• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Israeli Occupation my ass!!!!


Well-Known Member
Liberals CONSTANTLY (and blindly) blame radical Islamic terror on the Israeli occupation and US policy.

If you are someone who believes that nonsense, explain this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GAZA - Masked gunmen attacked a U.N.-run summer camp for children on Sunday after militants in the Gaza Strip accused the United Nations of promoting immorality in the religiously conservative enclave controlled by Hamas Islamists.
About 20 men, some carrying assault rifles, tore up large plastic tents and burned storage facilities at the site, where tens of thousands of children are due to attend camp sessions, said Ibrahim Elewa, a private guard who was on duty when they struck.
Two days earlier, a previously unknown militant group, "The Free of the Homeland," issued a statement criticizing the camp's organizer, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), for, "teaching schoolgirls fitness, dancing and immorality."

Full story:

While you are at it, please also explain how their actions and their thinking is in keeping with the things Liberals pretend to stand for. Since Liberals are so fond of defending these people, I think it is only fair.


Well-Known Member
It may not have everything to do with it, but its for sure a slice of the whole pie. Both religions want the same strip of land because that is their most sacred area. The USA is Israel's biggest supporter, therefore we are perceived as having enabled the theft of the land. Remember that Israel is a fairly new country, many older people can still remember when there was no Jewish state occupying the holiest of holy lands.

Rick you would have to be completely ignorant to think it had nothing to do with the current situation.


Active Member
Why are you so obsessed with generalizations and dumbing down a very complicated situation to the level of a superbowl game?

There is no single reason for islamic terrorism and anyone telling you otherwise is an idiot, whether it's some bleeding-heart lefting saying it's because of oil and israel or some right-wing nutjob who insist that it's because all of the one billion muslims in the world are hateful fanatics who want to conquer the west.

What does happen is that when we buy into the myth that there is a civilizational conflict between islam and the west, we legitimize and embolden al quaeda, hamas and all the other groups whose whole existence is based on that myth. This is why things like the iraq war, torture and gitmo are such good recruiting tools for these assholes.

Gaza is a very complicated situation. I don't know what kind of explanation you are looking for? Why are hamas intolerant religious fanatics? Why are they in control of gaza? Also, if it's not hamas that's stopping unrwa from doing it's job, it's the idf.

And it's not just liberals who think the lack of progress in resolving the israel-palestinian conflict is a direct threat to US interests in the region. http://wonkroom.thinkprogress.org/2010/03/25/gen-petraeus-on-the-reality-of-linkage/

Gen. David Petraeus caused quite a stir last week with his written statement (pdf) to the Senate Armed Services Committee, in which he included “insufficient progress toward a comprehensive Middle East peace” as the first among “a number of cross-cutting issues that serve as major drivers of instability, inter-state tensions, and conflict” that “can serve as root causes of instability or as obstacles to security"
No offense, but I'll take the word of a rhodes scholar west point graduate who commands all US forces in the middle east over yours....


Well-Known Member
Since it's inception as a sovereign state Israel has consistently and unapologetically marginalized palestinians. The segregation and abuse blacks endured last century doesn't even come close. The amount of human rights violations your dear Israel
commits comes very close to what Hitler did to them


Active Member
I personally think both sides are equally culpable in the. The majority of Isrealis are Racists and hate the arabs, openly calling them dogs and subhuman and will not be happy until they kill all the Palestinians. The majority of Palestinians are just as racist and will not be happy until they kill all the Jews.
These two attitudes disgust me and I think we have Zero business sticking our noses into such a vile and disgusting mess.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know what foreign policy means? It means we will favor one nation over another, inevitably leading to war.


Active Member
Since it's inception as a sovereign state Israel has consistently and unapologetically marginalized palestinians. The segregation and abuse blacks endured last century doesn't even come close. The amount of human rights violations your dear Israel
commits comes very close to what Hitler did to them
If you really think that then maybe a visit to auschwitz, dachau or babi yar ravine might be in order. Seriously, you think that a conflict over land is in some way comparable to the systematic industrial-scale murder of millions of people? Because if you do, then you have even less of grasp of reality than our friend ricky here. You should really think a little harder before you start saying stupid things like that...

