Israeli bombing of Hamas leader. Rub it in their face why don't you... VIDEO


New Member
feel free to indulge your fantasy that poor innocent palestinians are being rounded up and pushed into gas chambers by the wicked evil jews. it lets everyone see what you really are.
Did you have family die during WW2? Because it wasn't only people of jewish decent you fucking idiot. Morons like you claiming everything hitler did was to the Jews is completey false. The Nazis kill anyone and everyone. I had family murdered by the Nazis so stop spewing the zionist bullshit you've been fed.


New Member
but but but... thats a "christian news website" and thus their opinion is invalidated by their religion, since religion and politics must be separated by an impenetrable wall...

oh wait. i forgot youre a hypocrite and a fool. carry on.

perhaps you can bring in some exciting bullshit from the 700 club, or the watchtower...

you really are shameless
So whats your underlying issue with people of colour? I'm still waiting on that one and many more you choose not to answer coz good ol abe hasn't briefed you on what to say.


New Member
Seperation of church/state and the interpretation of religious texts are apples and oranges. Or don't you see a difference?

Also I would ask how consolidated is the media in the US? Is it 5 companies....

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Did you have family die during WW2? Because it wasn't only people of jewish decent you fucking idoiot. Morons like you claiming everything hitler did was to the Jews is completey false. The Nazis kill anyone and everyone. I had family murdered by the Nazis so stop spewing the zionist bullshit you've been fed.
wow. any other trenchant insights into my knowledge or beliefs i should know about.

when dickbreath morons like YOU start shouting about israel's "genocide" agains the palestinians you automatically place yourself on the side of holocaust deniers, holocaust apologists, and assholes who believe that because hitler also killoed slavs, gypsies, catholics poles, russians, and armenians in his death chambers and concentration camps and with his extermination squads, so that means the jews were asking for it, or they deserved it, or they are acting like they are special. well guess what cheif, they ARE special, hitler killed nearly twice as many jews simply for being jews than he killed of all the other untermensch groups combined.

care to tell me more about it genius?

maybe that the crematoria were actually ovens for baking bread, or the mass graves were simply german efficiency at work, or the deaths in the work camps were "accidental" or that there were no zyklon B showers, or any of the other holocaust denier lies you might dredge up.

throw in some blood libel, the protocols of the elders of zion and some references to the garquad tree and then youll be right up there with machmoud ahmendinejad.

thats it. im through with you. go spew your bile at somebody else you sad twisted little diseased monkey shit.


New Member
wow. any other trenchant insights into my knowledge or beliefs i should know about.

when dickbreath morons like YOU start shouting about israel's "genocide" agains the palestinians you automatically place yourself on the side of holocaust deniers, holocaust apologists, and assholes who believe that because hitler also killoed slavs, gypsies, catholics poles, russians, and armenians in his death chambers and concentration camps and with his extermination squads, so that means the jews were asking for it, or they deserved it, or they are acting like they are special. well guess what cheif, they ARE special, hitler killed nearly twice as many jews simply for being jews than he killed of all the other untermensch groups combined.

care to tell me more about it genius?

maybe that the crematoria were actually ovens for baking bread, or the mass graves were simply german efficiency at work, or the deaths in the work camps were "accidental" or that there were no zyklon B showers, or any of the other holocaust denier lies you might dredge up.

throw in some blood libel, the protocols of the elders of zion and some references to the garquad tree and then youll be right up there with machmoud ahmendinejad.

thats it. im through with you. go spew your bile at somebody else you sad twisted little diseased monkey shit.
Again you keeping putting words in my mouth, just as you've done this entire thread, to skew your arguments towards anti-semitism, with many other posters not just myself - The true crutch of the ADL and it's spineless Kahane inspired rhetoric.

