Isopropyl Alcohol 99.9% (Suitable for extraction?)

Yeah but look at all the trouble you have to go through with BHO. Lot easier just to open a bottle and pour some alcohol through the column. Using cold alcohol there's virtually no wax picked up so no winterizing required. With BHO, you have to redissolve it in alcohol anyway to get the wax out. Might as well have just extracted with alcohol in the first place and saved your butane money. Lots of videos show iso shatter that looks pretty similar to BHO shatter to me.
Why would there be wax in BHO? Not the way I do it. I shoot it directly into a Pyrex dish.
Why would there be wax in BHO? Not the way I do it. I shoot it directly into a Pyrex dish.
Butane extraction picks up small amounts of plant waxes and lipids, even with super low temps you will have some. You can dewax in a closed loop to eliminate the need for a secondary solvent. You could also use a Büchner funnel connected to a -29.9 vacuum chamber, but would need to chill your butane/wax solution in a cooler with dry ice for an hour or two for the waxes to precipitate (all outdoors). However the setup costs quite a bit more than what you would use to do qwiso.
Did you know that THCA, the natural form of THC as it's found in the fresh plant, is a polar compound? Being a carboxylic acid it would have to be. To make it more soluble in nonpolar solvents, like butane, you would have to "protonate" it with a protic acid, like HCL. But for that to happen it would have to already be in solution, so it's sort of a catch 22 situation. So it may be better to use a solvent with some polarity, like an alcohol or ester like ethyl acetate. However, if you decarbed the material before extraction it would then be less polar.

Since there's no real drawback to decarbed extracts, aside from possibly faster degradation, it might be worth doing. But you wouldn't get shatter from THC, because it doesn't glass up like that, stays gooey. But does that really matter, aside from making it easier to handle? It may actually be more potent too, because decarbing by smoking is probably more wasteful than slow decarbing with an oven or whatever. I doubt if it all decarbs in that instant. Maybe but maybe not, I don't know. Anybody ever try a decarbed extract? If so, did you notice a difference?
I posted somewhere that iso produces a cleaner effect than ethanol when drank. I'd read that somewhere long ago. Just doing a search about it recently I found some accounts of people who tried it. They said it's about 4 times the strength of ethanol, burns more going down and produces more nausea and hangover. You also breath out acetone for a day after (its metabolite).

So I wouldn't recommend anyone drink it, but the LD50 is only about 10% less than ethanol's, meaning 10% more toxic. Just don't drink the stuff and you're fine. No way you'd inhale enough vapor to reach toxic levels unless you shut yourself in a small room with a bunch of vapor. As a solvent, probably superior to ethanol due to lower polarity.
I posted somewhere that iso produces a cleaner effect than ethanol when drank. I'd read that somewhere long ago. Just doing a search about it recently I found some accounts of people who tried it. They said it's about 4 times the strength of ethanol, burns more going down and produces more nausea and hangover. You also breath out acetone for a day after (its metabolite).

So I wouldn't recommend anyone drink it, but the LD50 is only about 10% less than ethanol's, meaning 10% more toxic. Just don't drink the stuff and you're fine. No way you'd inhale enough vapor to reach toxic levels unless you shut yourself in a small room with a bunch of vapor. As a solvent, probably superior to ethanol due to lower polarity.
One big difference is that by vaporizing any alcohol it does not have to pass through the liver, and will damage you much faster than you know. coming to conclusions based off of what you think could end up with people getting hurt. Again wouldn't r commend ISO as a solvent. If you really was the 99% purity get some 200 proof grape alcohol. You would be suprised at the amount of home DIY'ers that do not properly purge their products. "Probably superior" to ethanol, I've gotten much more amber looking wax from everclear than I usually get greenish yellow from iso. Then again that was years ago, and I wouldn't touch either as a solvent anymore.
One big difference is that by vaporizing any alcohol it does not have to pass through the liver, and will damage you much faster than you know. coming to conclusions based off of what you think could end up with people getting hurt. Again wouldn't r commend ISO as a solvent. If you really was the 99% purity get some 200 proof grape alcohol. You would be suprised at the amount of home DIY'ers that do not properly purge their products. "Probably superior" to ethanol, I've gotten much more amber looking wax from everclear than I usually get greenish yellow from iso. Then again that was years ago, and I wouldn't touch either as a solvent anymore.
I actually never extracted with ethanol so I can't compare the products. No Everclear where I live, or anything similar.

Yeah I guess vapor would be worse than liquid, toxicity-wise. But how much vapor would there be? Unless you were crazy and heated it to evaporate inside your home, with no ventilation, it wouldn't be any higher than when you rub it all over your fucking body, as it's usually sold for, now would it? Besides that, you can actually absorb solvents through the skin. Do you think the FDA would allow iso to be sold for "rubbing" if it was particularly dangerous? Anyway, others can use whatever they want. I'm good with iso myself. Not dead yet and the product seems fine to me.

