Its Good To Be Back! My Second Grow.

Darth Budder

Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Technically i guess this is my third grow, but since my second was aborted due to a temporary roommate, ill call this my second ;)

Seeds: 5 bagseed, 5 White Lable Double Gum
Medium: Happy Frog/Perlite 3/1
Pots: .7gallon
Nutes: Foxfarm 3
Lights: 12x26watt home made cfl for veg
2x150 watt Mini Sunburst hps
Veg Box: A wardrobe box from the big orange store
Flower room: 2x4x4 area under the lights (see below)

The Story So Far:
I popped all 10 of these guys from a paper towel and planted them in the first week of April. The bagseed was from some amazing stuff i had some years ago, the White Label i got from Attitude about a year ago. I planted them in #2 nursery pots from the big orange store, which are about .7 gallon. 8 came up as plants. I intend to keep them in these pots, and keep the plants small as i am height limited in the flower room. They have had a rough childhood with heat, lights, super low ph, nute lock out and nitrogen overload all at once! I even burnt them with some water on the leaves. Basically every mistake i made in my first grow i vowed not to make again. I guess i should smoke less..

anyway. Tonight they go to bed at 7, and wake up tomorrow at 7, so welcome to day 1 of 12/12.

Here they are in the vegbox:
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Here is my empty flower room, white wall cover and a gym box on a set of milk crates. This is the "lowest" setting for my lights so i am propping them up on the milk crates and will lower the plants/raise the lights as appropriate. I have a 6in can filter hooked up to a 240cfm 6in Fan
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Here they are (6 of 8, see below) in their new home just after lights out:

So there are two stragglers. They are about 2 inches shorter then the others. It could have been the PH, it could have been the heat, i don't know, it may have been because they were in the center of the vegbox with no direct light? i would have expected them to stretch in that case. I think somehow the ratio of perlite to soil got screwed up and they are having a hard time. It seems they take longer to dry out and are denser then the others. Might also be my imagination. For now they are under direct light in the vegbox while i decide to repot or not.

So that is it for now, welcome to day 1 of 12/12 on my grow.

I am all about the science guys, so fire away, i am a big strong newb and i can take it :) Plus all the smoke dulls the punches a bit.

The bud will be with you, always,


Active Member
Interesting about the runts.
I had two that just never kicked into gear.
And they had the same everything as the others.
When I finally pulled them(Only had room for three)
I noticed the root ball was small.
About the size of a baseball.
All the others filled the 1st pots big time with roots.

Kinda bent my brain a tad, but thought it was just bad seeds.

Darth Budder

Well-Known Member
Interesting about the runts.
I had two that just never kicked into gear.
And they had the same everything as the others.
When I finally pulled them(Only had room for three)
I noticed the root ball was small.
About the size of a baseball.
All the others filled the 1st pots big time with roots.

Kinda bent my brain a tad, but thought it was just bad seeds.
That is the problem, too many variables to tell though you may have something there, as the while label seeds were visually unimpressive. Some were so small I didn't think they would crack, and one was even cracked in the breeder case! When I ordered them I picked the least expensive seeds I could find as I was in pretty rough shape back then. I should have waited till I could get my blueberry

Darth Budder

Well-Known Member

So I when I checked on the little teenie boppers this morning i was like "ya know, they probably could use water, but ill wait till later this afternoon". Wrong. Got to listen to the plants, got in there about 10 minutes ago and 4/6 had their arms down, limp. I watered them and it seems like they are picking up but i am not sure. I think i may have a temp problem, not sure if more fans is going to help though.


Darth Budder

Well-Known Member
Okay Guys I think i need some help. The 6 plants on 12/12 look pretty sick. I think N toxicity started about 1 week ago when i fed them the tineyest bit of grow big with big bloom, so that might account for the claw. I belive my soil might be very acidic. The reason is (please, no ph run off is usefull/less battles) my water runs high at about 7.5, but the run off I was getting was like 3. This would be a ph below 0 so something is clearly wrong, I top dressed with powdered dolomite lime and have watered with nothing but plain water and yesterday 1 gal of water with 1tsp of dolomite lime mixed in.

What do you think? The first shot is to give you an idea of how they look from the side, but its the tops and new growth i am worried about.


Thanks for taking a look, and any advice you might have.


Darth Budder

Well-Known Member
Okay Guys I think i need some help. The 6 plants on 12/12 look pretty sick. I think N toxicity started about 1 week ago when i fed them the tineyest bit of grow big with big bloom, so that might account for the claw. I belive my soil might be very acidic. The reason is (please, no ph run off is usefull/less battles) my water runs high at about 7.5, but the run off I was getting was like 3. This would be a ph below 0 so something is clearly wrong, I top dressed with powdered dolomite lime and have watered with nothing but plain water and yesterday 1 gal of water with 1tsp of dolomite lime mixed in.

What do you think? The first shot is to give you an idea of how they look from the side, but its the tops and new growth i am worried about.

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Thanks for taking a look, and any advice you might have.