Why cant you keep to the subject. Whats your issue with people of colour? Are you that fucking stupid you can't identify as a racist piece of shit? Go back to jacking of over the Torah and Talmud

Just the fact you referred to me as a dog proves your radical interpretations of the Talmud & Torah plus the memory of Rabbi Kahane is alive and well in you small small mind

Dog is typical slur used by jews agains non-jews


Well-Known Member
when i read the torah it is as a historical document. i have to scrape off the religious bullshit and the apocryphal stories of supernatural powers, and this leaves behind actual information which has been proved historically accurate again and again.

your repeated assertions that this one tiny group of anti-zionist anti-israel jews are the "real deal" give lie to your previous assertions that religious content invalidates any source.

your repeated assertions that attempt to imply the torah is NOT of historical value (while never actually making that claim, thus insulating yourself from the fusillade of proof to the contrary, and the inevitable butthurt) only make you appear more and more the assclown you are desperately trying to become.

even the original post featuring the "torah is a historical document" assertion featured the line :

which of course you ignore like a sad little munchkin, a lilliputian wit with a brobdingnagian ego, in breif, a dildo.

feel free to indulge your fantasy that poor innocent palestinians are being rounded up and pushed into gas chambers by the wicked evil jews. it lets everyone see what you really are.
So is the Torah a historical document? lol

or is it full of supernatural imaginary buddy stories?

Which is it? It is either a reliable historical document or half bull shit.

Dig deeper homes.


Active Member

This is my last real thought on this topic for the time being-

You sit there and one minute try to play that Israel is defending itself. Then you say they are the aggressors, but that they are showing "restraint". Which is it? You can't be playing defense and offense at the sametime, despite the old saying.

You call on able bodied men to continue fighting, rather then search for peace. This is where I know you are unreachable. Anyman who has never fought in combat, yet calls for war, is not someone who is basing their statements in fact or logic. So why would I continue a discussion with you? Everytime I make mention of the fact that you are a coward, which is what someone who has never seen war but calls for it is, you try and give these limpwristed "You're trying to be a toughguy!" speeches. Far from it actually. My stance is PEACE. I don't care which side you support, both have blood on their hands. What i've been trying to empart to you these past few days, is the fact that if Israel wants to try to claim the moral highground against what you call "terrorists" then it has to conduct itself accordingly. Respect is giving, not earned.

I hope that the results of Arafat's toxscreen come back negative for polonium210. Because if Mossad had a traceable hand in killing him, then we will all be in for a long winter. And before you start flying off the handle and shitting your pants, yes, Arafat was a combatant and his death is not something I care much about. It is the ripple of chaos that will ensue, atop the lake of blood currently in the process being spilled, that worries me. Blood doesn't wash off blood, it just opens the door for more to spill.

Your Quran link is completely bogus. I wouldn't be surprised if that translator also sold "Bibles" in Baghdad. I don't know if you are familiar with the Old Testament or not, but it's got some pretty interesting material in there too. Maybe try citing that sometime, might give you a little perspective on the fact that ALL RELIGIONS ARE NUTTY.

You keep writing off Breivik as an "extremist", but then can't turn back around and apply the same scope to Palestinians/arabs in general. If you honestly believe in your heart that one race of people is by definition morally superior to another based off of their faith or is justified in kill another because of that faith, then this entire conversation was pointless because your understanding of humanity is flawed beyong repair. Arabs want what we want, the chance to raise their kids. And yet, because of the vocal calls to jihad trumpeted by a decent-size yet still minority faction within the Islamic (notice there IS a difference between the two, arabs and muslims) community, you call all arabs murderers. What if everyone viewed Christians'/white people through the lense of the Westboro flock, or said that we must all be killers like Breivik? You'd be offended even if you aren't a Christian because you would feel like you were being lumped in with them because you are a white western male. That outrage by association is what groups like Hamas fill their ranks with, because they are the only available avenue to vent against perceived wrongs.

