I've got something to say!!!!!


New Member
Yea like I mean, just cause I don't like the way he's living, I should go fuck with him and corner him into a little tiny spot for him to live?
They and so many other tribes around the world are getting choked out, cause they have no where else to go, and then have food shortages
because there's not as many animals/plants left for them.
It's pretty much saying just like he did, either conform with us or die.
I can just imagine trying to change from what they know and how they live to, the way we do. That would be crazy hard for them.


New Member
For real, them poor bastards, now they gotta live all skrunched up in reservations now, or go by our standards of life.
Man this is some good weed.
I don't usually get into shit like this lol

ask a native american, they could tell you. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Yea like I mean, just cause I don't like the way he's living, I should go fuck with him and corner him into a little tiny spot for him to live?
They and so many other tribes around the world are getting choked out, cause they have no where else to go, and then have food shortages
because there's not as many animals/plants left for them.
It's pretty much saying just like he did, either conform with us or die.
I can just imagine trying to change from what they know and how they live to, the way we do. That would be crazy hard for them.
once they build the jack-in-the-box dudes can just go thru the drive-thru. :-P


Well-Known Member
I don't really know what to think any more. Even the US has changed radically since I was a kid. I mean I remember tv when It was only black and white. Things I did as a kid are now felonies. stuff like that. I still kind of think the US is stupid the way they handle people they kick the shit out of. tkae the indians. so they were nice and gave them land that would be theirs. But still took away their way of life. Now a once proud people are reduced to scum sucking peices of shit. I have seen with my own eye's local tribes go out and wipe out whole herds of elk and leave them rot. catch masses of salmon and leave them on the bank to rot. All becouse they can. They have the right. I guess my piont. was it better to let them live or would it have been better to wipe them out? For those of you that haven't been around indians or a rez. you should make it a point to vist. I guess it's all in your point of view.


New Member
Well.....the rez's I've been to, aren't really good places to visit, unless you are good friends with the boys.
They don't take well to outsiders, and they're pretty rough places. ALOT of booze and hard drugs.......
I've never seen any of them let stuff rot that they've shot or fished. The 1's I know, sell alot of the Moose, deer and salmon they get,
which is what they should do. I don't know what's wrong with the 1's you've witnessed......that's just plain ignorant, and thier cheifs
would wig the fuck out if they caught wind of that.