January 21st, 2021

Last night I did a little Fox News You Tube trolling. Everyone was going ape shit praising one of their (so called) reporters asking why President Joe Rob was not wearing a mask while watching the fireworks. Also lots of talk about how ugly and dumb the new PS was.

Jen Psaki is smarter than all those schills on FOX and the followers combined.

I dated a woman that looked just like her for about a year 25 years ago. It didn't work out. She was just too smart. I couldn't get away with any of my crap. She tossed me to the curb. I found her on Linkedin a few years ago and her job history was really impressive.

Jen Psaki brings intelligence back as the face of the White House. Stupid trumpers equate looks with qualification which shows how truly ignorant they are.
And I suspect Biden will loose because he was a terrible president. Seems to

I can name about 50 times that the US has overthrown democratically elected leaders outright. And the worst part is that in most cases these were progressive leaders who in many cases were ousted because they were attempting to institute progressive social and economic reforms. In most cases this made the situation worse and ten years later we wished we would have kept them in power.

The 1953 Iranian coup was a classic example. That clusterfuck lead directly to the situation we have today.

You would be hard pressed to find a country in Central America who's leadership wasn't overthrown by the US at some point. South America is not far behind.

As far as this 400K number, the bottom line is that we don't have an accurate number. Yet everyone throws 400K around as if it's the gospel truth. It's not. Do you even understand why there is no accurate number which can be assigned to Covid deaths or do you just parrot out whatever number you see in the headlines?

You are complaining that the Russians used tools we developed exactly the same way our government has been using them. Oh noes, the Russians are spreading disinformation using our disinformation tools and it's conflicting with the disinformation we are spreading.

Each one was for oil.
Hows your Exxon/Halliburton stock? If we just open up to Putin all will be good. Comrade.
(“We secretly swapped “Rep” Greene’s brain with a plate of scrambled eggs (no cheese)...let’s see if anyone notices!”)

I’d like to see candidates for office pass a 9th grade civics test on the powers, limitations, and obligations of the office they’re seeking *BEFORE* they’re allowed to be candidates. I’d also like to see live fact-checking during debates.
Beau has a plan for that.

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Each one was for oil.
Hows your Exxon/Halliburton stock? If we just open up to Putin all will be good. Comrade.
Just to let you know what a 60 year old's early 20's looked like, when I was in the Navy we were reflagging Saddam's tankers as American so Iran would leave them alone. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Wave that flag. Wave it proud and high.

Each one was for oil.
Hows your Exxon/Halliburton stock? If we just open up to Putin all will be good. Comrade.

Putin has his issues but he seems to have done a hell of a job turning Russia around. What can I say, the man is sexy. Looks good naked on a horse. Has great taste in firearms. He could kick Trump and Biden's ass a the same time and not work up a sweat. Screw Halliburton, RSX has outperformed that piece of shit and will do better when SHTF.
You realize that we armed and trained the Taliban right? Provided them with weapons to kill Russians. Turned a blind eye to their obvious issues because they were great fighters. Mostly ignored the place after we got what we wanted until it all blew up in our faces.
Yeah I know. And that is a recurring theme, win the fighting and drop the ball. Iraq should have been easy, keep the army and align it to the US. They didn't care, they just wanted a job. Throwing them all out of work with their job skills being fighting kind of limits their options. I doubt Afghanastan will ever join the 21 century now. Trump shot America's standing with local populations in the future if you even need to align with them to fight with. With a few generations that may change though.
Putin has his issues but he seems to have done a hell of a job turning Russia around. What can I say, the man is sexy. Looks good naked on a horse. Has great taste in firearms. He could kick Trump and Biden's ass a the same time and not work up a sweat. Screw Halliburton, RSX has outperformed that piece of shit and will do better when SHTF.

You missed the point, look ahead about 30 years, like this guy does.
Dresser Industries merged with Halliburton in 1998 when Vice President Dick Cheney was Halliburton's chief executive. Cheney left Halliburton in 2000. The next year, Dresser spun off from Halliburton Co.