A side note from earlier too; Seperation of Church and State, though not a directly mandated and outlined concept, has been a guiding principle of this nation since it's founding. For you to argue differently is just sad. You sound like those people who say this is a "Christian Nation"..this is a Free Nation. Does it have problems? You bet. But the answer is certainly not establishing a Judeo-Christian oligarchy (I know, you weren't calling for that right? Well, taking any religion above another is doing exactly that in a sense). If you don't believe in defending what this nation stands for, why were you in a rush to join up gramps? Wanted to blast on some Iraqis for kicks?

My final thought is this;

You can, and undoubtedly will, copy paste and time waste your way into some snoody "TYPICAL, NOW THEY DON'T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT!" mantra. Honestly? I no longer see a point in trying to convert anyone, i've learned my lesson there. I will simply sit back now and watch as you dig yourself deeper and deeper in the shitpit you've made. From start to finish, you have come out against peace. Why? Because you are uneducated about war and it's true horrors. Maybe if bombs start going off if your neighborhood, or you get to see the results of one of these "tactical strikes" in the form of twisted and mangled bodies you will understand. Maybe the true fear of knowing death is an ever-present constant, poised to grip you anytime, will allow you some clarity and insight into the minds of the people you have so dismissvely written off as "barbarians". Perhaps if a couple of your children were killed and chalked up to "collateral damages" you might view things differently.

Why would all these people, most of whom live in completely different corners of the globe and come from all different walks of life, all come out with a unified message of outrage in response to your screed? Because you go against the cause of human decency and equality. I don't care what you choose to site or how you choose to spin these words, because what you have said over the course of this discussion as a whole highlights your character much more vibrantly than any last-hour fabricated summerization would. Everyone on here can see your true color.

I wish you well in whatever course the short remainder of your live takes you. I hope that eventually you are able to overcome whatever unfortunate occurances brought you to this bitter point. Other then that though, I hope you gain some insight into the human experience outside of your own comfort zone. I don't think you are necessarily a bad person. In fact, if I met you in real life i'm sure we would find common ground over a joint or 3. But I can not, and will not, sit by and say nothing when someone like you calls for the blood of the young to be spilled for the causes of the old. I do not believe in Christianity, but I think one of the most redeeming messages it ever imparted was the "Treat others as you would wish to be treated.." mentality. If more people stuck to that, we might have a shot at making it to the 2100's.


Well-Known Member
Can someone explain to me why the Gaza strip isn't part of Israel? Did it used to be? What happened? How and why is it seperate? Is it still part of Israel and just sectioned off or is it it's own country? I don't get it.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
So is the Torah a historical document? lol

or is it full of supernatural imaginary buddy stories?

Which is it? It is either a reliable historical document or half bull shit.

Dig deeper homes.
Cato the elder's De Agricutura (on farming) contains a fabulous assortment of details on roman agriculture, home economics, farm management, wine making, food preserving and "people management" DESPITE also containing instructions on the times places and methods of the appropriate sacrifices to Jupiter, Saturnias and the Lares.

so we should simply ignore everything else because any religious content invalidates any source.

the torah is similar. it contains infromation on life, lifestyle, social structure, geography, geo-politics, and ALSO religious information from it's time. it has been shown to be accurate many times. this does not make it The Literal Word of some god, but it also does not make it garbage, 100% myth or poisonous disinformation.

unclench your sphincter, and try to wrap you mind around the concept that disagreeing with your position does NOT make an opponent into a madman, a racist or a fool. those determinations must be made on actual positions taken by the opponent, not simply assumed by their daring to disagree on some point of political interest.

of course screaming RACIST!! or insisting the other guy MUST be a "zionist Piggie Jew" or a servant of the ADL/JDL/IDF/Mossad is much easier.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Can someone explain to me why the Gaza strip isn't part of Israel? Did it used to be? What happened? How and why is it seperate? Is it still part of Israel and just sectioned off or is it it's own country? I don't get it.
gaza was the only densely populated area of "Trans Jordan" (the territory's name under british administration, as it was "thedeserty on the West Bank* of the Jordan River), and it was coincidentally populated by predominantly moslem arabs. thus the brits deemed Gaza (and the "West Bank" region) to be unsuitable for handing over to the new state of israel.