Even the comparison to apartheid south africa doesn't really hold up very well since there are around a million arabs with israeli citizenship who have the same rights as any jewish israeli. There are no 'jewish only' lunch counters or bathrooms in israel either.

And frankly, by middle east standards, israel is the most responsible and well-behaved of all. Seriously, how long do you think there would be peace if the some of the arab countries had the kind of military power the idf has? The only reason there isn't war between israel and syria is that syria would get annihilated.


Active Member
Isn't Isreal doing a similar systematic murder and genocide to the Palesinians as occured in Germany to the Jews. Palestine is nothing more than a Auschwits or Dachau except that the Isrealis are bombing them to death instead of gassing them.


I have read up about it. The systematic genocide and subjegation of the Palestinians is akin to the murder of the jews by Germany. The scale is smaller but nonetheless similar.
They are COMPLETELY different. Not only scale is different, but motive is as well. Israelis are protecting themselves and regardless of the cyclical reasoning behinds both sides, its still different than senseless genocide.

Ignoring Hungtington's idea of "Clash of Civilizations" for the sake of political correctness dumbs the real situation down. Of course the difference in Islam and Western ideologies/theologies are at odds. Sharia is real in many Islamic countries and it has to be pointed out that many many Muslims believe the hardline conservative tradition of the Quran and Sunnah that haven't been moderated or updated to sit well in the modern world with todays human rights.


Well-Known Member
They are COMPLETELY different. Not only scale is different, but motive is as well. Israelis are protecting themselves and regardless of the cyclical reasoning behinds both sides, its still different than senseless genocide.
Is that kind of like how we are protecting ourselves by killing at least 6 million people in the Middle East so far? With that kind of logic then Hitler was only protecting himself too.


Well-Known Member
The most telling thing about this thread is that not one person even acknowledged the conduct discussed in the OP. Instead, most just jumped right into the Israel bashing with both feet.

See, that is the Liberal MO. You know NOTHING about mid-East politics except the nonsense you hear from Liberal sources and the idiots you hang out with. And that is the simple knee jerk reaction of taking the side of the perceived "oppressed underdog" blindly and without consideration for the facts and their actions and conduct.

Anyone with half a brain knows that the entire Muslim world is defined by a lack of human rights that humanity has not seen since the dark ages. In fact, the Muslim world has remained virtually unchanged since the dark ages. Things like that in the OP are not one in a million, they are in fact common place. Read up on "honor killings." Research the number of terror attacks on an annual basis - there are thousands. They teach flat out hatred of non-Muslims in the text books they use to educate their children. The penalty for adultery and homosexuality is death in most Muslim countries.

When will you people stop blindly toeing the party line and actually make an effort to learn something about the issue?


Well-Known Member
The most telling thing about this thread is that not one person even acknowledged the conduct discussed in the OP. Instead, most just jumped right into the Israel bashing with both feet.
Well, since your point seems to be basically that Israel's conduct has nothing to do with terrorist attacks, it doesn't seem very surprising that people responded with criticism of Israel. As others already said, it's not the only reason - but it does have something to do with it.

Anyone with half a brain knows that the entire Muslim world is defined by a lack of human rights that humanity has not seen since the dark ages. In fact, the Muslim world has remained virtually unchanged since the dark ages.
When will you people stop blindly toeing the party line and actually make an effort to learn something about the issue?
When will you stop with the over-simplified generalizations (toeing your party line)?
Sure, islam is a silly bunch of crap (like christianity and judaism), but you know that there are plenty of moderate muslims in the world.


Well-Known Member
hey rick white: start a blog about it.
we know how you feel and you aren't gonna convice
a single solitary stoner here that you are right.
go join the council on foreign relations if you want to.
$250 a year and a sponsor member is all you need.
then maybe we can live peacefully without your occasional
offensive xenophobic rants.


Well-Known Member
The most telling thing about this thread is that not one person even acknowledged the conduct discussed in the OP. Instead, most just jumped right into the Israel bashing with both feet.

See, that is the Liberal MO. You know NOTHING about mid-East politics except the nonsense you hear from Liberal sources and the idiots you hang out with. And that is the simple knee jerk reaction of taking the side of the perceived "oppressed underdog" blindly and without consideration for the facts and their actions and conduct.

