Izzit just me...


Well-Known Member
...or is anyone else getting a kick watching police departments squirm over the nation wide dissent over their heavy handed methods? Can we expect that cannabis enforcement will be involved?


Well-Known Member
The legal precedent game or corruption of law has gone too far as it relates to "officer safety" as lobbied for and secured by the current state of police unions. Allowing cops to warrantlessly search your cigarettes under the guise of officer safety is absurd, yet it drives more drug war business to the courthouse than any other scheme I know of. Equality of law has disappeared over the past few decades as the law has been gamed politically into the protected classes we see warring today, not the solutions to problems that matter to all. It's either equality for all or equality for none, there is no in between, there is no fairer for some. Together we stand, divided we fall ...


Well-Known Member
Unions are not the problem, factories lost jobs cause of the EPA and OSHA, not unions, Over in China there is no worker safety or care about pollution. Unions help workers so they are treated fairly. Without unions, there might be no such thing as overtime pay and children might still work like they did before unions happen in the 1930's

The police have been getting away with even murder for too long cause people did not seem to care, even today not everybody agrees that the police were wrong to kill those unarmed men--one of who was just a teenager at age 18....even that 12 year old playing in a park with a toy gun, half the country feels the cop was OK by shooting first.

Body camera's offer some hope but its a far cry from getting all cops to wear them, very far. Not all police depts even use dashboard cameras. The big city depts are again't them, I wonder why.

Least people are finally speaking out and not everybody still believes the police are always right. Some are even video taping cops when they see them on the streets hassling another person.

Its going to be interesting to see how the police fight back. The police have done a great job in getting people to believe they have the most dangerous job in the world by being a police officer, that they always are willing to risk their lives to save a life. That might have once been true but not anymore.
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Well-Known Member
Any thing that protects these cops is a part of the the problem... Cop in LA was texting his union rep while his victim bled out..
No unions for public employees..


Well-Known Member
Any thing that protects these cops is a part of the the problem... Cop in LA was texting his union rep while his victim bled out..
No unions for public employees..
Unions aren't the problem.

Was it unions that came up with the idea of allowing cops to take people's money and property (and keep it) without any charges filed?

Is it unions that financially incentivize police departments to go after petty drug crimes as opposed to dealing with actual criminals?

Is it unions that arm our police officers like the fucking military?

Is it unions that make the call not to prosecute cops when they kill unarmed civilians?

Unions aren't perfect, but to blame them for what we're seeing lately is really missing the mark.


Well-Known Member
How did we go from establishing unions in Detroit back when it was the greatest manufacturing city in the world to allow for profit sharing among free market manufacturing labors into today where tens of thousands of government lawyers are unionized within our US Department of Justice? Are there more union members in Washington DC or Detroit today? If you make 10$ per hour do you have any chance of being unionized or able to receive any type of legal representation, no less by lobbyists groups that affect the laws you speak of? Something has went horribly wrong here ...

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Well-Known Member
Yeah its really messed up and the reasons go way back, so far that most people don't understand just why things are like they are.

Freaken cop in Lansing goes flying off the road last night and kills himself and now the person he was chasing is looking at a murder rap if they catch them. Wasn't always like that, back in the 1980's and before, fleeing & eluding was just a 1 year misdemeanor crime and what other people did on the road wasn't your fault. The person the cop was chasing did not have any control over the cop car yet the accident is now all their fault the law says--yet cops can kill unarmed people all of the time and not even face a trail over it.

I recall how that law was changed, in the early 1990's 3 Detroit cops got killed by crashing into each other while chasing a Buick Grand National....one cop car was flying after it and another cop car T bone it and 3 cops were killed-1 was a trainee, so really 2 cops were killed and another person.

The cops found that car a few blocks away with the keys still inside but no driver around. The next morning the owner of the Buick showed up at a local police station saying that he was inside a crack house all night smoking dope and he woke up to find his car keys missing and hes got no idea who stole his car and he wanted his car back now, lol.

The police chief even met him to hand back his car keys to him and they were explaining on the news that even if they could prove it was him driving, all they have on him is a 1 year misd. charge...shortly after that the law was changed, now if U flee the cops and another cop 10 miles away makes an unsafe U turn and kills himself, well that accident is all your fault the law claims today..total BS, IMO

BTW, they did get that guy who owned the GN car a few years later, they arrested him on a big drug dealing rap--would U not know. Last I knew, he was locked up for a long-long time, hes likely dead by now even thou he was only like 20 years old back in the early 1990's


Well-Known Member
Unions aren't the problem.

Was it unions that came up with the idea of allowing cops to take people's money and property (and keep it) without any charges filed?

Is it unions that financially incentivize police departments to go after petty drug crimes as opposed to dealing with actual criminals?

Is it unions that arm our police officers like the fucking military?

Is it unions that make the call not to prosecute cops when they kill unarmed civilians?

Unions aren't perfect, but to blame them for what we're seeing lately is really missing the mark.
No thats not the unions fault, its the PEOPLE"S fault, they are the ones who voted how they did in the past, they are the ones who wanted tougher laws and longer jail sentences. That hero Ronald Reagan and then the first Bush, they have much to blame, IMO. RR was all against unions, hes the one that fired all the air traffic controllers thinking that anybody could run an airport. The people all cheered RR, he was their hero, how dare those airport workers ask for a pay raise and go on strike if they did not get one.

Too bad RR did not live to see 9/11 and 4 planes being hijacked at the same time. No airplane cockpit doors had locks on the doors back then, we thought that was a waste of money, nah, forget investing in the airports and spending millions/billions to upgrade them to be hijack proof. RR told us government and regulations was the problem..then after 9/11, countless billions were spent on the airports and borders after the damage was already done.

Even today, few people besides me blames RR for 9/11. Nope, it was all the bad guys fault, even thou the bad guys told us for many years that they would bring those towers down one day, it was nobodies fault but them. NYC even built a billion dollar command post right near the towers just in case something happen to them, too bad that center was built so close to the towers it was destroy when the towers felled down..that was so dumb and a waste of money yet the people who planed the command center never got blamed for their mistakes..it all got swept under the rug and forgotten about

RR also gave us crack cocaine and AIDS, well that all happen under his term. RR thought at first only gays got AIDS so, no worries until AIDS was totally out of control, only then RR decided, hey maybe the US should spend some money to help fight AIDS.

Yeah I know, that Bill guy who could not keep his pants on while president wasn't no hero either, same with Carter, Ford, Nixon..maybe it all goes back to when JFK was killed, maybe thats when things stared the slow ride down hill..then again, maybe it was WWII, that freaken Hitler guy was total evil. Maybe hes the one to blame..yeah nobody blames Hitler, he lived too long ago yet look at all the damage he did and he likely changed how people looked at the world. It might have been him that causes the arm race between the US and Russia..yeah nobody blames Hitler but thats when the quest for more powerful bombs started.

Maybe its is all Hitlers fault...hes the one who got people to want more weapons to protect themselves. With more guns, came more crime and then came tougher laws and now an out of control police force//lets blame Hitler for it !!