Gaza was part of egypt's territory till the war in 67, when israel took that territory. they handed back most of the land (including the OIL RICH sinai desert) when egypt signed a peace treaty and recognized israel's right to exist, but Gaza was retained. egypt didnt really want it back (it's full of radical assholes and isnt very valuable) and the israelis have not officially declared "we is keepin this bitch" nor "we want to dump this piece of shit" it's a territory with no real status, since the former owners arent interested in getting it back, and the current holders cannot effectively take full control of the territory without an ACTUAL genocide. (or at least a really effective "Ethnic Clkeansing")

the west bank is in a similar situation. it USED to be jordanian territory, but jordan doesnt even want that shit back. the west bank region is currently being "settled" by israelis, and theres a great deal of butthurt on all sides over that issue (thats the "settlements" issue) the current thinking is that the west bank and gaza will become an independant nation for palestinians, but theres not enough of them, and no economic base in the west bank to make that work, and gaza is too small to be much of a country.

so they remain a thorn in israel's paw, and a rallying point for radicals, extremists, and the press when they need a good bloodbath to increase their ratings during "sweeps week".

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

This is my last real thought on this topic for the time being-

You sit there and one minute try to play that Israel is defending itself. Then you say they are the aggressors, but that they are showing "restraint". Which is it? You can't be playing defense and offense at the sametime, despite the old saying.

Israel took the gaza strip and the west bank (as well and several other territories long since returned) in a DEFENSIVE WAR started by the arab alliance in 1967. gaza and the west banmk are still held as military occupation zones because it's not part of israel (according to the UN borders cant change any more without their approval) and it happens to be inhabioted by people who are not that friendly to israel. this is not a unique situation in history, it happens to be a violent powderkeg as a result of radicals on all sides and outside agitators fanning the flames. your simplistic schoolyard bully vs innocent victim analysis is entirely unsuited to this issue.

You call on able bodied men to continue fighting, rather then search for peace. This is where I know you are unreachable. Anyman who has never fought in combat, yet calls for war, is not someone who is basing their statements in fact or logic. So why would I continue a discussion with you?

i call on nobody to make war. i just refuse to accuse israel of "atrocities" when they have been in constant conflict with these guys since 1967, and engaged in sporadice conflict with that society/religion since it's founding in 700ish AD. Islam's track record for "peace" is very thin, and ragged, nop lace in the world does islam go where they do not bring unrest, violence and hatred for the "kaffir" . even the hindus and buddhists cant co-exist with islam.

Everytime I make mention of the fact that you are a coward,

learn what facts are mister 'no more personal attacks"

which is what someone who has never seen war but calls for it is, you try and give these limpwristed "You're trying to be a toughguy!" speeches.

you make the billy badass remarks and bold statements about your personal prowess in war like a lot of guys i have met. they always find an excuse to drop in their former military service in every conversation, use that presupposed honor as a magic cloak to protect them and their opinions from any criticism, and generally act like they are all Ramboesque former SOG team leaders with a triple blackbelt in every martial art on the planet. unfortunately they all seem to have the same MOS...

Far from it actually. My stance is PEACE. I don't care which side you support, both have blood on their hands. What i've been trying to empart to you these past few days, is the fact that if Israel wants to try to claim the moral highground against what you call "terrorists" then it has to conduct itself accordingly.

the moral highground wins battles in the press. unfortunately hamas and hezzbollah dont count ther successes in facebook Likes or twitter followers. they prefer a bodycount. the only way to fight them is to actually fight them, and israel has done it with LESS collateral damage than the US ever has managed in an occupation.

Respect is giving, not earned.

uhhh riiiiight... i think you got that backwards, but then it would explain a lot.

