January 21st, 2021

Yea, they actually are/were, you fucking douchebag/idiot
What the fuck are you talking about?
STFU & recide/go the fuck away
I've had enough of Trump supporters spewing shit on this site.
Another "Red Pill" from the parlor, this one couldn't afford the bus fare to the Capital or the FBI would come calling.
Talk about propaganda... The Lincoln Project is not a group of Republicans, but a group of liberals trying to get Republicans voted out of the Senate. I can't tell if the people in this forum either think honesty and integrity is outdated, and praise the biggest liars they can find, or if you are simply that naive and gullible. The guy representing The Lincoln Project isn't a Republican, and doesn't have the slightest clue what Republicans stand for. Just Google "The Lincoln Project." When their goal is to "defeat ALL Republicans in close races," that tells you exactly where they stand.
Talk about propaganda... The Lincoln Project is not a group of Republicans, but a group of liberals trying to get Republicans voted out of the Senate. I can't tell if the people in this forum either think honesty and integrity is outdated, and praise the biggest liars they can find, or if you are simply that naive and gullible. The guy representing The Lincoln Project isn't a Republican, and doesn't have the slightest clue what Republicans stand for. Just Google "The Lincoln Project." When their goal is to "defeat ALL Republicans in close races," that tells you exactly where they stand.
Talk about propaganda... The Lincoln Project is not a group of Republicans, but a group of liberals trying to get Republicans voted out of the Senate. I can't tell if the people in this forum either think honesty and integrity is outdated, and praise the biggest liars they can find, or if you are simply that naive and gullible. The guy representing The Lincoln Project isn't a Republican, and doesn't have the slightest clue what Republicans stand for. Just Google "The Lincoln Project." When their goal is to "defeat ALL Republicans in close races," that tells you exactly where they stand.
What the hell, why not? Get her in with the whacked out crowd.
Rep. Marjorie Greene files articles of impeachment against Biden
Rep. Marjorie Greene (R-Ga.) said Thursday that she has filed articles of impeachment against President Biden, only a day after he was sworn into office.

The text of Greene's articles of impeachment specifying any impeachable offenses committed by Biden was not immediately available. But Greene indicated that the articles accuse Biden of abusing his power while serving as vice president by allowing his son, Hunter, to serve on the board of a Ukrainian energy company.

"President Joe Biden is unfit to hold the office of the presidency. His pattern of abuse of power as President Obama's Vice President is lengthy and disturbing. President Biden has demonstrated that he will do whatever it takes to bail out his son, Hunter, and line his family's pockets with cash from corrupt foreign energy companies," Greene said in a statement.

He abused his power by allowing a 40 year old (too lazy to look up the age but hey) son to do whatever the hell he wants? I wonder what age Greene cuts the apron strings from her kids?

Grade: F

Recitation of false history. Also poor understanding of US congressional districts.

Allow me to simplify:

Trump lost because he was a terrible president.

And I suspect Biden will loose because he was a terrible president. Seems to
Can you name one time that America pushed propaganda to hundreds of millions of people in a foreign nation about a very deadly virus to the point that it is now so out of control that over 400k people have died because of it?

Because that has been shown to have been done by the Russian military.


Are you an American?

I can name about 50 times that the US has overthrown democratically elected leaders outright. And the worst part is that in most cases these were progressive leaders who in many cases were ousted because they were attempting to institute progressive social and economic reforms. In most cases this made the situation worse and ten years later we wished we would have kept them in power.

The 1953 Iranian coup was a classic example. That clusterfuck lead directly to the situation we have today.

You would be hard pressed to find a country in Central America who's leadership wasn't overthrown by the US at some point. South America is not far behind.

As far as this 400K number, the bottom line is that we don't have an accurate number. Yet everyone throws 400K around as if it's the gospel truth. It's not. Do you even understand why there is no accurate number which can be assigned to Covid deaths or do you just parrot out whatever number you see in the headlines?

You are complaining that the Russians used tools we developed exactly the same way our government has been using them. Oh noes, the Russians are spreading disinformation using our disinformation tools and it's conflicting with the disinformation we are spreading.
I can name about 50 times that the US has overthrown democratically elected leaders outright. And the worst part is that in most cases these were progressive leaders who in many cases were ousted because they were attempting to institute progressive social and economic reforms. In most cases this made the situation worse and ten years later we wished we would have kept them in power.

The 1953 Iranian coup was a classic example. That clusterfuck lead directly to the situation we have today.
Afghanistan, 1962, professor instructing two medical students.


Sure this would not go over big today.
Afghanistan, 1962, professor instructing two medical students.

Sure this would not go over big today.

You realize that we armed and trained the Taliban right? Provided them with weapons to kill Russians. Turned a blind eye to their obvious issues because they were great fighters. Mostly ignored the place after we got what we wanted until it all blew up in our faces.
Talk about propaganda... The Lincoln Project is not a group of Republicans, but a group of liberals trying to get Republicans voted out of the Senate. I can't tell if the people in this forum either think honesty and integrity is outdated, and praise the biggest liars they can find, or if you are simply that naive and gullible. The guy representing The Lincoln Project isn't a Republican, and doesn't have the slightest clue what Republicans stand for. Just Google "The Lincoln Project." When their goal is to "defeat ALL Republicans in close races," that tells you exactly where they stand.
They ran the Romney and McCain presidential campaigns. Maybe you have heard of those guys? My first instinct is to belief what folks say. They say they are trying to save the GOP.
@Adambase The reason the Lincoln Project is so effective is because everyone knows that are old school GOP. They have the institutional memory to know where to dig. They want their party back, so you can't really blame them for what they are doing.

One thing that has changed is the new White House Press Secretary is a needed change from the idiots that were spewing pure bullshit and lies under trump.