I'll admit (as an American) if I had factory in China I would want to fuel it with "patriotic oil" If Exxon will give me a better price then Putin, it's the least I can do.
Putin has his issues but he seems to have done a hell of a job turning Russia around. What can I say, the man is sexy. Looks good naked on a horse. Has great taste in firearms. He could kick Trump and Biden's ass a the same time and not work up a sweat. Screw Halliburton, RSX has outperformed that piece of shit and will do better when SHTF.
Yeah, authoritarians love them their dictators.
Yeah, authoritarians love them their dictators.

Odd how Snowden chose Russia as his new home. Uncovers evidence of massive illegal surveillance, flees to "Authoritarian" country. Then again, my Russian friends had a slightly different take on world affairs.
I would never count someone so sociopathetic nor demented to ever be out, unless you can put him in a rocket and fire it at the sun, I wouldn't count the walnut whip hairstyle freak out.
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Yeah I know. And that is a recurring theme, win the fighting and drop the ball. Iraq should have been easy, keep the army and align it to the US. They didn't care, they just wanted a job. Throwing them all out of work with their job skills being fighting kind of limits their options. I doubt Afghanastan will ever join the 21 century now. Trump shot America's standing with local populations in the future if you even need to align with them to fight with. With a few generations that may change though.

All we had to do in Iraq was pick up the garbage and keep the electricity and water flowing. We failed miserably. In Afganistan we spent enough money to hire every man woman and child in the country at three times the going wage forever and pay for it with just the interest income on the money. We failed.

The true mission is, fuck up the oil supply and keep prices up for Texas. Secure the opium crop and keep Taliban from interrupting it. If you meet any lunatics along the way, make sure they don't run out of weapons and ammo.
I can name about 50 times that the US has overthrown democratically elected leaders outright. And the worst part is that in most cases these were progressive leaders who in many cases were ousted because they were attempting to institute progressive social and economic reforms. In most cases this made the situation worse and ten years later we wished we would have kept them in power.
Ok, I am in. Let's here these 50 times.

The 1953 Iranian coup was a classic example. That clusterfuck lead directly to the situation we have today.
Sure, I can see them making stupid as shit decisions in the 50's. The entire world was blown to shit after ww1 and ww2 and our entire country was being led by a bunch of white guys back then and about 66% of our own nation was being incredibly suppressed here.

You would be hard pressed to find a country in Central America who's leadership wasn't overthrown by the US at some point. South America is not far behind.
'At some point' our own nation has been under assault from the same small demographic, so I am sure you are likely right.

As far as this 400K number, the bottom line is that we don't have an accurate number. Yet everyone throws 400K around as if it's the gospel truth. It's not. Do you even understand why there is no accurate number which can be assigned to Covid deaths or do you just parrot out whatever number you see in the headlines?
You are also right about this most likely the number is far higher. And when they do comparison studies of the actual amount of deaths that have occurred in 2020 vs the number that should have died based on population and previous years the number is well north of 400k. Those 400k are just the confirmed cases.

Are you one of the cucks that pretend that hospitals are somehow pretending that the numbers are more than they are because you say a sweet youtube video of it?

You are complaining that the Russians used tools we developed exactly the same way our government has been using them. Oh noes, the Russians are spreading disinformation using our disinformation tools and it's conflicting with the disinformation we are spreading.
You are so full of shit.

Yes we did develop the programs that Snowden smuggled out of the NSA and Assange helped him bring to Putin, companies were also using this kind of analysis for customers. But to pretend like the American military set up a branch of online trolls to attack democracies to vote in the worst candidates and to cause the insanity that we see so many Americans triggered into, is asinine.

I take it you are Russian?
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How DO you manage to put a Russian accent in your posts?

Putin is dictator for life. We just fired Trump. Enjoy your dictator, subbie.
Was his visa not revoked as he was enroute to South America and avoiding countries with extradition treaties? All because he told the truth.

Thank you all all for the display of our world.

Peace all.
Putin has his issues but he seems to have done a hell of a job turning Russia around. What can I say, the man is sexy. Looks good naked on a horse. Has great taste in firearms. He could kick Trump and Biden's ass a the same time and not work up a sweat. Screw Halliburton, RSX has outperformed that piece of shit and will do better when SHTF.
Oh good lord, never mind, you are a fucking moronic troll.