I hope that the results of Arafat's toxscreen come back negative for polonium210. Because if Mossad had a traceable hand in killing him, then we will all be in for a long winter. And before you start flying off the handle and shitting your pants, yes, Arafat was a combatant and his death is not something I care much about. It is the ripple of chaos that will ensue, atop the lake of blood currently in the process being spilled, that worries me. Blood doesn't wash off blood, it just opens the door for more to spill.

arafat was a crooked profiteer and misery pimp. he only receives favorable comparisons when lined up alongside stalin pol pot and chariman mao. i dont care if mossad tortured him to death with celine dion records and john travolta movies. his death was well deserved.

Your Quran link is completely bogus.

this link?

because as stated, this is from the hadith NOT the koran. also as stated i have no desirte to wade through that shitty poorly crafted 7th century fanfiction again. it is also NOT bogus at all. claiming it is bogus shows you are in fact COMPLETELY FULL OF SHIT!

I wouldn't be surprised if that translator also sold "Bibles" in Baghdad. I don't know if you are familiar with the Old Testament or not, but it's got some pretty interesting material in there too. Maybe try citing that sometime, might give you a little perspective on the fact that ALL RELIGIONS ARE NUTTY.

that translator is in fact the site operator, or in his own words:

"All questions and answers on this site have been prepared, approved, revised, edited, amended or annotated by Shaykh Muhammad Saalih al-Munajjid, the supervisor of this site. "

You keep writing off Breivik as an "extremist", but then can't turn back around and apply the same scope to Palestinians/arabs in general. If you honestly believe in your heart that one race of people is by definition morally superior to another based off of their faith or is justified in kill another because of that faith, then this entire conversation was pointless because your understanding of humanity is flawed beyong repair. Arabs want what we want, the chance to raise their kids. And yet, because of the vocal calls to jihad trumpeted by a decent-size yet still minority faction within the Islamic (notice there IS a difference between the two, arabs and muslims) community, you call all arabs murderers. What if everyone viewed Christians'/white people through the lense of the Westboro flock, or said that we must all be killers like Breivik? You'd be offended even if you aren't a Christian because you would feel like you were being lumped in with them because you are a white western male. That outrage by association is what groups like Hamas fill their ranks with, because they are the only available avenue to vent against perceived wrongs.

breivik was a solo nutcase. hamas hezzbollah and the al aqsa brigade are NOT solo nutcases they are organised nutcases with websites, tv stations, radio programs, recruiting posts, bomb factoeries, rocket factories, financial enterprises, and a surprisingly broad level of popular support in the moslem world. repeating the fictionm that moslem extremism is rare does not make it true. likewise the actions of charlie manson do not in any way balance negate, justify or even excuse the actions of yasser arafat, or even Idi Amin (who was also a cannibal)

A side note from earlier too; Seperation of Church and State, though not a directly mandated and outlined concept, has been a guiding principle of this nation since it's founding. For you to argue differently is just sad. You sound like those people who say this is a "Christian Nation"..this is a Free Nation. Does it have problems? You bet. But the answer is certainly not establishing a Judeo-Christian oligarchy (I know, you weren't calling for that right? Well, taking any religion above another is doing exactly that in a sense).

the wall of separation between church and state is NOT a founding principle. up till the early 1900's many states still had official state religions. the prohibition on religious tests for office is a founding principle, but it includes a prohibition on disqualification by holding ANY religious views, not just unpopular ones. this includes protection for athiests, as well as protection for memebrs of religions FROM atheists.
also, i think you mean Theocracy, not oligarchy. oligarchy is rule by finance or moneyed interests.

If you don't believe in defending what this nation stands for, why were you in a rush to join up gramps? Wanted to blast on some Iraqis for kicks?

i dont have to justify myself to you. my reasons are my own, and you havent earned access to that information.

