Since the changes (erosion, radioactive decay, cosmic ray impacts) cannot be reversed, I'd say that the two are the same. cn"Indication of getting older". But they are not "aging".
Look up "Rock cycles" it IS reversed OVER AND OVER. (Edit:And "Star cycles")Since the changes (erosion, radioactive decay, cosmic ray impacts) cannot be reversed, I'd say that the two are the same. cn
There is evidence of possible weapons with power similar to today's on THIS planet. In the Rig Veda (first human text) these weapons are described. And there are sheets of glass in the desert that may be remnants of blasts from ancient bombs. I'm not saying this is for sure, but even just here there are stories and evidence of at time , you do realise theres worlds out there who could have allready been through nucleur war
measurement is a complex thing how hard would it be to measure a length of string?On a related note. Had a chemistry professor back in college who asked us a question. "How long is a meter?" Or something like that, I'm baked. People answered and then he asked why a meter was ____ long. Noone answered. And he just said "because we say it's that long"
Obvious answer but it makes you think about all these measurements we make
I wish I could remember it exactly, but if you think about it it applies
you guys, seriously, just watch this video
the most important thing that anyone can spend their time learning about
The story I half-remember is that when scientists and engineers came together to reform weights and measures, the meter was one-forty-millionth of the Earth's circumference at the equator. They agreed on a value, then realized (substantiated) that value by making an I-beam of solid platinum/iridiumOn a related note. Had a chemistry professor back in college who asked us a question. "How long is a meter?" Or something like that, I'm baked. People answered and then he asked why a meter was ____ long. Noone answered. And he just said "because we say it's that long"
Obvious answer but it makes you think about all these measurements we make
I wish I could remember it exactly, but if you think about it it applies
so because we live in 3D - the 2nd and 1st dimensions "are no more?" I'm pretty sure I can move left/right , up/down, and in/out....Time is an construct of this 3rd dimension reality. When we move to 4D and above time is no more
Cells reproduce and deteriorate.So if time is non-existent how are some people older than others and some people are younger than others? Serious question BTW.
cells reproduce and deteriiorate over..... time.Cells reproduce and deteriorate.