After 4 years it's refreshing to see someone with intelligence speaking and answering questions with the press. The circus has left town. The adults are back.

Apparently you haven't paid any attention in the past 4 years to this movement called cancel culture. I've lost count of the numbers of times the news reported teachers and professors being fired, suspended, and reprimanded for discussing the Conservative point of view in the class room. (Try using a search engine that doesn't censor all right leaning media, duckduckgo is the best I've found for finding articles that Google shadowbans and blacklists). Just watch The Social Dilemma on Netflix--the heads of big tech openly and honestly tell you different people are seeing different versions of reality based on what the algorithms assume about the user, I problem big tech said they were going to address.

The problem is that one small district, Pelossi's district of the San Francisco Bay, also known as Silicon Valley, has the ability to shape the consciousness of the entire free world by which websites it chooses to allow on its search results. Google quit producing thousands of search results several years ago, and now usually only shows 50 or fewer search results. Executives at Google have admitted they give preferential treatment to links promoting a social justice agenda. And Project Veritas has exposed numerous corporations that are actively involved in censoring Conservative positions. Google has fired employees for simply being involved in Project Vertas. Even Karl Marx was more moderate than the modern leftist movement, recognizing the necessity of dialectics--hearing both sides of an issues (thesis and antithesis) to reach a conclusion (synthesis). Silicon Valley has become much more like Stalinists than Marxists or liberals, in actually silencing nearly all compelling Conservative points of view and perspectives from their platforms. All of the great philosophers recognized there were two sides to every story, and that progress can only come through hearing both sides. Have you even seen The Social Dilemma on Netflix where the heads of big tech admitted disinformation and polarization which was amplified through social media algorithms started civil wars in Asia or South America? If you don't realize there are two sides to every story, then you are simply ignorant. If you realize their are two sides, but willfully choose to only hear one side, then you're simply a bigot. But when there is a movement of over 70 million Americans all saying the same thing--that the media is lying about Trump by taking sound bites way out of context and censoring all media outlets that say otherwise--then you should probably search your own heart and soul for why you have so much bias and prejudice against Conservatives...
Your grades are sliding.... so, your point is that you watch more TV? Therefore you’re smarter? As a member of the first TV generation, I can assure you that watching TV - even Netflix! - will NOT make you smarter. If you take in more garbage, you’re not smarter, you’re just juggling more garbage.

All in all, a supremely ignorant post...good vocabulary, but you don’t have an argument to develop, so it goes nowhere. It reads like it wants to be a sermon, but there’s no moral, ethical, or intellectual dimension to your posts, so you sound like an annoying little sister. I *can* assure you that my attitudes toward the “conservatives” we have these days is the result of having been raised by conservatives, among conservatives, and discovering what’s wrong with “conservatism” from my time INSIDE.

Your “conservatism” - and your conversation - is quite radical...but you’re as ignorant about it as you are about everything you’ve mentioned so far. You can at least be reassured that your brainwashing is in place, that you parrot accurately, and that you will leave no mark.
And I suspect Biden will loose because he was a terrible president. Seems to

I can name about 50 times that the US has overthrown democratically elected leaders outright. And the worst part is that in most cases these were progressive leaders who in many cases were ousted because they were attempting to institute progressive social and economic reforms. In most cases this made the situation worse and ten years later we wished we would have kept them in power.

The 1953 Iranian coup was a classic example. That clusterfuck lead directly to the situation we have today.

You would be hard pressed to find a country in Central America who's leadership wasn't overthrown by the US at some point. South America is not far behind.

As far as this 400K number, the bottom line is that we don't have an accurate number. Yet everyone throws 400K around as if it's the gospel truth. It's not. Do you even understand why there is no accurate number which can be assigned to Covid deaths or do you just parrot out whatever number you see in the headlines?

You are complaining that the Russians used tools we developed exactly the same way our government has been using them. Oh noes, the Russians are spreading disinformation using our disinformation tools and it's conflicting with the disinformation we are spreading.
Laughing at how the so-called patriots in the Republican Party are so quick to defend Russia, a country with a government that is hostile to the US. Trump defended Russia. His so-called patriots followed his lead. They are so submissive that they are jumping to Russia's cause just because their leader told them to. Trump owes Russian criminals many hundreds of millions of dollars. Trump's reason for betraying the US is all about money. Trump's subbies on the other hand just get to watch. I don't understand why anybody would do that.
One thing that has changed is the new White House Press Secretary is a needed change from the idiots that were spewing pure bullshit and lies under trump.

After 4 years it's refreshing to see someone with intelligence speaking and answering questions with the press. The circus has left town. The adults are back.

Last night I did a little Fox News You Tube trolling. Everyone was going ape shit praising one of their (so called) reporters asking why President Joe Rob was not wearing a mask while watching the fireworks. Also lots of talk about how ugly and dumb the new PS was.
What the hell, why not? Get her in with the whacked out crowd.
Rep. Marjorie Greene files articles of impeachment against Biden
Rep. Marjorie Greene (R-Ga.) said Thursday that she has filed articles of impeachment against President Biden, only a day after he was sworn into office.

"President Joe Biden is unfit to hold the office of the presidency. His pattern of abuse of power as President Obama's Vice President is lengthy and disturbing. President Biden has demonstrated that he will do whatever it takes to bail out his son, Hunter, and line his family's pockets with cash from corrupt foreign energy companies," Greene said in a statement.
(“We secretly swapped “Rep” Greene’s brain with a plate of scrambled eggs (no cheese)...let’s see if anyone notices!”)

I’d like to see candidates for office pass a 9th grade civics test on the powers, limitations, and obligations of the office they’re seeking *BEFORE* they’re allowed to be candidates. I’d also like to see live fact-checking during debates.