My final thought is this;

You can, and undoubtedly will, copy paste and time waste your way into some snoody "TYPICAL, NOW THEY DON'T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT!" mantra. Honestly? I no longer see a point in trying to convert anyone, i've learned my lesson there. I will simply sit back now and watch as you dig yourself deeper and deeper in the shitpit you've made. From start to finish, you have come out against peace. Why? Because you are uneducated about war and it's true horrors. Maybe if bombs start going off if your neighborhood, or you get to see the results of one of these "tactical strikes" in the form of twisted and mangled bodies you will understand. Maybe the true fear of knowing death is an ever-present constant, poised to grip you anytime, will allow you some clarity and insight into the minds of the people you have so dismissvely written off as "barbarians". Perhaps if a couple of your children were killed and chalked up to "collateral damages" you might view things differently.

Why would all these people, most of whom live in completely different corners of the globe and come from all different walks of life, all come out with a unified message of outrage in response to your screed? Because you go against the cause of human decency and equality. I don't care what you choose to site or how you choose to spin these words, because what you have said over the course of this discussion as a whole highlights your character much more vibrantly than any last-hour fabricated summerization would. Everyone on here can see your true color.

I wish you well in whatever course the short remainder of your live takes you. I hope that eventually you are able to overcome whatever unfortunate occurances brought you to this bitter point. Other then that though, I hope you gain some insight into the human experience outside of your own comfort zone. I don't think you are necessarily a bad person. In fact, if I met you in real life i'm sure we would find common ground over a joint or 3. But I can not, and will not, sit by and say nothing when someone like you calls for the blood of the young to be spilled for the causes of the old. I do not believe in Christianity, but I think one of the most redeeming messages it ever imparted was the "Treat others as you would wish to be treated.." mentality. If more people stuck to that, we might have a shot at making it to the 2100's.

blah blah blah... and i still do not indulge in copy/paste save in specific short quotes for refernce and accuracy.


Active Member
blah blah blah... and i still do not indulge in copy/paste save in specific short quotes for refernce and accuracy.
Yes, I did mean respect is earned. Thanks for trying to nitpick out of an entire page of post because your points aren't valid.

Breivik, Hamas, Mossad. Different religions, same end results. Innocent people dead. Stop trying to vary from the overall message by splitting hairs. People from all faiths are capable of horrendous acts of violence against their fellow man. If you want examples of groups lets look at the Nazis, the KKK (who define themselves as Christians), or the Westboro Baptists. Do you stand by any of them? Of course not, because they are inherently foul and disagreeble even from a hypothetical standpoint. Stop trying to act like muslims are evil by nature, you've been brainwashed by the 24hr News Cycle trying to scare you because communism no longer has the same punch it used to when thrown in headlines.

I never said I was any good in combat as I am not trained, I just said that due to my age and the fact that I do not suffer from any physical deformities or injuries (like that one you suffered to your vagina while playing field hockey or whatever it was) it would be me, my brothers, my cousins, my friends', the people I went to school with that would serve. Those are the people who would be fighting if a war broke out. We are the ones who would be called in to defend this nation or it allies if conflict were to arise and that is why I am Pro-Peace in most cases. Because if you want us to fight and die, it better be a damn good reason. Not some trumped up bullshit. You being old and infirm means you are a nonfactor when talking about war, because you would not be called on to fight. Ever. Seriously though, nobody wants to see a picture of your granddad in the Sailors costume he used to wear for Halloween man, even if he does look goofy peelin potatoes. Save it for next October.

And a Judeo-Christian OLIGARCHY is exactly what I meant (oligarchies are not just limited to financial control either, they pertain to a small ruling class that can be derived from wealth, power, family ties, or royal pedigree). When you put one religion above others, how can you expect a system to be impartial and fair? Your putting a caste system in effect essentially.

You mentioned "official state religions" being a policy back at the turn of the 1900's...we also have state birds and flowers but no one seems to give much of a shit about those anymore either. Any claim you make about Christianity having a place in politics puts you in line with people who call for Sharia Law, because you are trying to force your beliefs on people. If YOU want to practice Christianity and it's principles, then by all means do. But the government should be above religion. A secular society is an educated society, which is important if we plan on keeping pace with the changing global power structure. And I do not condone the US killing civilians during an occupation either. I think innocent people dying is fucked up no matter who is doing the shooting, is this something we agree on or no?