Ok I think I a suffering lockout. Ph of water going in is between 7.5 and 8 and it's coming out 5 to 5.5

What should I do?

Darth Budder

Well-Known Member
Ladies and gents we have pistols! Yep we have one confirmed female, and one which I think is a male. I will prob know for sure to tomorrow.

Pic update on Wednesday, any girls will be named.

Darth Budder

Well-Known Member
Ladies and gents we have pistols! Yep we have one confirmed female, and one which I think is a male. I will prob know for sure to tomorrow.

Pic update on Wednesday, any girls will be named.
Dam my thread is getting no love. so i am thinking i need to raise my ph by 2 points. i have oppressed each pot with 1tsp of dolomite and have been watering with 1tbsp of dolomite as will but i think it ostensibly still in the 5 to 5.5 range.z

anything i to balance this out?u


what kind of meter are you using? I would say definately make sure you are balancing the ph according to your medium, I only have one plant in soil, the other ones are in a hydro system. With the hydrosystem, I know I have to put my water in the resevoir at around 5.5-5.8, because the hydroton jacks up the PH, which is funny, because everything I read always said not to rinse off the clay pellets first, which I have found to be complete and utter nonsense, because my what would shoot up about 2.0 points or more for weeks until the drip system finally got it clean enough that my system became pretty stable at a set amount. As for soil, the same idea I would guess, if the ingredients in the soil are raising or lowering your ph, you have to adjust the water going in accordingly. If it is lowering it 2.0 points after the water goes in, then you need to use ph up or the sort 2.0 points above the level you want it. I hope this helps.

Darth Budder

Well-Known Member
what kind of meter are you using? I would say definately make sure you are balancing the ph according to your medium, I only have one plant in soil, the other ones are in a hydro system. With the hydrosystem, I know I have to put my water in the resevoir at around 5.5-5.8, because the hydroton jacks up the PH, which is funny, because everything I read always said not to rinse off the clay pellets first, which I have found to be complete and utter nonsense, because my what would shoot up about 2.0 points or more for weeks until the drip system finally got it clean enough that my system became pretty stable at a set amount. As for soil, the same idea I would guess, if the ingredients in the soil are raising or lowering your ph, you have to adjust the water going in accordingly. If it is lowering it 2.0 points after the water goes in, then you need to use ph up or the sort 2.0 points above the level you want it. I hope this helps.
Hey kong thanks for the reply

No meter, just a GH test kit, drops in water compared against the color chart. i hadn't though of ph upping the water, especially since it was a 7.5 already but I was putting lime in it, which was probably lowering it a few points since its a 7. I think things are settling out. Right now I have 2 for sure females, 2 maybe female, maybe hermi? I'll post pics later.


No problem, GH test kits work great, they are cheap and effective. I used one for a long time before I dropped the 100 bucks on a hanna4. I would definately say raise the ph a little in the water, then after a couple hours after feeding, check the soil ph. Then just adjust accordingly, you will get it down to a science, it just takes practice to get any system dialed in and get the feel for it. Good luck

Darth Budder

Well-Known Member
No problem, GH test kits work great, they are cheap and effective. I used one for a long time before I dropped the 100 bucks on a hanna4. I would definately say raise the ph a little in the water, then after a couple hours after feeding, check the soil ph. Then just adjust accordingly, you will get it down to a science, it just takes practice to get any system dialed in and get the feel for it. Good luck

I am going to run to the store and get some pup and down today. Thanks for the advice!

Darth Budder

Well-Known Member
Hey Folks,

So I took these last night, 7 days since i put them into flower on 12/12. I do not know how healthy these plants are, but they are flowering! I am starting to think i need to go out and get a digital ph meter. These color solution tests are just not helping me, i find it hard to determine the actual color, and the chart on the bottle only has half point values. Today i am headed to the store to get an actual soil ph kit to see if i can determine what the hell is the actual ph of my soil. If that fails me, then i have to go out and buy a meter. I just do not know when that will be.


Here are a few shot of my sativas.. I have no idea if they are male or female. They look like they have pistols, but at the same time they might be growing balls, or those might just be preflowers i have no idea.


Here is a shot of the nice pistols on my indica. I have two of these girls

And a couple of family shots.
wholefamily1.jpgwhole family2.jpg

I have one sativa that looks like its male without question. I am waiting to be sure, but then i think ill try to test my cloning on it, why not, dont care if it dies. Then if it works out i can clone my indica girls.

Comments, suggestions, info always welcome!



Man, those plants look beautiful, I wouldn't get too worried, just stay on top of things like you are doing, have patience, and they will be fine.
PS-there are lots of cloning methods, but with soil you really shouldn't have a problem, thats how i start everything even the ones going to hydro. just remember:
1. No direct light patient with them
People will tell you not to use a dome, but I just spray the inside of jars(not the plants ever) and place them over the top until they get going, then its off to the races.

Darth Budder

Well-Known Member
Thanks Kong! Its just so much time and effort I hate the idea of screwing up the grow. Its a labor of love, but of all the things you can spend, time is one you never get back!