I've got something to say!!!!!


New Member
Well to start off I'm pretty high, so I don't know if this is gonna make any sense, but this is something that just really dawned on me.

I was watching Animal Planet, (which is pretty much my fav station) and the episode was on this Zulu tribe in Africa.
Because of technology and greed in the world. They lost over half of thier hunting and gathering land in just the last 10 years. They have been pretty much confined to this littte tiny spot in Africa. What's gonna happen to them in another 10?
Not only are me making animals extinct, now we're making whole races dissapear.
This program really opened my eyes for some reason, maybe the herb...?
I dunno but isn't it sad that we really only have zoo's and game reserves, and barely ANY natural habbitat for animals?
What's gonna happen when we chop down ALL the trees? :shock::shock:

And why is this happening? It's because of technology and greed, and everyone is guilty. :sad::sad:

Sometimes I just wish, we all could go back to the olden days when everything was simpler, and you lived off the land.
(still grow herb of course) :weed:
Don't get me wrong I do love technology, but I COULD live without it.
I feel something BIG has to happen to change things around a bit, cause mother nature is gonna come around and bite our nuts off if we keep raping her like we are.

Well thanks for letting me rant, it's not really like me to think like this, but after seeing that show, it really got me thinking.
Hope whoever reads this can agree or make some sense of it.

Rollin' up another 1 and keep it green


Well-Known Member
look at the native indians in the US. they got put in zoo's so to speak. lost all there land to hunt and gather.


New Member
I know, this shit is getting outta hand.........we need someone who'll make everyone listen or something sectacular to happen so we change our ways.
Or the future looks pretty damn bleek..........


New Member
I've just really got woken up to this. Never really gave it much thought.
But we're really killing ourselfs and everything around us, until there's nothing left.
It's happening at a rapid pace.

We're all guilty of this, and that's why it won't change. Until it's too late.
So we're pretty much doomed by our own hand.
And to me that's really sad.


Well-Known Member
It's all part of a new world order to come. The people with the most money do not give a fuck about the rest of the world. Sad but true.


New Member
Yes and that's what I'm getting at it's all about greed.
The human race has gone compleatly greedy. Everyone's out for themselfs.
Not like back in the day when people helped each other out, and cared for 1 another.
Now it's all me me me me me. Gluttony and Greed.


Well-Known Member
Yes and that's what I'm getting at it's all about greed.
The human race has gone compleatly greedy. Everyone's out for themselfs.
Not like back in the day when people helped each other out, and cared for 1 another.
Now it's all me me me me me. Gluttony and Greed.
I know man. We are getting closer to self destruction every year and the common man just has to wait for it.


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention we got that new big ass plane that takes anyone with money to space for a couple of hours for 250,000 dollars a ticket while people are starving and they can sleep at night.


Well-Known Member
Making whole races disappear? The Zulu are not a race but a nation. Get with the fucking times, hunter/gatherers are so 1000 years ago. I consider this natural selection so it doesn't really bother me much.


Human nature is a ironic thing. We have so much potential but yet so much flaw. Sadest part is estesj is right on with the New World Order to come (which is less than 1% of the world's richest and wealthiest) that currently already controls over half the world's "wealth". Even more messed up part is we allow it, biggest mistake is the value we allow them to put on resources, that they then put on a sherade, so we can kill each other over them.


Well-Known Member
Human nature is a ironic thing. We have so much potential but yet so much flaw. Sadest part is estesj is right on with the New World Order to come (which is less than 1% of the world's richest and wealthiest) that currently already controls over half the world's "wealth". Even more messed up part is we allow it, biggest mistake is the value we allow them to put on resources, that they then put on a sherade, so we can kill each other over them.
You know what you are talking about bro. If you you are aware of the worlds evil then you are better off so you can do your best to work around it. Some people never get a chance tho and it pisses me off.


Well-Known Member
go on google earth and check out how big or small it really is. what seems like a HUGE area is a mere speck once you zoom out a little.


New Member
Making whole races disappear? The Zulu are not a race but a nation. Get with the fucking times, hunter/gatherers are so 1000 years ago. I consider this natural selection so it doesn't really bother me much.
Man, you are ignorant.
That is thier way of life. Why should we be able to ruin that, just to build fucking shopping malls and parking lots.