You DO have to justify yourself to me Kynes. You really do. Because as far as I can tell, you can't hold your own in this discussion without playing the "YOU'RE TRYING TO BE A TOUGHGUY!" card. Seriously bro, if I said you could beat me arm wrestling would that be enough to unhurt your feelings? Can we get on to the part where you admit that you never have nor never will be in a war, so calling for people to fight and die is kinda foolish? It's like someone whose never been swimming trying to give scuba lessons. So stttaaaaaahhhhp it, cus it's not an attack when it's true.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Yes, I did mean respect is earned. Thanks for trying to nitpick out of an entire page of post because your points aren't valid.

Breivik, Hamas, Mossad. Different religions, same end results. Innocent people dead. Stop trying to vary from the overall message by splitting hairs. People from all faiths are capable of horrendous acts of violence against their fellow man. If you want examples of groups lets look at the Nazis, the KKK (who define themselves as Christians), or the Westboro Baptists. Do you stand by any of them? Of course not, because they are inherently foul and disagreeble even from a hypothetical standpoint. Stop trying to act like muslims are evil by nature, you've been brainwashed by the 24hr News Cycle trying to scare you because communism no longer has the same punch it used to when thrown in headlines.

I never said I was any good in combat as I am not trained, I just said that due to my age and the fact that I do not suffer from any physical deformities or injuries (like that one you suffered to your vagina while playing field hockey or whatever it was) it would be me, my brothers, my cousins, my friends', the people I went to school with that would serve. Those are the people who would be fighting if a war broke out. We are the ones who would be called in to defend this nation or it allies if conflict were to arise and that is why I am Pro-Peace in most cases. Because if you want us to fight and die, it better be a damn good reason. Not some trumped up bullshit. You being old and infirm means you are a nonfactor when talking about war, because you would not be called on to fight. Ever. Seriously though, nobody wants to see a picture of your granddad in the Sailors costume he used to wear for Halloween man, even if he does look goofy peelin potatoes. Save it for next October.

And a Judeo-Christian OLIGARCHY is exactly what I meant (oligarchies are not just limited to financial control either, they pertain to a small ruling class that can be derived from wealth, power, family ties, or royal pedigree). When you put one religion above others, how can you expect a system to be impartial and fair? Your putting a caste system in effect essentially.

You mentioned "official state religions" being a policy back at the turn of the 1900's...we also have state birds and flowers but no one seems to give much of a shit about those anymore either. Any claim you make about Christianity having a place in politics puts you in line with people who call for Sharia Law, because you are trying to force your beliefs on people. If YOU want to practice Christianity and it's principles, then by all means do. But the government should be above religion. A secular society is an educated society, which is important if we plan on keeping pace with the changing global power structure. And I do not condone the US killing civilians during an occupation either. I think innocent people dying is fucked up no matter who is doing the shooting, is this something we agree on or no?

You DO have to justify yourself to me Kynes. You really do. Because as far as I can tell, you can't hold your own in this discussion without playing the "YOU'RE TRYING TO BE A TOUGHGUY!" card. Seriously bro, if I said you could beat me arm wrestling would that be enough to unhurt your feelings? Can we get on to the part where you admit that you never have nor never will be in a war, so calling for people to fight and die is kinda foolish? It's like someone whose never been swimming trying to give scuba lessons. So stttaaaaaahhhhp it, cus it's not an attack when it's true.
imma keep this short, since "nit picking" is only allowed when youre doin it.

i volunteered. my football injury kept me out despite several attempts to join. even the airforce didnt want anybody at that time (the clinton drawdown)
official state religions was not like having a state flower. it determined the offical state holidays, the preferred liturgy before and after sessions of the legislature, and generally gave the state a flavour based on the preferred religion.
i dont force my religion on anybody. im not a fucking christian. there you go again with the unfounded baseless and incorrect assumptions.

