo plop
How many conservatives do you know that grow pot bro? My grow journal is posted. Come on now.... I'm a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. I don't know what the fuck that makes me, up until recently i thought that meant libertarian. I've mostly always felt like that what changed is what's more important to me. Money and my standard of living became more important to me over the years than socal issues. When i was 18 my biggest political concern was legalize marijuana and criminal justice reform. At 33 my biggest concerns are my 401k balance and inflation.... The other things matter to me still but there just not as important to me anymore which is why I vote for fiscal conservatives.


Well-Known Member
How many conservatives do you know that grow pot bro? My grow journal is posted. Come on now.... I'm a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. I don't know what the fuck that makes me, up until recently i thought that meant libertarian. I've mostly always felt like that what changed is what's more important to me. Money and my standard of living became more important to me over the years than socal issues. When i was 18 my biggest political concern was legalize marijuana and criminal justice reform. At 33 my biggest concerns are my 401k balance and inflation.... The other things matter to me still but there just not as important to me anymore which is why I vote for fiscal conservatives.
Your posts. You are a narc or an informant, right?

Who else would show up on a pot forum and almost immediately tell everybody you were once in prison but through the sweat off your brow are now a millionaire? Then you start pumping people for details on their lives.

I think snitch is probably it.


Ursus marijanus
How many conservatives do you know that grow pot bro? My grow journal is posted. Come on now.... I'm a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. I don't know what the fuck that makes me, up until recently i thought that meant libertarian. I've mostly always felt like that what changed is what's more important to me. Money and my standard of living became more important to me over the years than socal issues. When i was 18 my biggest political concern was legalize marijuana and criminal justice reform. At 33 my biggest concerns are my 401k balance and inflation.... The other things matter to me still but there just not as important to me anymore which is why I vote for fiscal conservatives.
Libertarians are not conservatives. They have thrown in with the new Reich.


Well-Known Member
Probably a lot like south America lmao
There are some great modern countries in South America, but yeah, probably not that awesome. Libertarians would pay zero taxes in their fantasy world, but that's just them being pawns in a republican corporate game. There are really only two types that want more freedom, A) the people that already operate with decency all on their own, in which case laws or no laws is no different to them, or B) piece of shit corps that want to dump their waste in your aquifer with impunity. Segment B fools segment A into making the most noise for them.

I'm negan

Active Member
There are some great modern countries in South America, but yeah, probably not that awesome. Libertarians would pay zero taxes in their fantasy world, but that's just them being pawns in a republican corporate game. There are really only two types that want more freedom, A) the people that already operate decency all on their own, in which case laws or no laws is no different to them, or B) piece of shit corps that want to dump their waste in your aquifer with impunity. Segment B fools segment A into making the most noise for them.

Come on bro you have to realize when someone is speaking in hyperbole. When someone like me says I want the government to "stay the hell out of my wallet". Its not literal (maybe for some radicals it is). Its just a way to exaggerate a bit to get your point across. We all do it. Of course I know that taxes are necessary! I'm not an anarchist. My beef is the way in which the money is handled.

I'm negan

Active Member
he even has a story.

Never said I was a millionaire lol. I guarantee I will be some day though. All of you could be if you play your cards right. Put 500 a month in a S&P 500 index fund every month for the next 30 years and you'll be a millionaire. Its a much better deal than social security... But i don't think the liberals want you to know that, they want to keep you mad at corporations and loyal to government.