Really ethyl acetate would probably be the best all around extraction solvent. Lower polarity than alcohol, about half, and not very miscible with water, so if you used still moist material it couldn't get inside as easily as alcohols to extract chlorophyll and leaf oil. Just harder to get and more costly. BTW amyl acetate smells like bananas, so if you used that the worst anyone would notice is a nice banana flavor/smell if there was residue. It's found in such foods naturally so how bad could it be?
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I've tried all types of alcohols, but none of them compare to Everclear. When i use EC i consistently get that golden honey look and clean taste. I literally just finished a small run with 7 grams of decent trim within the last hour. I use Meletta coffee filters, rinse and swirl/shake hard for 20 seconds in a ball 24 ounce glass jar with two piece jar lid. So i can screw on the nut part of the lid with the coffee filter covering the jars open mouth. Then I pour the liquid from the glass jar through the filter into a yet another shallow wide mouth pyrex jar as to seperate from the plant material. Takes about 3 to 4 minutes to get all the liquid completely filtered out. Put my electric stove on medium low, fill a medium size pot with water enough to come up 3/4 of the way on the pyrex. Let it chill open mouth evaporating until all that is left is thick oil. This usually takes me about 30 to 45 mins to get done depending on the amount. After the alcohol is evaporated, pull out the jar and cover it with one coffee filter. Let it set in a cool dark place for a day. And voila this is what i get i.e. like on run today. The consistency of alcohol extracts is what im not fond of, theyre usually sappy when i do it. However, im ok with it. The taste is amazing, i think it smells just dank, but my wife says it smells exactly like grapes. Either way it gets you blasted. 20170702_190412.jpg
Using the rice cooker method with 94% grain alcohol, then 120deg C in the oven to finish it off... Just wondering if it's normal to end up with a bit of solid residue among the oil, it's like wax. Did not get this when I used to use 99.9% ISO before.
I really hate when an RSO ISO thread turns into a a qwiso conversation or a conversation about making smokable products. Every time.
Hello everyone, I have worked for the biggest medical cannabis company in the state I live in, as a supervisor for over two years now. And I would like to say iso 99% alcohol is not the way to go. I mean it can be used but it is not safe and we got a surprise visit from DOH to see what we use to extract for our carts. We use ethanol food grade. Another company got fined for using 99% isopropyl alcohol because it got people violently ill that smoked their carts. If you can’t find or can’t afford ethanol…. Ever clear is the next best thing…. Just thought I would put that out there.
Hello everyone, I have worked for the biggest medical cannabis company in the state I live in, as a supervisor for over two years now. And I would like to say iso 99% alcohol is not the way to go. I mean it can be used but it is not safe and we got a surprise visit from DOH to see what we use to extract for our carts. We use ethanol food grade. Another company got fined for using 99% isopropyl alcohol because it got people violently ill that smoked their carts. If you can’t find or can’t afford ethanol…. Ever clear is the next best thing…. Just thought I would put that out there.
So what I'm hearing is you want to provide all of us with a cheap reliable source of food grade ethanol then? Great, I'll send a check and my address then. You da man. Thanks
Hello everyone, I have worked for the biggest medical cannabis company in the state I live in, as a supervisor for over two years now. And I would like to say iso 99% alcohol is not the way to go. I mean it can be used but it is not safe and we got a surprise visit from DOH to see what we use to extract for our carts. We use ethanol food grade. Another company got fined for using 99% isopropyl alcohol because it got people violently ill that smoked their carts. If you can’t find or can’t afford ethanol…. Ever clear is the next best thing…. Just thought I would put that out there.
yeah, isopropyl in carts is not permitted as far as I've read. The FDA does permit Isopropyl for human consumption in very limited applications, this is not one of them.
Well actually i did stumble on something innovative. I'm not trying to sit here and take credit for passing tincture through a filter. That's many years ago. I just hear alot about shitty qwiso. The product is obviously much purer than initially and lacks all green pigment. Obviously my camera has not done this justice. And as for it being outdoors to evaporate, it has been covered with many layers of paper towels since the start of evaporation. This is to prevent the solution from condensing water and block the sun light. Give me a break, this is for personal use. If you're a practicing chemist with any formal education i hightly doubt you would stoop to learn about hash making from "some guys who posted a thread on some blog website".

Ok how about this picture, i took it under cover and out of sight of any greenery reflections.View attachment 3687483

So I wanna get this right. You ran your QWISO through an air purifier filter and it separated all the green chlorophyll? Sounds like what people are able to accomplish with the CRC method. But that uses clay and some other powders for the filtration. Lots of people don't like it because it can remove terps and other valuable things. Did you notice any less terps or potency after this process?

I'm about to do a QWISO run myself. Personally I like the green color, call it Hippie Hash RSO. But it ain't what the masses wanna see. So this time I'll be attempting an amber or clear final product. My plan is to set my green ethanol jars in the sunlight for a hour or so.. Then winterize through my 3-5 micron Buchner glass funnel and filter. Heard that can get rid of Chlorophyll as well. Plus no removal of any valuable components, only refined to a purer level!
Extractohol ,simple test take a mirror and put some of the iso on it, guaranteed even 99.9% iso will leave a white residue, this is biproducts in the alcohol. It's denatured with other chemicals to prevent people from drinking it I'm pretty sure.. I would use a product similar to Extractohol or I know shopbvv sells some alcohol meant for extractions.. ISO is sketchy it's not designed for ingestion..
It's denatured with other chemicals to prevent people from drinking it I'm pretty sure..
99.9% iso alcohol is used for things where you dont want any residue when it evaporates. Like cleaning circuit boards etc. It is not denatured.
Denaturing is done , like you said, to prevent people from drinking ethanol that is made for other uses. For example fuel alcohol.

I'm about to do a QWISO run myself. Personally I like the green color,
QWISO stands for quick wash. If you are actually doing a quick wash with frozen material and cold iso, you shouldnt have any green in your concentrate.
I used to grind the buds. Which pretty much made the quick wash impossible. These nug QWISO runs are coming out yellow and amber with no green. Seems to be way lacking on the tinctures, compared to all the BHO I've done!