refusing to condemn israel for their military actions IN DEFENSE of their nation in a military occupation zone STILL DOES NOT EQUATE TO CALLING FOR WAR!!

and finally no. i have no need to justify myself to you, you are not as i initially assumed, a misinformed "media consumer" who has swallowed the party line and jumped on the "israel is bad mmm'kay" bandwagon.
you are a shallow thinker with a preference for "peace at any cost, no matter the sacrifice". in other words, a dimwit peacenik which is particularly hilarious since YOU will not be the one making sacrifices, the israelis get to sacrifice for your dream of peace, and you have the chutzpah to call me a chicken hawk. ohh the irony. so thick, so rich, so creamy.


Active Member
imma keep this short, since "nit picking" is only allowed when youre doin it.

i volunteered. my football injury kept me out despite several attempts to join. even the airforce didnt want anybody at that time (the clinton drawdown)
official state religions was not like having a state flower. it determined the offical state holidays, the preferred liturgy before and after sessions of the legislature, and generally gave the state a flavour based on the preferred religion.
i dont force my religion on anybody. im not a fucking christian. there you go again with the unfounded baseless and incorrect assumptions.

refusing to condemn israel for their military actions IN DEFENSE of their nation in a military occupation zone STILL DOES NOT EQUATE TO CALLING FOR WAR!!

and finally no. i have no need to justify myself to you, you are not as i initially assumed, a misinformed "media consumer" who has swallowed the party line and jumped on the "israel is bad mmm'kay" bandwagon.
you are a shallow thinker with a preference for "peace at any cost, no matter the sacrifice". in other words, a dimwit peacenik which is particularly hilarious since YOU will not be the one making sacrifices, the israelis get to sacrifice for your dream of peace, and you have the chutzpah to call me a chicken hawk. ohh the irony. so thick, so rich, so creamy.

Are you REALLY this naive, or are you just trying to make friends? If the conflict in Gaza escalates (which by all accounts it is and will), what is to stop it from spreading? And if to does spread, where does that leave us? Do you really think if a full-on regional war breaks out that we won't be involved in one way or another? C'mon man, you're too old for this kinda shit.

You're not a Christian, but you think Christianity has a place in politics?'s that workin out for ya?

And all the "duties" you just mentioned that state religion performed have either become antiquated/unnecessary or absolved by the federal. So why would it be a relevent concept now? Horses and Bayonets brought to the homefront, hahaha.

And my condeming Israeli murder of Palestinian civilians is NOT A CALL TO DISARM. I can use big fonts too, did it get the point across or was it just annoying? :roll:...I say, for the MILLIONTH TIME, that ANY nation who conducts preemptive raids that result in the deaths of civilians is no better than a terrorist organization. You can't adjust and reapply rules to meet you ends Kynes, figure it out. The rules of engagement must be respected if you wish to retain credibility.

Seriously, stop whining about your football injury. If you were useless then, chances are not much has changed other than you're older and fatter. And nobody made mention of a draft here bud, I already know the powers-that-be would not place a draft because it would have people out in the streets. But the area where i'm originally from (NNY) is a rural place with low employment and high patriotism, so when the call goes out it's people from my area that answer. 10th Mtn. Div is located nearby and we take great pride in the history of service represented in our region. I am not by any means a mindless Peacebot, I recognize there is a time for talk and a time for action. But that action must come after ALL POSSIBLE avenues of discourse have been exhausted. Death is not an acceptable option unless Dialogue is out of the question. Agree or disagree?

And you are a Chickenhawk man, embrace it. Buy some feathers and a beak.

PS- After you were found to be unfit for duty, what did you do? Did you volunteer your time with Vet organizations? Donate to any causes that benefit the families of fallen soldiers? Or did you simply throw up your hands and say that attempting to put in your name (during a time when there was no pressing engagement no less) was enough to justify your views?