Anyone with half a brain knows that the entire Muslim world is defined by a lack of human rights that humanity has not seen since the dark ages. In fact, the Muslim world has remained virtually unchanged since the dark ages. Things like that in the OP are not one in a million, they are in fact common place. Read up on "honor killings." Research the number of terror attacks on an annual basis - there are thousands. They teach flat out hatred of non-Muslims in the text books they use to educate their children. The penalty for adultery and homosexuality is death in most Muslim countries.

When will you people stop blindly toeing the party line and actually make an effort to learn something about the issue?
the muslim world is not defined by a lack of human rights. there are extremist elements, but the MAJORITY of the muslim world is rather moderate. in fact, most muslims do NOT follow the strict discipline followed in some places in the middle east and elsewhere. There are more muslims in east europe and Asia, america, practicing moderate beliefs.

and they do not live in the dark ages. their economies can be described as developing, but the way you're putting it is not correct.

you keep talking about how nobody knows anything about whatever, but you've never stopped demonstrating willful ignorance . you claim that every muslim is extremist. you're wrong.

you're generalizations are akin to me saying that all christians are pedophiles, because there are christian cults in the US that believe that girls as young as 13 getting married.

there are 1.57 BILLION muslims in the world. the majority are moderate. the minority sympathize with extremist views. that's the TRUTH.

open you're eyes, open you're ears, open you're mind.


Active Member
As I am sure you know, right here in the good ol' USA, we have fanatics of the religious, fundamentalist type ( mostly living in trailers ) who feel the solution is to just nuke anyone that ain't a god fearing whitey and let god sort em out. I do note that, like most right wingers, you fail to mention some very important facts. Israel has an enormously bad human rights record for doing things like imprisoning children ( often for life ) for having the nerve to be related to a Hamas member, denying shipments of food to the Gaza strip, continuing to violate agreements to cease settlement in disputed areas, etc., etc., etc. Want to see how fast a solution can be found? Than we stop sending money ( over 8 billion a year ) and close our bases, and when faced with having to confront their neighbors face to face ( instead of like a little bitch who calls out her enemies from behind her big brothers back ) Israel will very quickly learn diplomacy, or get very good at burying people. The actual reality is that ONLY America's presence has kept Israel from being wiped off the face of the Earth. Forget about their supposed fierceness in battle ( not hard to defeat starving people ) or their supposed tenacity, all BS and none of it would make any difference, or stop their destruction if USA was out of the picture. Instead of perpetuating the lie that liberals defend terrorists ( you mean like how Bush covered the backs of Bin Laden's family after 911? ) why don't you try opening your mind and research the reasons Israel has so many enemies. Their neighbors have shown immense restraint all things considered, but I predict that inside of 20 years someone is going to tire of their arrogance, and risk nuking them. Watch and see if I'm not right.


Active Member
WOW dude, I didn't realize when I made my first post that you were the love child of Beck and Limbaugh. Talk about uninformed. I suggest that you do some research somewhere other than FOX archives. Or you could try listening to BBC or NPR, as they report on many of Israel's atrocities which main stream American media tends to gloss over at best, or leave completely unreported at worst. Part of being a liberal is that darned inquisitiveness. We just don't buy ANY party line until we have verified it umpteen times from unrelated sources, which explains why we so often disagree with each other. Conservatives, on the other hand, have elevated a few people, who would otherwise be unemployed drug addicts and drunks, to near messianic heights and treat every piece of unverifiable nonsense that spews forth from their venomous holes as the newest gospel. ( Check out Al Franken's book Rush Limbaugh Is A Big Fat Liar ) It is not that we wish to belittle the tragedy of the OP you posted, but just that we can easily discern that your motives had nothing to do with starting legitimate discussion, and everything to do with spewing right wing crap, and demonizing muslims. Can you site examples of Israel's compassion for those non-Jews living in Israel? Of course not because #1 There is no compassion for non-Jews in Israel, and #2 You never have actually researched anything beyond your accepted, and extremely biased sources. Try doing real research, and see if even YOU buy YOUR parties line of crap anymore.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Rick oversimplifies because he sees everything through partisan/religious lines.

Rick believe that there are no extremists in HIS religion, ONLY in others. He's stated as such in the past....trying to debate w/ Rick is pointless, it's always the same canned Christian Right Wing bullshit that is nonsensical to anyone w/ an objective bone in their body.